Christraud Geary's Postcards from Africa: Photographers of the Colonial Era, is the latest book by one of the world's specialists of photography in Africa. As one of the pioneers of the discipline, Geary has laid out the foundations for a less binary and more complex reading of colonial era's images, one that recognizes nuanced power dynamics. She applies it here with brio and precision to one of the most versatile photographic objects: the postcard. Based on the Leonard A. Lauder Postcard Archive from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the geographical scope of the book follows the contours of former French, German, and British empires and the routes followed by anonymous or now well-known European and African photographers: Edmond-François Fortier, Casimir Zagourski, Jean Audema, and Alex A. Acolatse, among others. Since Geary's first foray into an exploration of the postcard medium, Delivering Views: Distant Cultures in Early Postcards,...
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Spring 2020
January 01 2020
Postcards From Africa : Photographers of the Colonial Era, Selections from the Leonard A. Lauder Postcard Archive by Christraud M. Geary
Postcards From Africa : Photographers of the Colonial Era, Selections from the Leonard A. Lauder Postcard Archive
by Christraud M.
: MFA Publications, Museum of Fine Arts
, 2018
. 148 pp. 110 color ill. $45.00 hardcover
Sandrine Colard
Sandrine Colard
Sandrine Colard is an assistant professor of African art at Rutgers University-Newark. [email protected]
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Sandrine Colard
Sandrine Colard is an assistant professor of African art at Rutgers University-Newark. [email protected]
Online ISSN: 1937-2108
Print ISSN: 0001-9933
© 2020 by the Regents of the University of California.
The Regents of the University of California
African Arts (2020) 53 (1): 93–94.
Sandrine Colard; Postcards From Africa : Photographers of the Colonial Era, Selections from the Leonard A. Lauder Postcard Archive by Christraud M. Geary. African Arts 2020; 53 (1): 93–94. doi:
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