Throughout: Art and Culture Emerging with Ubiquitous Computing
Ulrik Ekman is Associate Professor in the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen. He is the organizer of the research network The Culture of Ubiquitous Information.
Leading media scholars consider the social and cultural changes that come with the contemporary development of ubiquitous computing.
Ubiquitous computing and our cultural life promise to become completely interwoven: technical currents feed into our screen culture of digital television, video, home computers, movies, and high-resolution advertising displays. Technology has become at once larger and smaller, mobile and ambient. In Throughout, leading writers on new media—including Jay David Bolter, Mark Hansen, N. Katherine Hayles, and Lev Manovich—take on the crucial challenges that ubiquitous and pervasive computing pose for cultural theory and criticism.
The thirty-four contributing researchers consider the visual sense and sensations of living with a ubicomp culture; electronic sounds from the uncanny to the unremarkable; the effects of ubicomp on communication, including mobility, transmateriality, and infinite availability; general trends and concrete specificities of interaction designs; the affectivity in ubicomp experiences, including performances; context awareness; and claims on the “real” in the use of such terms as “augmented reality” and “mixed reality.”
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Table of Contents
I: Sense and Sensations 1: Image
II: Sense and Sensations 2: Sound
III: Communications
IV: Interaction Designs
V: Being Moved Live
VI: Context Awareness
VII: Mixed Reality
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