The issues raised by de Greef, Goncalves, and Jansen (2021) hit a chord with me as a Kenyan woman who loves the art of body adornment, particularly Goncalves's reference to the learning and unlearning involved in her daily existence about herself, from hairstyle choices to which language one speaks. From a young age I have often wondered where my own historical context lies when it comes to fashion. I grew up in several parts of Kenya, where I met and interacted with children from various communities, including those that wore traditional fashion and those that didn't. This was one of the things that inspired me to create OwnYourCulture, an online platform decolonizing fashion through traditional jewelry. In this virtual community, users post photos and stories of themselves dressed in traditional fashion emphasizing their relevance in contemporary fashion. Kenya is a country of very diverse regional communities, each with a strong...

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