The identity of the bird of prophecy depicted on Benin ideophones is enigmatic. The iconic brass castings of this bird serve as a reminder of the Benin-Idah War of ca. 1515–1517 and offer one of the visual props of that event among the do (Bini) who inhabit what is now do State in southern Nigeria. As a commemorative icon the bird of prophecy ideophone is used at Ugie r (Festival of the Bird of Prophecy). Senior chiefs clack a brass casting of the bird to commemorate the war and honor the ba of Benin. The Uzama chiefs clack an ivory horseback figure that could be the Atah of Idah, as I wrote in one essay (Nevadomsky 1986) or the do (Bini) king as I wrote in another (Nevadomsky 1993). This ceremony occurs over a period of several weeks just before the rainy season.

The oral traditions...

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