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Trading Virtue for Virtuosity: The Artistry of Kinshasa's Concert Danseuses

African Arts (2014) 47 (4): 48–57.
This article has been cited by the following articles in journals that are participating in Crossref Cited-by Linking.
  • Benedetta Morsiani
Fashion Theory (2022) 26 (2): 263.
  • Thomas Hendriks
Africa (2021) 91 (3): 398.
  • Alice Aterianus-Owanga
Recherches en danse (2020) (9)
  • Lesley Braun
Critical African Studies (2019) 11 (1): 103.
  • Laura Steil
Critical African Studies (2019) 11 (1): 121.
  • Lesley Nicole Braun
Afrique contemporaine (2016) n° 254 (2): 110.
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