in conversational dialogue
This text and image contribution is a conversation between Dorothy Akpene Amenuke and Bernard Akoi-Jackson, contemporary Ghanaian artists, whose bodies of work straddle the academy and the field in almost equal measure. On the one hand, it focuses on their respective artistic praxes, exploring the actual and potential relationships between them, and on the other, investigates their pedagogical strategies and how their approaches to work influence their teaching and other forms of knowledge dissemination. The text emanates from a two-way interview between the artists and is punctuated by anecdotes about, and photographs of, their work ranging between the years 2014 to 2019. Themes that are tackled include, but are not limited to, collaboration, materials, techniques, and aesthetic concerns.
Bernard Akoi-Jackson (BA-J): Much has been discussed about your production strategies and the way you invite different groups of people into your studio to help with aspects of the...