From Animals to Animats 3: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Simulation of Adpative Behavior
Phil Husbands is Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Sussex.
Jean-Arcady Meyer is Emeritus Research Director at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and a researcher at the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris.
Stewart W. Wilson is a scientist at The Rowland Institute for Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
August 8-12, 1994, Brighton, England
From Animals to Animats 3 brings together research intended to advance the front tier of an exciting new approach to understanding intelligence. The contributors represent a broad range of interests from artificial intelligence and robotics to ethology and the neurosciences. Unifying these approaches is the notion of "animat"—an artificial animal, either simulated by a computer or embodied in a robot, which must survive and adapt in progressively more challenging environments. The 58 contributions focus particularly on well-defined models, computer simulations, and built robots in order to help characterize and compare various principles and architectures capable of inducing adaptive behavior in real or artificial animals.
Topics Include
Individual and collective behavior • Neural correlates of behavior • Perception and motor control • Motivation and emotion • Action selection and behavioral sequences • Ontogeny, learning, and evolution • Internal world models and cognitive processes • Applied adaptive behavior • Autonomous robots • Heirarchical and parallel organizations • Emergent structures and behaviors • Problem solving and planning • Goal-directed behavior • Neural networks and evolutionary computation • Characterization of environments
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Table of Contents
The Animat Approach to Adaptive Behavior
Perception and Motor Control
Action Selection and Behavioral Sequences
Motivation and Emotion
Internal World Models and Cognitive Processes
Characterization of Environments
Collective Behavior
Applied Adaptive Behavior
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