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Ever Smaller: Nature's Elementary Particles, From the Atom to the Neutrino and Beyond
Antonio Ereditato,
Antonio Ereditato
Antonio Ereditato is Emeritus Professor of Particle Physics at the University of Bern. He is the former leader of OPERA, a multinational collaboration that studied neutrino physics at CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics. At CERN, he also participated in the ATLAS experiments that detected the Higgs boson (the “God particle”) and in several large neutrino projects including T2K in Japan and MicroBooNE and DUNE in the United Sates. He is the author of
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Book Chapter
9: The World through the Looking-Glass
2020. "The World through the Looking-Glass", Ever Smaller: Nature's Elementary Particles, From the Atom to the Neutrino and Beyond, Antonio Ereditato, Erica Segre, Simon Carnell
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