Exploring Discrete Dynamics is a very extended computational and analytic exploration of discrete dynamical systems. The book makes a summary of more than 19 years of results, programming, and research by Andrew Wuensche.
In 1992, at the Santa Fe Institute, Wuensche together with Mike Lesser published the celebrated book in cellular automata theory The Global Dynamics of Cellular Automata [26]. This book introduced a reverse algorithm for cellular automata, and presented an atlas of basin of attraction fields computed by means of the algorithm. Motivated by these results and Kauffman's model of genetic regulatory networks [12], Wuensche subsequently developed new algorithms for random Boolean networks and discrete dynamical networks in general. His achievements have had a great influence on outstanding researchers such as Stuart Kauffman [12], Harold V. McIntosh [18], Andrew Adamatzky [1], and Christopher Langton [26], among...