We start this issue with a research article by Keith L. Downing, “The Evolution of Conformity, Malleability, and Influence in Simulated Online Agents.” The author uses an agent-based model to investigate the potential of positive feedback in personalized recommender systems for driving a population to polarization and conformity.

Following this, we include a series of articles forming a special issue from the LIFELIKE Computing Systems Workshop, held at the Artificial Life conference in Prague/Online, 2021. The workshop was co-organized by Peter Lewis, Anthony Stein, Jean Botev, and Sven Tomforde. Lewis serves here as guest editor of the special issue.

We close this brief editorial to issue 29:4 by noting that our next issue will be the first of volume 30. We will be celebrating 30 years of Artificial Life by hosting several special anniversary articles giving personal perspectives on the history, development, and future of our subject. We are looking...

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