The West African proverb “Sankofa,” which means to “return to the root,” expresses the approach and perspective of Africa in Florida in terms of understanding cultural heritage, historical significance and contemporary interpretations of African influences. Africa in Florida, edited by Amanda B. Carlson and Robin Poynor, is a modern and inspiring text comprising eighteen essays written or cowritten by twenty different authors. Much of the research is original and presented by scholars who are experts in the fields of art history, anthropology, history, and religious studies.

The study's well-developed essays are grouped into five parts. Part I, “Introducing Africa in Florida,” discusses Africa and its connection to the forthcoming analysis of four historical periods, the antebellum, Civil War, Jim Crow, and civil rights periods. Part II, “Seeking Freedom in and out of Florida,” provides a historical review of African captives and slavery, an examination of beadwork and black townships...

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