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Summer 2022
ISSN 1064-5462
EISSN 1530-9185
Machines That Feel and Think: The Role of Affective Feelings and Mental Action in (Artificial) General Intelligence
Artificial Life (2022) 28 (3): 289–309.
The Enactive and Interactive Dimensions of AI: Ingenuity and Imagination Through the Lens of Art and Music
Artificial Life (2022) 28 (3): 310–321.
Evolving Modularity in Soft Robots Through an Embodied and Self-Organizing Neural Controller
Artificial Life (2022) 28 (3): 322–347.
An Embodied Intelligence-Based Biologically Inspired Strategy for Searching a Moving Target
Artificial Life (2022) 28 (3): 348–368.
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