It was in Kumasi that most of Ghana's significant artists and curators of the millennial generation and their cotravellers had their epiphany. Bernard Akoi-Jackson, Adwoa Amoah, Ibrahim Mahama, Rita Fatric Bewong, Kelvin Haizel, Selasi Awusi Sosu, Robin Riskin, Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh (IUB), Gideon Appah, Larry Amponsah, Jeremiah Quarshie, Adjo Kisser, Patrick Tagoe-Turkson, Patrick Quarm, Yaw Owusu, Bright Ackwerh, Tracy Naa Koshie Thompson, Benjamin Okantey, Issah Alhassan, Emmanuel Opoku Manu, Priscilla Kennedy, the Asafo Black Collective, and Vabene Elikem Fiatsi (crazinisT artisT) are a few examples. The list is still growing, the range of interests, formats, media, and attitudes is ever expanding; their influence is being felt in Ghana's capital cities and international circuits of contemporary art. More women and cultural and ethnic minorities are beginning to take their place in the unfolding ethos.1 New paradigms of the artist-subject are emerging. These include variations of a social form Jean-Luc Nancy designates...
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Summer 2021
May 03 2021
Transforming Art from Commodity to Gift: kąrî’kạchä seid'ou's Silent Revolution in the Kumasi College of Art
Edwin Bodjawah
Kwaku Boafo Kissiedu (Castro)
George Ampratwum (Buma)
Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh
Dorothy Amenuke
Michael Adashie
Ibrahim Mahama
Adjo Kisser
Billie McTernan
Bernard Akoi-Jackson
Kezia Owusu-Ankomah
Selom Kujie
Robin Riskin
Tracy Naa Koshie Thompson
Online ISSN: 1937-2108
Print ISSN: 0001-9933
© 2021 by the Regents of the University of California
Regents of the University of California
African Arts (2021) 54 (2): 22–35.
Edwin Bodjawah, Kwaku Boafo Kissiedu (Castro), George Ampratwum (Buma), Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh, Dorothy Amenuke, Michael Adashie, Ibrahim Mahama, Adjo Kisser, Billie McTernan, Bernard Akoi-Jackson, Kezia Owusu-Ankomah, Selom Kujie, Robin Riskin, Tracy Naa Koshie Thompson; Transforming Art from Commodity to Gift: kąrî’kạchä seid'ou's Silent Revolution in the Kumasi College of Art. African Arts 2021; 54 (2): 22–35. doi:
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