Agreement on unitizing, where several annotators freely put units of various sizes and categories on a continuum, is difficult to assess because of the simultaneaous discrepancies in positioning and categorizing. The recent agreement measure γ offers an overall solution that simultaneously takes into account positions and categories. In this article, I propose the additional coefficient γcat, which complements γ by assessing the agreement on categorization of a continuum, putting aside positional discrepancies. When applied to pure categorization (with predefined units), γcat behaves the same way as the famous dedicated Krippendorff's α, even with missing values, which proves its consistency. A variation of γcat is also proposed that provides an in-depth assessment of categorizing for each individual category. The entire family of γ coefficients is implemented in free software.
1. Introduction
Agreement measures are commonly used in computational linguistics to assess the reliability of annotation processes, in particular in the case of categorization of predefined items, with well-known chance corrected coefficients such as π (Scott 1955), κ (Cohen 1960, 1968), K-Fleiss (Fleiss 1971), or α (Krippendorff 1980, 2013). However, when dealing with unitizing, where annotators have to put units of different sizes and categories on a continuum (text, audio, video) by themselves, fewer agreement measures are available and popular. Fortunately, Krippendorff has paved the way since 1995 with the first chance-corrected dedicated measures, from the first αU (Krippendorff 1995) to a whole family of five coefficients for unitizing (Krippendorff et al. 2016), denoted as the αs hereafter.
Recently, Mathet, Widlöcher, and Métivier (2015) introduced the new coefficient γ, which relies on different assumptions from the αs and thus better corresponds to computational linguistics annotation efforts. In particular, whereas αs rely on the number of intersections between any pair of units from different annotators, γ builds and relies on an alignment between units that ultimately says which unit from one annotator corresponds to which unit from another annotator, if any. In simple words, γ is designed for tasks for which the very notion is unit rather than occupied space: A unit is considered as a whole (i.e., a contiguous entity), not just a portion of the continuum, and small units are as important as large ones. Moreover, γ is the only measure that copes with overlapping units (intersecting or even nested units). It has also been demonstrated by Mathet, Widlöcher, and Métivier that γ shows a more homogeneous behavior through different kinds of disagreement (position, category, false positive, false negative) than other methods.
However, γ is an overall coefficient for all unitizing discrepancies at the same time. When its value is close to 1, annotations can be trusted as reliable, but when that is not the case, this coefficient does not provide an insight into the kind(s) of discrepancy(ies) between annotators: We know the annotations are not reliable, but we do not know what to focus on to improve them.
This article provides an additional coefficent to γ, named γcat, which focuses on the categorizing part of disagreement between annotators, leaving aside, as much as possible, the unitizing part (in particular, positional discrepancies). In simple words, γcat tries to answer the question: If annotators had not had to unitize the continuum (put units by themselves and categorize them), but only to categorize predefined units on the continuum, what would have been their agreement? It shares the same goal as cuα, the measure belonging to the αs dedicated to categorization of a continuum, but relies on the same assumptions as γ. In particular, it shares the same alignment method, before it does a specific computation focused on categories.
In addition, an even more in-depth coefficient, named γk, is provided that focuses on the agreement on each individual category. It helps to know if a low or moderate γcat value comes from discrepancies on some particular categories, and so may be useful in order to modify the annotation model or to enhance the annotation instructions. This additional coefficient corresponds to the recent kα from Krippendorff et al. (2016), which replaces a first attempt (Krippendorff 2004).
Section 2 introduces the main requirements for a measure for categorization of a continuum for computational linguistics efforts: Insensitivity to positional discrepancies; insensivity to false positives/negatives; and insensitivity to size of units.
Section 3 addresses the question of how best to cope with missing values in categorization tasks (when an annotator does not categorize an item whereas some others do), which is a more general (and rarely discussed) question concerning any measure. It will also constitute an additional requirement for γcat.
Section 4 explains the design of γcat and γk in two main steps: First, it uses the aligning procedure of γ; second, it makes a special computation based on the alignment but focused on categories (or on a given category in the case of γk). To finish, γcat and γk are benchmarked and compared with the corresponding αs in Section 5. The software is introduced in Section 6.
2. Main Requirements: What Should a Categorial Measure Account For?
In this section, we will see how γcat should complement γ. The very objective is that γcat be insensitive to disagreements that involve other aspects of unitizing than categorization (positions, lengths, etc.), contrary to γ. All the points introduced subsequently are benchmarked in section 5.
2.1 Positional Discrepancies Should Not Impact Categorial Agreement
Because γcat aims at providing the agreement on categorization only, it is important that it does not take disagreements on positioning into account. This sounds obvious, but it is not straightforward with unitizing. Figure 1 shows a case of perfect agreement on categories that comes with some disagreement on positions: Both annotators have identified three units at about, but not exactly, the same positions, and totally agree on categorizing these units (respectively, with category “1,” “4,” and “2”). Hence, a measure focused on categorization should provide total agreement in such a configuration.
However, measures based on intersections, like the αs, or on atomization of the continuum (a workaround method discussed later), will find a part of the continuum with categorial disagreement, since there is an intersection between units of categories “4” and “1,” and between units of categories “4” and “2.” This is reported at the bottom of Figure 1: There are five intersections, three of them corresponding to correct comparisons, and two of them corresponding to unfortunate comparisons. This leads here to about 20% fake categorial disagreement, according to corresponding intersection lengths.
What a categorial measure should do here is to compare each unit from annotator A to the corresponding one from annotator B (if any), as reported in Figure 1 by the three gray arrows “1-1,” “4-4,” and “2-2,” and assess here a total agreement. This is typically what the γ family is designed to do, thanks to its alignment capability.
2.2 False Negatives/Positives Should Not Impact Categorial Agreement
We have to be cautious concerning the terminology. A false negative occurs when an annotator fails to put a unit where she should, namely, where the reference (if any) tells us there should be a unit, and a false positive is the opposite situation. However, no reference exists in the case of agreement measures, and there is a symmetry between false positives and false negatives: If annotator 1 puts a unit where annotator 2 doesn't, it is a false positive if we consider annotator 2 as the reference, or a false negative if we consider annotator 1 as the reference. However, to make this discussion more simple, we will extend the meaning of false positives/negatives to the field of agreement measures.
Here again, such disagreements should not be taken into account by a measure focused on categorization. For instance, such a measure should provide a total agreement if annotator A identifies and categorizes 100 units, and annotator B identifies only 50 of them but agrees with A on categories.
2.3 Length of Units Should Not Be Taken Into Account
For categorization of predefined units, all known coefficients (κ, α, etc.) give the same importance to each item. Why should it be different for unitizing?
In Figure 2 (text from Wikipedia), which is an example of a Named Entity Recognition effort, both annotators identified two units, containing, respectively, “Barack Hussein Obama II” and “Obama.” They agree on the category of the first one, and disagree on the category of the second one. This leads to an observed categorial agreement of 50% if we consider, as measures do with predefined units, that all units are of the same importance. However, if we rely on unit lengths, the first unit counts four times as much as the second one (if we work at word level), and the observed agreement would artificially reach 80% (instead of 50%). This does not make sense for most computational linguistics annotation tasks. In this example, it is the same entity that is referred to by a long or a short expression, which confirms, if necessary, that the annotations are of the same importance.
In the same manner, in Sentiment Analysis, it is as important to correctly assess the short “Yes” answer as the twice as long “For sure” one, or as the even longer one “I am absolutely convinced of that.”
3. How Best to Handle Missing Values?
In categorization tasks, there is a so-called “missing value” (a.k.a. “missing data”) when an annotator does not provide a value to a given item, like a “no opinion” answer. They are inherently and frequently present in unitizing: Because annotators have to put units by themselves on a continuum, it is part of the game that they do not put units where others do. However, this question goes beyond the scope of unitizing, and the results of this section concern any categorization measure.
The conceptualization problem here is how to handle the fact that the number of values may differ from one item to another. It is hardly addressed in the literature: Not only do annotation software and annotating formats not always provide this possibility to annotators, but many popular coefficients simply cannot handle such data, and even in the reference survey by Artstein and Poesio (2008) this notion is mentioned once but never discussed. As a precursor, Krippendorff's α coefficient was inherently conceived to cope with missing values as early as in 1980 (Krippendorff 1980). More recently, Gwet (2012) wrote the third version of his handbook specifically to provide answers to this question. Each of them provides solutions, as we will see below, but as far as I know the present study is the first attempt to compare different approaches.
I will consider in this study that the observed agreement is computed from pairwise comparisons. This is the way most coefficients work, including kappas, alphas, and also gamma, even if exceptions exist, like Lotus (Fretwurst 2015). For instance, if a given predefined item is categorized, respectively, A, A, and B by three annotators, the resulting observed agreement is 33.3%. Indeed, there are three combinatory pairs : A-A (1 with 2), A-B (1 with 3), and A-B (2 with 3), and so there is one agreement for two disagreements (on the contrary, Lotus would consider that the “most commonly coded value” is A, and that two annotators agree with this value, hence 66.6% of agreement, but a discussion of this would be out of the scope of this article).
There are in the literature three very different ways to natively consider missing values in agreement coefficients, and a workaround method introduced just after:
1) item level (IL). In this conception, all items are given the same weight. Consequently, item 4 from Table 1 is given the same weight as item 1, which is equivalent to considering that Suzan, Jack, and Robert said “noun” for item 4 although they did not say anything.
. | item 1 . | item 2 . | item 3 . | item 4 . |
Mary | noun | noun | noun | noun |
Paul | noun | noun | noun | noun |
Suzan | noun | noun | verb | . |
Jack | noun | noun | . | . |
Robert | noun | . | . | . |
nv = number of values | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
np = number of pairs | 10 | 6 | 3 | 1 |
wu(VL) : item weight in VL | 5/2 | 2 | 3/2 | 1 |
wu(PL) : item weight in PL | 10 | 6 | 3 | 1 |
wv(IL) = 2wu(IL) / nv : value weight in IL | 2/5 | 1/2 | 2/3 | 1 |
wv(PL) = 2wu(PL) / nv : value weight in PL | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
wp(IL) = wu(IL) / np : pair weight in IL | 1/10 | 1/6 | 1/3 | 1 |
wp(VL) = wu(VL) / np : pair weight in VL | 1/4 | 1/3 | 1/2 | 1 |
. | item 1 . | item 2 . | item 3 . | item 4 . |
Mary | noun | noun | noun | noun |
Paul | noun | noun | noun | noun |
Suzan | noun | noun | verb | . |
Jack | noun | noun | . | . |
Robert | noun | . | . | . |
nv = number of values | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
np = number of pairs | 10 | 6 | 3 | 1 |
wu(VL) : item weight in VL | 5/2 | 2 | 3/2 | 1 |
wu(PL) : item weight in PL | 10 | 6 | 3 | 1 |
wv(IL) = 2wu(IL) / nv : value weight in IL | 2/5 | 1/2 | 2/3 | 1 |
wv(PL) = 2wu(PL) / nv : value weight in PL | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
wp(IL) = wu(IL) / np : pair weight in IL | 1/10 | 1/6 | 1/3 | 1 |
wp(VL) = wu(VL) / np : pair weight in VL | 1/4 | 1/3 | 1/2 | 1 |
2) value level (VL). This intermediate conception gives the same importance to any pairable value. Because in an item having nv values, each value can be paired with nv − 1 other values, each pair is weighted so that the total weight of the value is 1.
3) pair level (PL). At the extreme opposite end of IL, this conception considers any pair of values as having the same weight as any other, whatever the item they belong to. For instance, when Mary says “noun” for item 1 (giving rise to four pairs), this weighs four times as much as when she says “noun” for item 4 (giving rise to one pair).
To better understand the differences between these three conceptions, Table 1 shows1 for each of them the item weight wu, the value weight wv, and the pair weight wp.
Key facts are: (1) wu is steady for IL by design, whereas it grows linearly with nv for VL, and with for PL. (2) wv reveals the opposite conceptions of IL and PL, the first decreasing and the second increasing with nv, while wv is steady by design. (3) Because agreement measures rely on pairwise comparisons, wp discloses the very differences between them. There is up to a ratio of 1 to 10 between the different conceptions, which shows the importance of making the best choice among them.
Besides, a workaround method (rather than a real conception of missing values) to use measures such as κ on such data, which is called RM (for “ReMove”) hereafter, is simply to remove items that are not valued by all the annotators. In our example, items 2 to 4 would simply be discarded before computation by a standard measure.
In addition to these comparisons, to make an objective choice between these different conceptions (and the workaround method), I have designed a specific experiment, reported in Table 2. Consider a set of items fully annotated by n ≥ 3 annotators (column 1). This leads to a given observed pairwise agreement (column 2). Now consider the same initial set of items but with some randomly chosen missing values (with respect to the percentage shown in column 3), and apply the different conceptions of missing values to these data. The better the conceptualization of missing data, the lesser the results should diverge from complete data. The standard deviation of each conception is reported2 in columns 4 to 7 for 1,000,000 tests from a given set of data, each row corresponding to certain initial data. Obviously, VL steadily shows less deviation than all other conceptions, which makes this conception the best (known) choice under any circumstances. At the opposite end, RM (i.e., removing the whole item when value(s) is (are) missing) is the worst choice. To finish, IL and PL rank differently depending on the number of annotators and the initial observed agreement.
# annotators . | observed . | missing % . | σ( VL ) . | σ( IL ) . | σ( PL ) . | σ( RM ) . |
6 | 0.567 | 25% | 0.073 | 0.077 | 0.089 | 0.285 |
6 | 0.567 | 12.5% | 0.050 | 0.051 | 0.061 | 0.230 |
6 | 0.567 | 4% | 0.028 | 0.029 | 0.034 | 0.100 |
3 | 0.905 | 10% | 0.031 | 0.036 | 0.038 | 0.058 |
3 | 0.476 | 5% | 0.040 | 0.051 | 0.041 | 0.058 |
# annotators . | observed . | missing % . | σ( VL ) . | σ( IL ) . | σ( PL ) . | σ( RM ) . |
6 | 0.567 | 25% | 0.073 | 0.077 | 0.089 | 0.285 |
6 | 0.567 | 12.5% | 0.050 | 0.051 | 0.061 | 0.230 |
6 | 0.567 | 4% | 0.028 | 0.029 | 0.034 | 0.100 |
3 | 0.905 | 10% | 0.031 | 0.036 | 0.038 | 0.058 |
3 | 0.476 | 5% | 0.040 | 0.051 | 0.041 | 0.058 |
The α measure for predefined units was natively designed to cope with missing values according to VL, as explained by Krippendorff (2013, page 284): “The number of pairs of values from the values-by-units matrix [is] weighted by so that each pairable value in the reliability data adds exactly one to its total count.” As a consequence, it is the measure of choice for predefined units with missing values. As a matter of fact, Krippendorff wished to have cuα behave as a generalization of α for a continuum, but he failed on this point because cuα deeply relies on independent pairwise comparisons of (intersections of) units with no notion corresponding to items: “While cuα ignores gaps between units, it does it unlike how α ignores missing values.” More precisely, cuα unfortunately relies on PL, whereas α relies on VL. Finally, Gwet, in his attempt to adapt classical coefficients to missing values, uses IL, as we can see in equation 2.9 of Gwet (2012, page 31).
Of course, γcat relies on the same conception of missing values as α, namely, VL, since we have just seen that it is the best known choice. This is made possible, as we will see, thanks to its alignment process.
4. The New Coefficient γcat
The new coefficient being a complement to γ, it is necessary to understand the main principles of the latter, which are summed up in Section 4.1.
δe is computed by resampling the annotations randomly a sufficient number of times, and for each sample the disorder is computed exactly the same way as for δ, as explained in Mathet, Widlöcher, and Métivier (2015). Consequently, we will now focus only on the computation of the disorder δ, for γ, γcat, and γk.
4.1 γ in a Nutshell
Unitizing is difficult to assess because we do not exactly know what to compare from one annotator to what from another annotator. Categorization of predefined items is much easier to assess because, by definition, items are predefined and so we know that we have to compare the first item from annotator 1 to the first item from annotator 2, and so on. But with unitizing, units from two annotators may be at the same position, or at slightly different positions, or at very different positions, as shown in Figure 3. Moreover, with some annotation material, a unit from annotator 1 may intersect with several units from annotator 2. Hence, the very first question to address is what to compare to what.
A possible method, which I will call atomization of the continuum, is to compare each atom of the continuum (for instance, at word level) from one annotator to the corresponding atom from another annotator. However, this deeply changes the nature of the data (the contiguity of units), and has severe limitations, as demonstrated in Section 3.4.1 of Mathet, Widlöcher, and Métivier (2015).
A better method is to observe lengths of intersections between units from different annotators, as does Krippendorff with his αs for unitizing, but this does not overcome all the limitations of atomization (contiguity of units is not fully kept), as detailed in Section 6.1 of Mathet, Widlöcher, and Métivier (2015).
When designing γ, we considered that the best method is to compare units to units, not atoms to atoms, nor intersecting parts of units. This ultimately consists of using an alignment of units from different annotators, as shown in Figure 4. The question is then: How do we build such an alignment? Aligning two units from two annotators consists of considering that they intended to express the same phenomenon, possibly with some discrepancies. Maybe they failed to locate the phenomenon on the exact same portion of the continuum, maybe they failed to agree on the category, maybe both, but we may consider these units to be aligned. The reason for that is that the lesser the positional discrepancy, the lesser the categorial discrepancy, the better the probability the two annotators intended to express the same thing. Of course, aligning units is a bet: Except when units completely correspond to each other both in position and category, it is not possible to affirm that they correspond to the same annotation intention. Consequently, an important idea of γ is to maximize the overall probability that all alignments are relevant.
To do so, γ uses at first the notion of “dissimilarity,” which tells how different two units are, and defines two types of dissimilarities: dpos, the positional dissimilarity, computed, for instance, as the squared relative distance between bounds of compared units, which equals zero only when positions exactly correspond, and dcat, the categorial dissimilarity, which equals zero only when categories are the same, and which may be chosen between different options like other weighted coefficients (categories considered as nominal, as values on a scale, and so on). The dissimilarity is computed for each pair of units from different annotators.
Then, γ considers unitary alignments between annotators, which account for the fact that units from different annotators are considered as aligned, as shown in Figure 4. A unitary alignment contains one or zero unit of each annotator. A “disorder” is computed for each unitary alignment as the average of the dissimilarities of its pairs of units. Of course, if the units all have the same position and the same category, the disorder equals zero. When a unitary alignment does not contain any unit from an annotator, γ creates a fake “empty unit” for that annotator, so that all unitary alignments have the same number of units (true or fake), and attributes a dissimilarity of value 1 for each pair containing an empty unit.
Finally, γ defines an alignment as a subset of unitary alignments that constitues a partition of the set of units (each unit appears in one and only one of the chosen unitary alignments), and the disorder of an alignment as the average disorder of its unitary alignments. Among the huge number of possible alignments, it finally retains as the best possible alignment the one that minimizes the disorder.
This is shown in Figure 4: From the data collected in Figure 3, and after a combinatory process, γ ended by creating three unitary alignments and some empty units. In detail, γ considers that the three annotators agree on the fact there is a first unit on the left of the continuum, but do not fully agree on its category (A, B, and A), that two annotators only consider that there is a unit in the middle of the continuum, of category B, and that only one annotator found a third unit of category C at the end of the continuum. Consequently, γ has created three empty units, one because annotator 3 missed the second unit, and two because annotators 1 and 2 missed (compared with 3) the third unit. If the second unit from annotator 3 were positioned sufficiently in the center of the continuum, γ would have chosen to generate only two unitary alignments instead of three.
A very important feature of γ is that it is “unified”: It builds an alignment in the same time as it computes the agreement, because these two tasks are interlaced and based on the same assumptions. This ensures a strong consistency of the results: When the method hesitates between aligning two units or not, then the resulting computed agreements corresponding to the two choices are very close.
4.2 Introducing γcat
As already mentioned, we focus here only on the computation of the disorder of γcat, which is used to calculate the observed and the expected values. To do so, γcat uses a four-step process, as detailed in the following sections. The main idea is to rely on an alignment of units (provided by γ) to compare the categories used by different annotators to assess the same items. In addition, γcat uses special features to cope with the VL conception of missing values and to improve its accuracy thanks to statistical considerations.
4.2.1 Obtaining an Alignment of the Units from γ
For its first step, γcat uses the alignment provided by γ, which seemingly transforms a difficult unitizing problem into the simpler question of categorizing predefined items, as shown in Figure 5.3
Each unitary alignment translates into a column of a matrix, and each unit belonging to this unitary alignment gives its category as a value in this column. Hence we obtain a very usual matrix similar to those used for predefined items. To sum up, what is usually called an “item” (and sometimes a “unit”) with predefined items corresponds here to a unitary alignment, and what is usually called a “value” corresponds here to the category of a unit. Of course, empty units generated by γ translate into missing values. The remaining work of γcat resembles what the usual α (which copes with missing values) does, but there are two important differences, as I will point out in Section 4.2.6.
4.2.2 Value Weight: Giving the Same Importance to Each Value
As we have seen in section 3, it is important that γcat relies on VL conception of missing values. This is done in a simple way here, now that unitary alignments have been translated in kind of predefined items with possibly missing values: we just have to count the number nv of values in a column, and weight each of its pairs.
4.2.3 Confidence Weight: Enhancing the Accuracy of δ
γcat relies on an alignment, but as we have seen in Section 4.1, aligning is a bet, and even if γ was designed to obtain the most likely overall alignment, it cannot ensure that a particular given pair of aligned units from two annotators really corresponds to the same intent of both of them. More precisely, some pairs are aligned with great confidence (because they correspond both in position and category) whereas others are hardly aligned (γ hesitates to align them). Given this, how do we obtain the most accurate value of the (categorial) disorder δ from our data? We could think about two opposite methods: (1) keeping only pairs of total confidence, hence relying on a trusted but very reduced set of data, or (2) considering that all pairs are of the same importance, and thus relying on fake data as much as on trusted data.
However, statistics provide a third method, through the notion of conditional expectation, which takes the best from these two naive methods. To simplify the problem, let us put aside missing values, just addressed in the previous section, and consider that we have full alignments with no empty units. Under these conditions, VL, IL, and PL conceptions are equivalent, and if we had predefined units, the categorial disorder would correspond to the average categorial dissimilarity between all pairs of units.
In the context of unitizing, let {pairi} be the set of pairs of units aligned by γ, let δi = dcat(pairi) be the categorial dissimilarity of pairi, and let pi be the probability of the event called truePair that pairi really corresponds to a same annotation intent for both annotators.
For our purpose, I built the probability pi on positional ground only, because taking categories into account would bias the results: Agreements (on categories) would be more weighted than disagreements, which would lead to a lowered overall disorder value. Consequently, the probability pi is designed so that it equals 1 for two units positioned at the exact same location (dpos = 0), and so that it reaches 0 when γ begins to prefer not aligning them because of too much difference in positions (that is to say, when dpos reaches 1): for pairi = (uj,uk), pi = max(0,1 − dpos(uj,uk)).
I call this value “pairing confidence,” and it is a second weight that will be taken into account in the global computation. Experiments with the Corpus Shuffling Tool (introduced later) have confirmed the benefits of using the notion of confidence weight, which provides an agreement value of 0 with random annotations (which is correct), whereas when not using it, agreement may be slightly below 0 (which is not desirable).
4.2.4 Total Weight of a Pair of Units
Figure 6 illustrates both the value weight and the pairing confidence weight for each pair of units (i.e., for each pair of values in the table) for the data coming from Figure 3. The total weight for a given pair of units is the product of its value weight and its confidence weight. For instance, the total weight for the pair annotator 1 with annotator 3 of item 1 is 0.5 (because there are three values for this item) multiplied by 0.98 (because of the slight positional discrepancy), which is 0.49.
4.2.5 The Algorithm to Compute the Disorder of γcat
We can now formally define all the steps of the computation of the disorder of γcat. The detailed procedure is provided in Algorithm 1.
First of all, let us recap the γ terminology: is the best possible alignment computed by γ—that is which minimizes the total disorder of its unitary alignments. The unitary alignments are denoted ă, and each of them contains one or zero unit from each annotator, denoted u1 to .
The first step, at line 1, is to obtain exactly as γ does.
Then, a loop, from line 4 to line 14, computes the contribution of each unitary alignment to the total disorder. To do so, it considers the number of true units (i.e., not empty ones) contained in the unitary alignment, and then computes the weight shared by all pairs of units. Then, it uses a sub-loop to enumerate each possible pair of units of the unitary alignment. For each of them, it computes its (categorial) dissimilarity, its own confidence weight, and thus obtains its resulting weight (product of the shared weight and the confidence weight) and its disorder contribution.
At the end of the main loop, we obtain the total disorder contribution and the total weight, hence the total disorder.
4.2.6 Discussion: Why We Should Not Use a Naive Two-Step Method
Of course, to build such a coefficient, one might think to use a naive method that consists, first, in generating an alignment thanks to γ, and second, in applying the α measure (for predefined units) to the resulting matrix (as the one shown in Figure 5). However, doing so, we would miss two important points: (1) Obviously, we would not benefit from the statistical enhancement provided by the confidence weight; (2) A more hidden problem is that the expected value computed by α would be biased. Indeed, when units are of different lengths, mixing tabulated values coming from an alignment is not the same as resampling unitized units and then aligning them. For instance, in the example of Figure 7 (left: unitizing, right: resulting matrix), the naive method would provide an expected value δe = 0.5 (what we obtain in average from 50% of A and 50% of B), whereas γcat would provide δe = 1, since A and B would never be aligned because of too much difference in lengths, and so only A-A and B-B pairs would occur when resampling unitized units.
4.3 The In-depth Coefficient γk that Focuses on Each Category
γk works the same way as γcat does, except for the fact that it focuses on each particular category, and so provides not just one agreement value, but as many agreement values as the number of categories. For instance, if there are three categories A, B, and C in the annotations, γk will provide three agreements, namely, γk(A), γk(B), and γk(C). I have chosen the letter “k” by reference to kα from Krippendorff, which shares the same goal.
By focusing on a given category, for instance A, this measure will only look at what a unit of type A is combined with: in our example, A with A, A with B, A with C, but not B with C. Hence, it is γcat reduced to a subset of pairs of units, only the ones that contain at least one unit of type A.
It is very simple to design γk from γcat: We just have to add one condition in Algorithm 1 so that we keep only relevant pairs of units. More precisely, we add the condition (cat(ui) = k) ∨ (cat(uj) = k) to line 7 to focus on pairs that concern (at least) one unit of category k only: 7: for all (ui,uj) ∈ă∣(cat(ui) = k ∨ cat(uj) = k) do Of course, the computation is done as many times as the number of categories, because several agreement values are provided: γk is in fact a set of measures.
4.4 Overview and Dependencies of the Gamma Family
Now that γcat and γk have been introduced on the basis of γ, let us recap the links between the three measures, as illustrated in Figure 8.
From the multi-annotator annotations, the unified and holist method is used to compute γ and to generate an alignment at the same time. This process relies on an overall dissimilarity that combines positional and categorial dissimilarities. Then, from the alignment and the confidence weights which have been computed by γ, and using only the categorial dissimilarity from the previous step, γcat and γk are computed.
5. Benchmarking
The benchmarking is organized as follows: First, I confirm that γcat behaves the correct way when dealing with missing values in Section 5.1. Second, I make an in-depth comparison between γcat and cuα, the first and only other measure devoted to categorization of a continuum, in Section 5.2. Third, from Section 5.3 to Section 5.8, I propose six experiments using the Corpus Shuffling Tool from Mathet et al. (2012) to observe how γcat responds to different kinds of discrepancies. This tool and the associated kinds of experiments are fully described in Mathet, Widlöcher, and Métivier (2015, page 467), the paper in which γ was benchmarked this way.
5.1 Start Point: Predefined Items with Missing Values
γcat being a coefficient for categorization of a continuum, I designed it to be a generalization to a continuum of what I consider to be the best available measure for categorization of predefined items with missing values, namely, α.
To do so, I have done experiments with predefined data translated into a continuum in a simple manner: The first item occupies position 0 to position 1 of the continuum, the second one position 1 to position 2, and so forth. Each time, γcat obtains exactly the same observed value as α, and an approximate value of the expected value of α for sampling reasons, as explained in Mathet, Widlöcher, and Métivier (2015). For instance, with the example from Krippendorff (2011, page 9) as shown in the screenshot of Figure 9, with 4 annotators, 12 items, and 7 missing units, α = 0.743 and 0.74 < γcat < 0.76, with the same observed disagreement 0.2. Hence, γcat proves to be a good approximate generalization of α to unitizing.
On the other hand, because it relies on PL, as discussed in Section 3, cuα provides an agreement value of 0.715, and confirms that it fails to generalize α, being here more conservative, but possibly less conservative with other data. In particular, its observed disagreement is 0.218 instead of 0.2 for α and γcat, which confirms a structural difference of how to take missing values into account.
5.2 A Detailed Illustration of the Differences Between γcat and cuα
It is illuminating to see some important differences between the conceptions of γcat and cuα, with the data from Figure 3.
cuα computes all intersections between units from different annotators, as shown in Figure 10, with a total intersection length of 31. Then, the contribution of a pair of categories in the computation of the coefficient is given by its relative total size. For instance, for B with B pairs, the total intersection length is 3, hence a contribution of 3/31 = 9.7%. In a radically different way, γcat combines two weights, one for taking into account missing values, the other for pairing confidence, as shown in Figure 6. For instance, for B with B, we get a contribution of 0.94 × 1 = 0.94, out of a total weight of 2.42 (not detailed here), hence a contribution of 38.8%.
The results of all pairs of categories are given in Table 3. We can see very deep differences between the two conceptions. It is particularly striking that for cuα, there is as much agreement thanks to B with B as there is disagreement because of B with C, both at 9.7%, whereas for γcat, there is 38.8% agreement from B with B, and no disagreement from B with C. The reason is that the two units of type B that intersect are small, hence their low contribution to cuα. Since these two units are not being aligned with a third one, the VL coefficient of this pair is twice as much as the coefficient of the other pairs from the three aligned units.
. | A with A . | B with B . | A with B . | B with C . | A with C . |
γcat | 20.2 | 38.8 | 40.9 | - | - |
cuα | 25.8 | 9.7 | 54.8 | 9.7 | - |
. | A with A . | B with B . | A with B . | B with C . | A with C . |
γcat | 20.2 | 38.8 | 40.9 | - | - |
cuα | 25.8 | 9.7 | 54.8 | 9.7 | - |
In addition, for the same reasons, B with B is about twice as much as A with A for γcat, and it is the contrary for cuα.
Finally, for all these reasons, γcat and cuα show very different agreement values on this example of, respectively, 0.36 for γcat and 0.08 (almost no agreement at all) for cuα. Moreover, it is particularly striking that k(B)α = −0.149 (worse than by chance), whereas γk(B) = 0.484, which makes a huge difference of 0.633.
5.3 Categorial Stability to Positional Discrepancies
A very important feature of a categorial measure for unitizing is its stability to positional discrepancies: The very aim of such a measure is not to respond at all to discrepancies that are not categorial. It is the first requirement introduced in Section 2.
The shuffling tool was set with a pure positional shuffling: Units from the reference are moved (the higher the magnitude, the more the shifts) but the categories are preserved. It is important to understand that a so-called pure positional shuffling ends up having consequences on categories: If we move two very distant units (from two annotators) very much, their new positions may superimpose. Hence, in the range of high magnitudes (from 0.75 to 1), many pairs of units are concerned by this phenomenon and it is normal that this shuffling ends up affecting categorial measures.
Three measures have been submitted: γcat, γ, and cuα, as shown in Figure 11.
γcat clearly shows the best behavior. It remains at 1 up to magnitude 0.55, and is still above 0.9 at high magnitude 0.8.
On the contrary, cuα starts to decrease at very low magnitudes, almost linearly, and is already at 0.5 at magnitude 0.8. This is the consequence of what is shown in Figure 15 later in this article: As soon as two units start to overlap, cuα considers the resulting intersection as an intent of the annotators to categorize the same object (a portion of the continuum), whereas γcat (and also γ) only compares aligned units, not sets of intersections.
It is also instructive to compare γcat to the measure it aims to complement, namely, γ. The latter steadily decreases from 1 to 0, which is desirable for an overall measure. Hence, the two measures complement each other: A very high γcat value indicates that the γ value corresponds to positional (and false negatives/positives, see next section) discrepancies.
5.4 Categorial Stability to False Negatives/Positives
For this test, the shuffling tool was set with false negatives only, because false positives may bring some overlapping units, but for symmetry reasons (a false positive from one annotator corresponds to a false negative from another), there is no real difference with false positives for the measures.
Both γcat and cuα are at 1, which is desirable and easy to understand (some units are removed, but the remaining ones are unchanged), and γ is about the same as for positional discrepancies (no figure is needed here). This confirms the complementarity of γ and γcat.
5.5 Categorial Discrepancies
In order to be accurate and progressive in the benchmarking of measures, I address here the question of categorial discrepancies of units of homogeneous sizes. Indeed, we will see in a further section that size may affect cuα.
Figure 12 shows that γcat and cuα are about the same, decreasing quite regularly from 1 to 0, as expected. On the contrary, γ goes from 1 to 0.35, because positions are still correct. The two gammas are once again complementary: A γ value higher than the γcat value means that the disagreement is mainly due to categorization.
5.6 Categorial Plus Positional Discrepancies
To refine the results, we can combine categorial and positional discrepancies in the shuffling tool, as reported in Figure 13.
A first important result is that γcat is almost exactly the same as in Figure 12, which confirms the categorial stability demonstrated in the previous sections. This is one of the most important features of γcat, because it corresponds to the most frequent situations (annotators usually combine different kinds of discrepancies), and proves that this measure is fully focused on categorization.
A second point is that cuα does not show the same stability, and is lowered by the positional discrepancies. In particular, from magnitudes 0.1 to 0.6, there is a difference of up to 0.06, which is not negligible. These differences, though, are much lower than with positional discrepancies (cf. Figure 11) mainly because, the values being much lower, and the differences being proportional to the values, they are also much lower.
Third, γ is now clearly lower than γcat because it depends on the two kinds of discrepancies used here, instead of one for γcat.
5.7 Units of Various Sizes
γcat was designed not to be dependent on size of units, contrary to cuα. To confirm this conceptual difference with the shuffling tool, I have set two experiments in which there are four categories, and where annotators make more and more confusions within the three categories A, B, and C, but keep making no mistake for category D. In the first experiment, all units are of size 5. In the second experiment, units of categories A, B, and C still are of size 5, but those of category D are of size 20.
As expected, γcat is not sensitive at all to size of units (Figure 14). The two curves (named “γcat” and “γcat long” in the legend) superimpose. On the other hand, cuα reacts differently in the two experiments. In the first one, it is about the same as γcat, but in the second one, it is much higher, being twice as much as γcat at magnitude 1 (0.54 versus 0.27).
5.8 Benchmarking γk
To finish, for this experiment dedicated to test γk, I have once again used four categories A, B, C, and D, with no mistake for category D. Of course, γk(D) remains at 1, and γk(A), γk(B), and γk(C) decrease from 1 to about 0.1 (Figure 15). We may wonder why they do not reach 0, but this is normal and the reason is that there is no confusion between each for these categories and category D, contrary to what happens for the expected value which has this additional discrepancy.
γcat reaches about 0.33 at magnitude 1, but this overall result would not reveal by itself the fact that only three categories out of four are confusing for the annotators. Hence the usefulness of the additional coeffcient γk is demonstrated.
6. Software
The full implementation of the γ family (γ, γcat, and γk) is provided as free software on the http://gamma.greyc.fr Web site. It is a standalone application written in Java, which runs on any platform, and successfully tested on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. It is also available as a Web service for those who do not want to install it. It is compatible with annotations created with the Glozz Annotation Platform (Widlöcher and Mathet 2012), and with annotations generated by the Corpus Shuffling Tool (Mathet et al. 2012). Because these formats rely on simple and public comma-separated value specifications, it is easy to translate other formats to these.
The application comes with a graphical user interface, as shown in the screenshot of Figure 16. The window is divided into three panels, respectively, from top to bottom, the settings, the results, and the annotations. In the Settings panel, one can choose the measure(s) to apply, either γ, or both γcat and γk. One may also set the desired precision to compute the expected value, because, as explained in Mathet, Widlöcher, and Métivier (2015, page 460), the latter is computed by sampling. In the Results panel, all the results are detailed: the agreement, observed and expected values, and also the number of unitary alignments found. In the example, the user chose 2% of precision for the expected value, hence γcat is known to be between 0.34 and 0.37 with a 95% degree of confidence. Also, the values of γk are provided for the three categories, and γk(C) is not available (NA) because there is no pair of units containing at least one unit of category C. When the user loads a new file of annotations, or when she changes a setting, the computation is automatically relaunched, so that the results always correspond to what is shown in the interface.
In our example, γcat is quite low at 0.36, because of confusions between categories A and B, since category C does not contribute to the result as we have just seen. To go deeper into details, γk shows us that this low agreement is due more to category A (γk(A) = 0.335) than to category B (γk(B) = 0.494). Moreover, γ = 0.29 (not visible in the screenshot because one has to click on “Gamma” to make it appear) is quite close to γcat, which tells us that the annotators have to improve both unitizing and categorization.
7. Conclusions
In computational linguistics, when annotation efforts are relative to a continuum rather than to predefined items, researchers are not typically provided with methods and tools to assess the agreement among several annotators. Recently, γ proposed an overall solution that takes into account all kinds of discrepancies (categories, positions, false positives, and false negatives) in order to assess whether the multi-annotations are reliable or not. However, when the agreement is not as good as is wished, the researchers would like to have more details about the discrepancies, in order to better understand the difficulties and thus to enhance the annotation model or the annotation manual. In particular, is a given overall low agreement due to poor specification of categories? Or even of some particular categories?
The aim of this work is to provide such complements to γ, with two additional coefficients γcat and γk, which focus on the categorization part of the agreement, with the expectation that they also fulfill three important requirements for computational linguistics: (1) Positional discrepancies should not impact categorial agreement; (2) Length of units should not be taken into account; (3) Missing values should be tackled appropriately.
Finally, this research addresses a neglected question: How do we assess the reliability of annotators to categorize a continuum, whatever their discrepancies in positioning units. Only Krippendorff proposes solutions, with his coefficients cuα and kα, but with different assumptions from the ones we posit for computational linguistics needs. In particular, relying on intersections rather than on an alignment, these coefficients mostly compare quantities of occupied space rather than genuine units.
γcat was designed not only as a complement to γ, but also with the same conception of how to handle unitizing, and with a common alignment process. Relying on an alignment, it compares genuine units and so ensures requirements (1) and (2).
Because the aim of γcat is somehow to extend what agreement measures do for predefined items to the case of unitizing a continuum, it was important that γcat perform as well as the best specialized measures. Moreover, the context of free unitizing leads to a great number of so-called missing values (when some annotators put units where others do not), which led me to frontally study this other neglected question for requirement (3): How should a measure natively handle missing values? I made a thorough analysis of the question and formulated a clear answer: The best solution is to do as the classic α measures does (and as cuα unfortunately fails to do). This is also a result that goes beyond the scope of this article focused on unitizing. γcat manages to do (almost) exactly the same as α when restrained to the simpler case of predefined units, which constitutes a strong basis.
Finally, γcat fulfills all the requirements expressed for computational linguistics. Experiments with the shuffling tool confirm all these capabilities, as well as the fact that the three coefficients γ, γcat, and γk are complementary.
These coefficients are already implemented, ready to use, and freely available.
I wish to thank three anonymous reviewers for their very helpful comments and suggestions. The author also thanks Klaus Krippendorff for discussions and collaborations over the years, which influenced this research (but this publication reflects the author's view only). This work was carried out in the GREYC Laboratory, Université de Caen Normandie, France.
Notice that the values, being relative weights, are comparable only within a given row (since rows have different sums). Accordingly, wv values are multiplied by 2 for better readability.
The average result of each method is not reported because, interestingly, they all provide the exact initial result, on average.
The reason for using the alignment from γ instead of creating an alignment that maximizes the score of γcat is that a correct alignment relies both on positions and categories.