Bernard De Koven was a leading game designer and theorist of fun. He was a codirector of the New Games Foundation, a founder of the Games Preserve, the author of the game studies classic
Holly Gramazio is a game designer, curator and writer based in London. She founded Now Play This, a festival of experimental game design, and is particularly interested in the overlap of games, public space, words and history.
Celia Pearce is the author of
Eric Zimmerman is a game designer, game design theorist, and co-founder and CEO of gameLab. He has taught at universities including MIT, the University of Texas, Parsons School of Design, New York University, Rhode Island School of Design, and the School of Visual Arts.
2020. "Introductory", The Infinite Playground: A Player's Guide to Imagination, Bernard De Koven, Holly Gramazio, Celia Pearce, Eric Zimmerman
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