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An Exhibition Full of Troubling Charms: The Aït Khebbach Carpets at Musée Bargoin, Clermont-Ferrand, France
African Arts (2015) 48 (4): 1–4.
Of Severed Heads and Snuff Boxes: “Survivance” and Beaded Bodies in the Eastern Cape, 1897–1934
African Arts (2015) 48 (4): 22–33.
The Use of Animals in Birth Protection Rituals and Possible Uses of Stone Figurines from the Central Sahel
African Arts (2015) 48 (4): 34–45.
Extensions of the Self: Artistry and Identity in the Headrests and Stools of Southwest Ethiopian Peoples
African Arts (2015) 48 (4): 46–59.
artist interview
“To Preserve the Tradition Well”: An Interview with Mamady Keïta, Master Djembefola of the Malinke
African Arts (2015) 48 (4): 60–71.
exhibition preview
exhibition reviews
Le Maroc Médiéval: Un Empire de l'Afrique à l'Espagne [Medieval Morocco: An Empire from Africa to Spain]
African Arts (2015) 48 (4): 89–91.
book reviews
african art in unusual places
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