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Summary of General Discussion on “Global Financial Turmoil: Impact and Challenges for Asia's Financial Systems”
Asian Economic Papers (2009) 8 (1): 45.
Summary of General Discussion on “The U.S. Financial Market Distress: Policy Lessons for Emerging Markets”
Asian Economic Papers (2009) 8 (1): 67–68.
Economic Integration and Changes in the Business Cycle in East Asia: Is the Region Decoupling from the Rest of the World?
Asian Economic Papers (2009) 8 (1): 107–140.
Summary of General Discussion on “Economic Integration and Changes in the Business Cycle in East Asia: Is the Region Decoupling from the Rest of the World?”
Asian Economic Papers (2009) 8 (1): 150.
Summary of General Discussion on “Technological Capabilities of Automotive Firms in Indonesia and Malaysia”
Asian Economic Papers (2009) 8 (1): 177–178.
Open Statement from the Asian Economic Panel: Toward a Coordinated Macroeconomic Expansion among China, Japan, Korea, and other Asian Economies
Asian Economic Papers (2009) 8 (1): 179–181.
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