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Summary of General Discussion on “Demographic Changes, Saving, and Current Account in East Asia” by Soyoung Kim and Jong-Wha Lee
Asian Economic Papers (2007) 6 (2): 54.
Export Orientation and Technological Intensities in Auto Parts Firms in East and Southeast Asia: Does Ownership Matter?
Asian Economic Papers (2007) 6 (2): 55–76.
Summary of General Discussion on “Export Orientation and Technological Intensities in Auto Parts Firms in East and Southeast Asia: Does Ownership Matter?” by Rajah Rasiah
Asian Economic Papers (2007) 6 (2): 77–78.
Tax Policy Reform and Economic Performance in New Zealand
Asian Economic Papers (2007) 6 (2): 79–108.
Comments by Kang Chen; and Summary of General Discussion on “Tax Policy Reform and Economic Performance in New Zealand” by Iris Claus
Asian Economic Papers (2007) 6 (2): 109–111.
Further Reform of China’s Pension System: A Realistic Alternative Option to Fully Funded Individual Accounts
Asian Economic Papers (2007) 6 (2): 112–135.
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