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Winter 2011
ISSN 1064-5462
EISSN 1530-9185
In this Issue
Behavioral Metabolution: The Adaptive and Evolutionary Potential of Metabolism-Based Chemotaxis
Artificial Life (2011) 18 (1): 1–25.
Biological Design Principles of Complex Feedback Modules in the E. coli Ammonia Assimilation System
Artificial Life (2011) 18 (1): 53–90.
Exploring the Roles of Complex Networks in Linguistic Categorization
Artificial Life (2011) 18 (1): 107–121.
Book Reviews
Wetware: A Computer in Every Living Cell. Dennis Bray. (2009, New Haven, London: Yale University Press.) $28 (hardback), 267 pages.
Artificial Life (2011) 18 (1): 123.
Book Review
Flying Insects and Robots. Dario Floreano, Jean-Christophe Zufferey, Mandyam V. Srinivasan, and Charlie Elington (Eds.). (2009, Springer.) $119, 328 pages.
Artificial Life (2011) 18 (1): 125–127.
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