Lawrence H. Yang is Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Interim Chair of the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at New York University, where he is also Founding Director of the Global Mental Health and Stigma Program.
Maureen A. Eger is Associate Professor of Sociology at Umeå University.
Bruce G. Link is Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Sociology at the University of California Riverside where he serves as Co-PI of the Health Disparities Research Center.
3: Revisiting Group Threat Theory Using Insights from Stigma Research
Andrea Bohman, Maureen A. Eger, Daniel Gabrielsson, Paolo Velásquez, 2024. "Revisiting Group Threat Theory Using Insights from Stigma Research", Migration Stigma: Understanding Prejudice, Discrimination, and Exclusion, Lawrence H. Yang, Maureen A. Eger, Bruce G. Link
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