I met Dr. Roy Sieber in 1965, during my senior year at Hampton Institute (now Hampton University). He was on campus to give lectures about African art and culture to Peace Corps Volunteers destined to serve in Africa. As a non-PCV, I could not attend those lectures. Instead, we met at the College Museum1 where I had been a student assistant since my freshman year. Evert Johnson, director of the museum, had invited his good friend and African art expert to evaluate the African art collection. Although I was familiar with the collection, I had little understanding of the importance, especially of the Kuba materials given by William Henry Sheppard (Figs. 1–2). I assisted Dr. Sieber during his visit and in the process developed a greater appreciation for and understanding of the artworks. This encounter cemented my desire to work in a museum and began...
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Autumn 2017
September 01 2017
Remembering Roy Sieber (1923–2001)
Roslyn Adele Walker
Roslyn Adele Walker
Roslyn Adele Walker is the Interim Chief Curator and Sr. Curator, the Arts of Africa, the Americas, and the Pacific, at the Margaret McDermott Curator of African Art, Dallas Museum of Art. [email protected]
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Roslyn Adele Walker
Roslyn Adele Walker is the Interim Chief Curator and Sr. Curator, the Arts of Africa, the Americas, and the Pacific, at the Margaret McDermott Curator of African Art, Dallas Museum of Art. [email protected]
Online ISSN: 1937-2108
Print ISSN: 0001-9933
© 2017 by the Regents of the University of California.
The Regents of the University of California
African Arts (2017) 50 (3): 22–29.
Roslyn Adele Walker; Remembering Roy Sieber (1923–2001). African Arts 2017; 50 (3): 22–29. doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/AFAR_a_00354
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