This paper was completed on 18 June 2020, in the midst of the fast-moving pandemic. At the time, the performance of the Asia-Pacific region in suppressing the epidemic was vastly superior to that of the North Atlantic region (including both North America and Western Europe). A half-year more has now passed. Rather than re-writing the paper, I have allowed the original to stand as was written, but add this postscript for an update. The basic message is clear: The early superior results of the Asia-Pacific region were maintained during the second half of 2020. These superior results were neither early anomalies (such as the particular timing of the arrival of the virus) nor temporary successes that were later overwhelmed by events. The accomplishments have persisted, and reflect a superiority of the public health measures undertaken by the governments, and the public's compliance with them, in the Asia-Pacific region compared with...

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