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System Development Foundation Benchmark Series
Intentions in Communication
Edited by
Philip R. Cohen,
Philip R. Cohen
Philip R. Cohen is a Senior Computer Scientist at the Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI International and is a Senior Researcher with the Center for the Study of Language and Information
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Jerry Morgan,
Jerry Morgan
Jerry Morgan is Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois
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Martha E. Pollack
Martha E. Pollack
Martha E. Pollack is a Computer Scientist at the Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI International and is a Senior Researcher with the Center for the Study of Language and Information.
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The MIT Press
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Book Chapter
Chapter 14: The Meaning of Intonational Contours in the Interpretation of Discourse
Janet Pierrehumbert, Julia Hirschberg, 1990. "The Meaning of Intonational Contours in the Interpretation of Discourse", Intentions in Communication, Philip R. Cohen, Jerry Morgan, Martha E. Pollack
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