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Sexualized Brains: Scientific Modeling of Emotional Intelligence from a Cultural Perspective
Edited by
Nicole C. Karafyllis,
Nicole C. Karafyllis
Nicole C. Karafyllis is Full Professor of Philosophy in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at United Arab Emirates University.
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Gotlind Ulshöfer
Gotlind Ulshöfer
Gotlind Ulshöfer is a postdoctoral researcher at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt and Program Director for Economics, Business Ethics, and Gender at the Protestant Academy Arnoldshain, Germany.
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The MIT Press
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Book Chapter
12: Oneself as Another?
2008. "Oneself as Another?", Sexualized Brains: Scientific Modeling of Emotional Intelligence from a Cultural Perspective, Nicole C. Karafyllis, Gotlind Ulshöfer
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