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Supertagging: Using Complex Lexical Descriptions in Natural Language Processing
Edited by
Srinivas Bangalore,
Srinivas Bangalore
Srinivas Bangalore is Principal Technical Staff Member at AT&T Labs-Research. He was awarded the AT&T Science and Technology Medal in 2009 for technical leadership and innovative contributions in Spoken Language Technology and Services.
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Aravind K. Joshi
Aravind K. Joshi
Aravind K. Joshi is Henry Salvatori Professor of Computer and Cognitive Science at the University of Pennsylvania. He received the David Rumelhart Prize for fundamental theoretical contributions to the cognitive sciences in 2003.
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The MIT Press
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Book Chapter
IV: Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Issues
2010. "Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Issues", Supertagging: Using Complex Lexical Descriptions in Natural Language Processing, Srinivas Bangalore, Aravind K. Joshi
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