Thoroughly researched and thoughtfully written, Christopher L. Richards's 2022 Cosmopolitanism and Women's Fashion in Ghana: History, Artistry and Nationalist Inspirations documents the sartorial expressions of Accra's fashionistas. Ghana's fashion world, which the author has worked in and documented since 2009, has been overwhelmingly male dominated, as has fashion internationally. To counter this, Richards highlights the voices, histories, and creations of female designers, particularly those of younger generations whose contributions, though significant, are largely undocumented. However, designers were chosen on nongendered criteria, being deemed the most culturally and artistically significant of the twentieth and twenty-first century. Each demonstrated: 1) documented and sustained success locally and globally; 2) the existence of a sufficient array of garments; and 3) a commitment to producing original and innovative designs that engage with Ghanaian dress practice while affirming a cosmopolitan identity. In each of the book's seven chapters, examples and research remind the reader that fashion...

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