Fukunari Kimura started the discussion with the observation that Asia has made large infrastructure improvements in the last five years. Looking forward he agreed with Chia's assessment of the issue and noted that his ERIA research group has also been investigating the question. Kimura argued that the large question to be tackled is the connection between Asian development and connectivity as influenced by the characteristics of Asian integration.

Venkatachalam Anbumozhi complimented Chia's talk for providing an informative and comprehensive analysis of the question. In moving forward with the ADB blueprint, Anbumozhi argued that the most important problem is an implementation deficit. He asked what institutional innovation could do to overcome present barriers. Ding Lu also raised a question, asking how ASEAN countries have reacted to China's Silk Road plan.

Prema-chandra Athukorala made two observations about the potential for increased connectivity. First, Athukorala commented that national airline policies have important implications...

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