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Food, Health, and the Environment
The Painful Truth about Hunger in America: Why We Must Unlearn Everything We Think We Know—and Start Again
Mariana Chilton
Mariana Chilton
Mariana Chilton is Professor of Health Management and Policy at Dornsife School of Public Health at Drexel University. She founded the Center for Hunger-Free Communities, where she launched Witnesses to Hunger, a movement to increase women's participation in the national dialogue on hunger and poverty, and the Building Wealth and Health Network to promote healing and economic security. She has testified on solutions to hunger before the US Senate and US House of Representatives.
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Book Chapter
8: Pounds of Food Do Not Feed America
2024. "Pounds of Food Do Not Feed America", The Painful Truth about Hunger in America: Why We Must Unlearn Everything We Think We Know—and Start Again, Mariana Chilton
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