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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 30,
Issue 4
Fall 2024

2023 Impact Factor: 1.6 
2023 Google Scholar h5-index: 20
ISSN: 1064-5462
E-ISSN: 1530-9185

Co-Editors-in-Chief: Susan Stepney, Alan Dorin

Artificial Life, launched in the fall of 1993, has become the unifying forum for the exchange of scientific information on the study of artificial systems that exhibit the behavioral characteristics of natural living systems, through the synthesis or simulation using computational (software), robotic (hardware), and/or physicochemical (wetware) means. Each issue features cutting-edge research on artificial life that advances the state-of-the-art of our knowledge about various aspects of living systems. The journal shapes and chronicles the development of artificial life, extending the horizons of biological research beyond life-as-we-know-it and into the domain of life-as-it-could-be.

30th Anniversary Call for Papers

This year, 2024, marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Artificial Life journal. To celebrate, we are currently calling for submissions of original research and review articles for publication that tackle or explore open problems, closed problems, new problems and old problems covering all or any aspects of artificial life over the last 30 years. We shall select a diverse range of refereed articles for inclusion in Volume 30, Issue 1. Other accepted articles will continue to be published in later issues of the volume throughout the year. Please submit your article in the usual manner, and flag it as a potential contribution to this anniversary volume. You may also submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) or brief proposal for feedback via email to the editor.

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