Junhui Qian: This paper constructs an interesting multidimensional poverty index (MPI) using the Annual Poverty Indicators Survey of the Philippines. Using the constructed index, the author first analyzes the poverty picture at disaggregated levels (urban versus rural, regions, etc.). Then the paper analyzes the factors contributing to poverty at the household level.
The paper finds that poverty incidence is high overall (15.5 percent), especially in rural areas (23.0 percent). In fact, the aggregate MPI shows 18.2 percent in the urban area and 81.8 percent in the rural area. The rural–urban disparity is highest along the sub-dimension of Household head's education. Furthermore, regional disparities are also striking.
Household-level analysis shows, among other things, that household size has a nonlinear effect on poverty (both the smallest and the extra-large households are associated with a higher likelihood of poverty) and that a household head's education indeed has a significant influence on poverty incidence....