We present LESSLEX, a novel multilingual lexical resource. Different from the vast majority of existing approaches, we ground our embeddings on a sense inventory made available from the BabelNet semantic network. In this setting, multilingual access is governed by the mapping of terms onto their underlying sense descriptions, such that all vectors co-exist in the same semantic space. As a result, for each term we have thus the “blended” terminological vector along with those describing all senses associated to that term. LESSLEX has been tested on three tasks relevant to lexical semantics: conceptual similarity, contextual similarity, and semantic text similarity. We experimented over the principal data sets for such tasks in their multilingual and crosslingual variants, improving on or closely approaching state-of-the-art results. We conclude by arguing that LESSLEX vectors may be relevant for practical applications and for research on conceptual and lexical access and competence.
1 Introduction
In the last decade, word embeddings have received growing attention. Thanks to their strength in describing, in a compact and precise way, lexical meaning (paired with a tremendous ease of use), word embeddings conquered a central position in the lexical semantics stage. Thanks to the speed and intensity of their diffusion, the impact of deep architectures and word embeddings has been compared to a tsunami hitting the NLP community and its major conferences (Manning, 2015). Word embeddings have been successfully applied to a broad—and still growing—set of diverse application fields, such as computing the similarity between short texts (Kenter and De Rijke, 2015), full documents (Kusner et al., 2015), or both (Le and Mikolov, 2014). Also, by looking at traditional NLP such as parsing, embeddings proved to be an effective instrument for syntactical parsing—both dependency (Hisamoto, Duh, and Matsumoto, 2013; Bansal, Gimpel, and Livescu, 2014) and constituency parsing (Andreas and Klein, 2014)—and semantic parsing as well (Berant and Liang, 2014).
Within this phenomenon, multilingual and crosslingual word embeddings have gained a special status, thanks to the strong and partly unanswered pressure for devising tools and systems to deal with more than one language at a time. Among the main areas where multilingual and crosslingual resources and approaches are solicited, there are of course machine translation (Cho et al., 2014; Luong, Pham, and Manning, 2015), crosslingual document categorization (Kočiskỳ, Hermann, and Blunsom, 2014; Gouws, Bengio, and Corrado, 2015), and sentiment analysis (Tang et al., 2014).
Consistently with the assumption that word semantics is a function of the context (such that words occurring in similar context tend to deliver similar meanings (Harris, 1954)), research on word embeddings mostly focused on providing descriptions for terms rather than for word senses, by often disregarding the issue of lexical ambiguity. This fact has historically led (with some exceptions, reviewed hereafter) to a separate growth of research aimed at building word embeddings from that rooted in lexicographic resources (in the tradition of WordNet (Miller, 1995) and Babelnet (Navigli and Ponzetto, 2010,s)) and aimed at developing cognitively plausible approaches to lexical meaning and to the construction of lexical resources. These approaches distinguish between word meanings (senses) and word forms (terms). The basic unit of meaning is the synset, a set of synonyms that provide (possibly multilingual) lexicalizations to the represented sense, like a lexical dress. Synsets overall describe a semantic network whose nodes are word meanings, linked by semantic relations (such as hypernymy, hyponymy, meronymy, holonymy, etc.). This kind of approach is far in essence from any kind of distributional hypothesis, in that it never happens that a synset conflates two senses.1 Conversely, the word embeddings for a term provide a synthetic description capturing all senses possibly associated with that term. Word senses have been traditionally used to perform tasks such as word sense disambiguation (WSD) or word sense induction (WSI): individuating which senses occur in a given text may be a precious cue for categorizing documents, to extract meaningful terms, the list of concepts employed along with their mutual relations, etc. The shift of paradigms from lexicographic to distributional approaches has gone hand in hand with the rise of new tasks: besides WSD, semantic similarity (between terms, sentences, paragraphs, whole documents) has emerged as a new, vibrating task in the NLP community: A task perfectly fitting to the geometric descriptions delivered through vectors of real numbers over a continuous, high-dimensional Euclidean space.
However, despite impressive results obtained by systems using word embeddings, some issues were largely left unexplored, such as (i) the links between representations delivered through word embeddings vs. lexicographic meaning representations; (ii) the cognitive plausibility of the word embeddings (which is different from testing the agreement with conceptual similarity ratings); and (iii) the ways to acquire word embeddings to deliver common-sense usage of language (more on common-sense knowledge later on). In particular, different from lexicographic resources where the minimal addressable unit of meaning is word sense (the synset), with few notable exceptions (such as NASARI (Camacho-Collados, Pilehvar, and Navigli, 2015b) and SenseEmbed (Iacobacci, Pilehvar, and Navigli, 2015)), word embeddings typically describe terms. This means that different (though close) vectorial descriptions are collected for terms such as table, board, desk for each considered language; whereas in a resource based on senses just one description for the sense of table (e.g., intended as “a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs”) would suffice. Of course this fact has consequences on the number of vectors involved in multilingual and cross-language applications: One vector per term per language in the case of terminological vectors, one per sense—regardless of the language—otherwise.
One major challenge in the lexical semantics field is, to date, that of dealing with as many as possible languages at the same time (e.g., BabelNet covers 284 different languages),2 so to enable truly multilingual and crosslingual applications. In this work we propose LessLex, a novel set of embeddings containing descriptions for senses rather than for terms. The whole approach stems from the hypothesis that to deal with multilingual applications, and even more in crosslingual ones, systems can benefit from compact, concept-based representations. Additionally, anchoring lexical representations to senses should be beneficial in providing more precise and to some extent more understandable tools for building applications. The evaluation of our vectors seems to support such hypotheses: LessLex vectors have been tested in a widely varied experimental setting, providing performances at least on par with state-of-the-art embeddings, and sometimes substantially improving on these.
2 Related Work
Many efforts have been invested in the last decade in multilingual embeddings; a recent and complete compendium is provided by Ruder, Vulić, and Søgaard (2019). In general, acquiring word embeddings amounts to learning some mapping between bilingual resources, so to induce a shared space where words from both languages are represented in a uniform language-independent manner, “such that similar words (regardless of the actual language) have similar representations” (Vulić and Korhonen, 2016, page 247). A partially different and possibly complementary approach that may be undertaken is sense-oriented; it is best described as a graph-based approach, and proceeds by exploiting the information available in semantic networks such as WordNet and BabelNet.
2.1 Multilingual Embedding Induction
With regard to the first line of research, in most cases the alignment between two languages is obtained through parallel data, from which as close as possible vectorial descriptions are induced for similar words (see, e.g., the work by Luong, Pham, and Manning (2015)). A related approach consists in trying to obtain translations at the sentence level rather than at the word level, without utilizing word alignments (Chandar et al., 2014); the drawback is, of course, that large parallel corpora are required, which may be a too restrictive constraint on languages for which only scarce resources are available. In some cases (pseudo-bilingual training), Wikipedia has thus been used as a repository of text documents that are circa aligned (Vulić and Moens, 2015). Alternatively, dictionaries have been used to overcome the mentioned limitations, by translating the corpus into another language (Duong et al., 2016). Dictionaries have been used as seed lexicons of frequent terms to combine language models acquired separately over different languages (Mikolov, Le, and Sutskever, 2013; Faruqui and Dyer, 2014). Artetxe, Labaka, and Agirre (2018) propose a method using a dictionary to learn an embedding mapping, which in turn is used to iteratively induce a new dictionary in a self-learning framework by starting from surprisingly small seed dictionaries (a parallel vocabulary of aligned digits), that is used to iteratively align embedding spaces with performances comparable to those of systems based on much richer resources. A different approach consists in the joint training of multilingual models from parallel corpora (Gouws, Bengio, and Corrado, 2015; Coulmance et al., 2015).
Also sequence-to-sequence encoder-decoder architectures have been devised, to train systems on parallel corpora with the specific aim of news translation (Hassan et al., 2018). Multilingual embeddings have been devised to learn joint fixed-size sentence representations, possibly scaling up to many languages and large corpora (Schwenk and Douze, 2017). Furthermore, pairwise joint embeddings (whose pairs usually involve the English language) have been explored, also for machine translation, based on dual-encoder architectures (Guo et al., 2018).
Conneau et al. (2018) propose a strategy to build bilingual dictionaries with no need for parallel data (MUSE), by aligning monolingual embedding spaces: This method uses monolingual corpora (for source and target language involved in the translation), and trains a discriminator to discriminate between target and aligned source embeddings; the mapping is trained through the adversarial learning framework, which is aimed at acquiring a mapping between the two sets such that translations are close in a shared semantic space. In the second step a synthetic dictionary is extracted from the resulting shared embedding space. The notion of shared semantic space is relevant to our work, which is, however, concerned with conceptual representations. One main difference with our work is that in our setting the sense inventory is available in advance, and senses (accessed through identifiers that can be retrieved by simply querying BabelNet) are part of a semantic network, and independent from any specific training corpus.
For the present work it is important to focus on ConceptNet Numberbatch (cnn hereafter) (Speer and Chin, 2016; Speer, Chin, and Havasi, 2017). cnn has been built through an ensemble method combining the embeddings produced by GloVe (Pennington, Socher, and Manning, 2014) and Word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) with the structured knowledge from the semantic networks ConceptNet (Havasi, Speer, and Alonso 2007, Speer and Havasi 2012) and PPDB (Ganitkevitch, Van Durme, and Callison-Burch 2013). cnn builds on ConceptNet, whose nodes are compound words such as “go-to-school.” ConceptNet was born with a twofold aim: at expressing concepts “which are words and phrases that can be extracted from natural language text,” and assertions “of the ways that these concepts relate to each other” (Speer and Havasi, 2012). Assertions have the form of triples where concept pairs are related by a set of binary relations:3 Importantly enough, this knowledge base grasps common sense, which is typically hard to acquire by artificial systems. We refer to common sense as a portion of knowledge that is both widely accessible and elementary (Minsky, 1975), and reflecting typicality traits encoded as prototypical knowledge (Rosch, 1975). This sort of knowledge is about “taking for granted” information, a set of “obvious things people normally know and usually leave unstated” (Cambria et al., 2010, page 15). To the best of our knowledge, no previous system for learning word embeddings has explicitly focused on the acquisition of this sort of knowledge; by contrast, ConceptNet is at the base of other projects concerned with the development of lexical resources (Mensa, Radicioni, and Lieto, 2018) and their usage along with formal ontologies (Lieto, Radicioni, and Rho, 2015,s).
However, ConceptNet is principally a lexical resource, and as such it disregards the conceptual anchoring issue: If we consider the term bat, the bat node in ConceptNet mixes all possible senses for the given term, such as the nocturnal mammal, the implement used for hitting the ball, the acronym for “brown adipose tissue,” an entity such as the radar-guided glide bomb used by the US Navy in World War II, and so forth.4 The lack of conceptual anchoring is also a main trait in cnn, as for most word embeddings: Vectors typically flatten all senses, by reflecting their distribution over some corpus approximating human language, or fractions of it.
2.2 Sense Embeddings: Multi-Prototype, Sense-Oriented Embeddings
Some work on word embeddings have dealt with the issue of providing different vectorial descriptions for as many senses associated with a given term. Such approaches stem from the fact that typical word embeddings mostly suffer from the so-called meaning conflation deficiency, which arises from representing all possible meanings of a word as a single vector of word embeddings. The deficiency consists of the “inability to discriminate among different meanings of a word” (Camacho-Collados and Pilehvar, 2018, page 743).
In order to account for lexical ambiguity, Reisinger and Mooney (2010) propose representing terms as collections of prototype vectors; the contexts of a term are then partitioned to construct a prototype for the sense in each cluster. In particular, for each word different prototypes are induced, by clustering feature vectors acquired for each sense of the considered word. This approach is definitely relevant to ours for the attempt at building vectors to describe word senses rather than terms. However, one main difference is that the number of sense clusters K in our case is not a parameter (admittedly risking to inject noisy clusters as K grows), but it relies on the sense inventory of BabelNet, which is periodically updated and improved. The language model proposed by Huang et al. (2012) exploits both local and global context that are acquired through a joint training objective. In particular, word representations are computed while learning to discriminate the next word, given a local context composed of a short sequence of words, and a global context composed of the whole document where the word sequence occurs. Then, the collected context representations are clustered, and each occurrence of the word is labeled with its cluster, and used to train the representation for that cluster. The different meaning groups are thus used to learn multi-prototype vectors, in the same spirit as in the work by Reisinger and Mooney (2010). Also relevant to our present concerns, the work by Neelakantan et al. (2014) proposes an extension to the Skip-gram model to efficiently learn multiple embeddings per word type: Interestingly enough, this approach obtained state-of-the-art results in the word similarity task. The work carried out by Chen et al. (2015) directly builds on a variant of the Multi-Sense Skip-Gram (MSSG) model by Neelakantan et al. (2014) for context clustering purposes. Namely, the authors propose an approach for learning word embeddings that relies on WordNet glosses composition and context clustering; this model achieved state-of-the-art results in the word similarity task, improving on previous results obtained by Huang et al. (2012) and by Chen, Liu, and Sun (2014).
Another project we need to mention is nasari. In the same spirit as BabelNet, nasari puts together two sorts of knowledge: one available in WordNet, handcrafted by human experts, based on synsets and their semantic relations, and one available in Wikipedia, which is the outcome of a large collaborative effort. Pages in Wikipedia are considered as concepts. The algorithm devised to build nasari consists of two main steps: For each concept, all related Wikipedia pages are collected by exploiting Wikipedia browsing structure and WordNet relations. Then, vectorial descriptions are extracted from the set of related pages. The resource was initially delivered with vectors describing two different semantic spaces: lexical (each sense was described through lexical items) and unified (each sense was described via synset identifiers). In both cases, vector features are terms/senses that are weighted and sorted based on their semantic proximity to the concept being represented by the current vector (Camacho-Collados, Pilehvar, and Navigli, 2015b). In subsequent work nasari has been extended through the introduction of a distributional description: In nasari embeddings each item (concept or named entity) is defined through a dense vector over a 300-dimensions space (Pilehvar and Navigli, 2015). nasari vectors have been acquired by starting from the vectors trained over the Google News data set, provided along with the Word2vec toolkit. All the nasari vectors also share the same semantic space with Word2vec, so that their representations can be used to compute semantic distances between any two such vectors. Thanks to the structure provided by the BabelNet resource, the resulting 2.9M embeddings are part of a huge semantic network. Unless differently specified, in the rest of this work we will refer to the embedded version of nasari, which is structurally more similar to our resource. nasari includes sense descriptions for nouns, but not for other grammatical categories.
Another resource that is worth mentioning is SenseEmbed (Iacobacci, Pilehvar, and Navigli, 2015); the authors propose here an approach for obtaining continuous representations of individual senses. In order to build sense representations, the authors exploited Babelfy (Moro, Raganato, and Navigli, 2014) as a WSD system on the September-2014 dump of the English Wikipedia.5 Subsequently, the Word2vec toolkit has been used to build vectors for 2.5 millions of unique word senses.
2.3 Contextualized Models
Although not originally concerned with multilingual issues, a mention to works on contextualized embeddings is due, given their large diffusion. Such models are devised to learn dynamic word embeddings representations. Two main strategies can be outlined (Devlin et al., 2019), that apply pre-trained language models to downstream tasks: feature-based and fine-tuning. In the former case, task-specific architectures are used as additional features (like in the case of ELMo (Peters et al., 2018)). Approaches of this sort have been extended to account for sentence (Logeswaran and Lee, 2018) and paragraph (Le and Mikolov, 2014) embeddings. Peters et al. (2018) extend traditional embeddings by extracting context sensitive features. This kind of model is aimed at grasping complex (such as syntactic and semantic) features associated with word usage, and also to learn how these features vary across linguistic contexts, like in modeling polysemy. ELMo embeddings encode the internal states of a language model based on an LSTM. In the latter case—that is, fine-tuning approaches—minimal task-specific parameters are utilized, and are trained on supervised downstream tasks to tune pre-trained parameters, as in the case of OpenAI GPT (Radford et al., 2019). Unsupervised pre-training approaches are in general known to benefit from nearly unlimited amounts of available data, but approaches exist also showing effective transfer from supervised tasks with large data sets, for example, in sentence representation from NL inference data (Conneau et al., 2017). Specifically, in this work it is shown how universal sentence representations trained using the supervised data of the Stanford Natural Language Inference data sets outperform unsupervised approaches like that by Kiros et al. (2015), and that natural language inference is appropriate for transfer learning to further NLP tasks. BERT vectors (Devlin et al., 2019) rely on other embedding representations, with the notable difference that they model bidirectional context, different from a model such as ELMo, which uses a concatenation of independently trained left-to-right and right-to-left language models.
Until recently, contextualized embeddings of words such as, for example, ELMo and BERT, obtained outstanding performance in monolingual settings, but they seemed to be less suited for multilingual tasks. Aligning contextual embeddings is challenging, because of their dynamic nature. For example, word embeddings tend to be consistent across language variations (Aldarmaki, Mohan, and Diab, 2018), whereas multilingual vector spaces have more difficulty in representing individual words (such as, e.g., homographs with unrelated senses and phrasal verbs) because of their different usage distributions. As a result, using such words in the alignment dictionary may undermine the mapping (Aldarmaki and Diab, 2019). Another sort of difficulty that may be experienced by contextualized models is represented by cases where a single word of a morphologically complex language corresponds to several words of a morphologically simpler language: In such cases, having a vector for each word might not be appropriate to grasp their meanings across languages (Artetxe and Schwenk, 2019, page 3).
However, recent work has been carried out that uses contextual word embeddings for multilingual transfer. The work by Schuster et al. (2019) is reportedly related to MUSE (Conneau et al., 2018): However, different from that approach, aimed at aligning embeddings at the token level, this approach produces alignments for contextual embeddings in such a way that context-independent variants of the original monolingual spaces are built, and their mapping is used to acquire an alignment for context-dependent spaces. More specifically, context-independent embedding anchors are used to learn an alignment that can then be used to map the original spaces with contextual embeddings. With regard to the handling of polysemy, the embeddings obtained through the described approach reflect the multiple senses assumed by the word in different contexts. An alignment based on words in same context, using parallel sentences, is proposed by Aldarmaki and Diab (2019).
3 LessLex Generation
The generation of LessLex relies on two resources: BabelNet and cnn. We briefly describe them for the sake of self-containedness. BabelNet is a wide-coverage multilingual semantic network resulting from the integration of lexicographic and encyclopedic knowledge from WordNet and Wikipedia. Word senses are represented as synsets, which are uniquely identified by Babel Synset identifiers (e.g., bn:03739345n). Each synset is enriched by further information about that sense, such as its possible lexicalizations in a variety of languages, its gloss (a brief description), and its Wikipedia Page Title. Moreover, it is possible to query BabelNet to retrieve all the meanings (synsets) for a given term. Although the construction of BabelNet is by design essential to our approach, in principle we could plug in different sets of word embeddings. We chose cnn word embeddings as our starting point for a number of reasons, namely: its vectors are to date highly accurate; all such vectors are mapped onto a single shared multilingual semantic space spanning over 78 different languages; it ensures reasonable coverage for general purposes use (Speer and Lowry-Duda, 2017); it allows dealing in a uniform way with multiword expressions, compound words (Havasi, Speer, and Alonso, 2007), and even flexed forms; and it is released under the permissive MIT License.
The algorithm for the generation of LessLex is based on an intuitive idea: to exploit multilingual terminological representations in order to build precise and punctual conceptual representations. Without loss of generality, we introduce our methodology by referring to nominal senses, although the whole procedure also applies to verb and adjectival senses, so that in the following we will switch between sense and concept as appropriate. Each concept in LessLex is represented by a vector generated by averaging a set of cnn vectors. Given the concept c, we retrieve it in BabelNet to obtain the sets where each(c) is the set of lexicalizations in the language l for c.6 We then try to extract further terms from the concepts’ English gloss and English Wikipedia Page Title (WT from now on). The final result is the set (c) that merges all the multilingual terms in each (c) plus the terms extracted from the English gloss and WT. In (c) we retain only those terms that can be actually found in cnn, so that the LessLex vector can be finally computed by averaging all the cnn vectors associated to the terms in (c).
3.1 Selecting the Sense Inventory: Seed Terms
Because the generation algorithm creates a representation for conceptual elements (be they nominal, verbal, or adjectival senses), it is required to define which concepts will be hosted in the final resource. For this purpose we define a set of terms that we call seed terms. Seed terms are taken from different languages and different POS (nouns, verbs, and adjectives are presently considered), and their meanings (retrieved via BabelNet) constitute the set of senses described by LessLex vectors. Because of the polysemy of language and because the seed terms are multilingual, different seed terms can retrieve the same meaning. Seed terms do not affect the generation of a vector, but they rather determine the coverage of LessLex, since they are used to acquire the set of concepts that will be part of the final resource. Figure 1 illustrates this process for a few seed terms in English, Spanish, and Italian. These terms provide two senses in total: bn:03739345n – Apple (Inc.) and bn:00005054n – Apple (fruit). The first one is the meaning for ,, and , and the second one is a meaning for , , and, again, . Each synset contains all the lexicalizations in all languages, together with the English gloss and the WT. This information will be exploited for building (cbn:03739345n) and (cbn:00005054n) during the generation process.
3.2 Extending the Set of Terms
3.2.1 Extension Via Wikipedia Page Title
The extension via WT only applies to nouns, because senses for different POSs are not present in Wikipedia. In detail, if the concept has a Wikipedia Page attached and if the WT provides a disambiguation or specification (e.g., Chips (company) or Magma, Arizona) we extract the relevant component (by exploiting commas and parentheses of the Wikipedia naming convention) and search for it in cnn. If the whole string cannot be found, we repeat this process by removing the leftmost word of the string until we find a match. In so doing, we search for the maximal substring of the WT that has a description in cnn. This allows us to obtain the most specific and yet defined term in cnn. For instance, for the WT Bat (guided bomb) we may not have a match in cnn for guided bomb, but we can at least add bomb to the set of terms in .
3.2.2 Extension Via Gloss
Glosses often contain precious pieces of information that can be helpful in the augmentation of the terms associated with a concept. We parse the gloss and extract its components. By construction, descriptions provided in BabelNet glosses can originate from either WordNet or Wikipedia (Navigli and Ponzetto, 2012). In the first case we have (often elliptical) sentences, such as (bn:00028247n – door) “a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle.” On the other side, Wikipedia typically provides a plain description like “A door is a panel that makes an opening in a building, room or vehicle.” Thanks to the regularity of these languages, with few regular expressions on POS patterns7 we are able to collect enough information to enrich . We devised several rules according to each sense POS; the complete list is reported in Table 1. As an example, from the following glosses we extract the terms in bold (the matching rule is shown in square brackets):
- -
[Noun-2] bn:00012741n (Branch) A stream or river connected to a larger one.
- -
[Noun-3] bn:00079944n (Winner) The contestant who wins the contest.
- -
[Noun-1] bn:01276497n (Plane (river)) The Plane is a river in Brandenburg, Germany, left tributary of the Havel.
- -
[Verb-2] bn:00094850v (Tee) Connect with a tee.
- -
[Verb-3] bn:00084198v (Build) Make by combining materials and parts.
- -
[Adjective-3] bn:00106822a (Modern) Relating to a recently developed fashion or style.
- -
[Adjective-4] bn:00103672a (Good) Having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified.
. | Nouns . | . |
1. to be NN+ | → | NN+ |
2. NN1 CC NN2 | → | NN1,NN2 |
3. DT * NN+ | → | NN+ |
Verbs | ||
1. to be VB | → | VB |
2. Sentence starts with a VB | → | VB |
3. VB1 ((CC | ,) VB2)+ | → | VB1, VB2+ |
Adjectives | ||
1. Sentence is exactly JJ | → | JJ |
2. notJJ | → | (JJ is dropped) |
3. (relate | relating | related) to * NN | → | NN |
4. JJ1 CC JJ2 | → | JJ1,JJ2 |
5. JJ1, JJ2orJJ3 | → | JJ1, JJ2, JJ3 |
. | Nouns . | . |
1. to be NN+ | → | NN+ |
2. NN1 CC NN2 | → | NN1,NN2 |
3. DT * NN+ | → | NN+ |
Verbs | ||
1. to be VB | → | VB |
2. Sentence starts with a VB | → | VB |
3. VB1 ((CC | ,) VB2)+ | → | VB1, VB2+ |
Adjectives | ||
1. Sentence is exactly JJ | → | JJ |
2. notJJ | → | (JJ is dropped) |
3. (relate | relating | related) to * NN | → | NN |
4. JJ1 CC JJ2 | → | JJ1,JJ2 |
5. JJ1, JJ2orJJ3 | → | JJ1, JJ2, JJ3 |
In Figure 2 we provide an example of the generation process for three concepts, provided by the seed terms and . For the sake of simplicity, we only show the details regarding two languages (English and Italian). Step (1) shows the input terms. In step (2) we retrieve three meanings for and one for , which has already been fetched because it is also a meaning for . For each concept we collect the set of lexicalizations in all considered languages, plus the extensions extracted from WT and gloss. We then merge all such terms in , by retaining only those that can be actually found in cnn. Once the sets are computed, we access cnn to retrieve the required vectors for each set (3) and then we average them, finally obtaining the vectors for the concepts at hand (4).
3.3 LessLex Features
We now describe the main features of LessLex, together with the algorithm to compute conceptual similarity on this resource. The final space in which LessLex vectors reside is an extension of the cnn multilingual semantic space. Each original cnn vector coexists with the set of vectors that represent its underlying meanings. This peculiar feature allows us to compute the distance between a term and each of its corresponding senses, and such distance is helpful to determine, given a pair of terms, in which sense they are intended. For example, in assessing the similarity of two terms such as “glass” and “eye,” most probably the recalled senses would differ from those recalled for the pairs “glass” and “window,” and “glass,” “wine.”
3.3.1 LessLex Building
The LessLex resource8 has been generated from a group of seed terms collected by starting from 56,322 words taken from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) (Davies, 2009),919,789 terms fetched from the relevant dictionaries of the Internet Dictionary Project,10 and the 12,544 terms that appear in the data sets that we used during the evaluation. All terms were POS tagged and duplicates removed beforehand. The final figures of the resource and details concerning its generation are reported in Table 2.
LessLex Statistics . | All . | Nouns . | Verbs . | Adjectives . |
Seed terms | 84, 620 | 45, 297 | 11, 943 | 27, 380 |
Terms in BabelNet | 65, 629 | 41, 817 | 8, 457 | 15, 355 |
𝒯+ avg. cardinality | 6.40 | 6.16 | 9.67 | 6.37 |
Discarded Senses | 16, 666 | 14, 737 | 368 | 1, 561 |
Unique Senses | 174, 300 | 148, 380 | 11, 038 | 14, 882 |
Avg. senses per term | 4.80 | 6.12 | 3.77 | 1.77 |
Total extracted terms | 227, 850 | 206, 603 | 8, 671 | 12, 576 |
Avg. extracted terms per call | 1.40 | 1.46 | 1.06 | 1.05 |
LessLex Statistics . | All . | Nouns . | Verbs . | Adjectives . |
Seed terms | 84, 620 | 45, 297 | 11, 943 | 27, 380 |
Terms in BabelNet | 65, 629 | 41, 817 | 8, 457 | 15, 355 |
𝒯+ avg. cardinality | 6.40 | 6.16 | 9.67 | 6.37 |
Discarded Senses | 16, 666 | 14, 737 | 368 | 1, 561 |
Unique Senses | 174, 300 | 148, 380 | 11, 038 | 14, 882 |
Avg. senses per term | 4.80 | 6.12 | 3.77 | 1.77 |
Total extracted terms | 227, 850 | 206, 603 | 8, 671 | 12, 576 |
Avg. extracted terms per call | 1.40 | 1.46 | 1.06 | 1.05 |
We started from a total of 84,620 terms, and for 65,629 of them we were able to retrieve at least one sense in BabelNet. The cardinality shows that our vectors were built by averaging about six cnn vectors for each concept. Interestingly, verbs seem to have much richer lexical sets. The final number of senses in LessLex amounts to 174,300, with a vast majority of nouns. We can also see an interesting overlap between the group of senses associated with each term. If we take nouns, for example, we have around 42K terms providing 148K unique senses (3.5 per term), while the average polysemy per term counting repetitions amounts to 6.12. So, we can observe that approximately three senses per term are shared with some other term. A large number of concepts are discarded because they only have one term inside : These are named entities or concepts with poor lexicalization sets. The extraction process provided a grand total of about 228K terms, and on average each contains 1.40 additional terms extracted from WTs and glosses.
Out of the 117K senses in WordNet (version 3.0), roughly 61K of them are covered in LessLex. It is, however, important to note that additional LessLex vectors can be built upon any set of concepts, provided that they are represented in BabelNet (which contains around 15M senses) and that some of their lexicalizations are covered in cnn (1.5M terms for the considered languages).
3.3.2 Computing Word Similarity: Maximization and Ranked-Similarity
Because the ranked-similarity can be applied only if both terms are available in cnn (so that we can compute the ranks among their senses), we propose a twofold set-up for the usage of LessLex. In the first set-up we only make use of the ranked-similarity, so in this setting if at least one given term is not present in cnn we discard the pair as not covered by the resource. In the second set-up (LessLex-OOV, designed to deal with Out Of Vocabulary terms) we implemented a fallback strategy to ensure higher coverage: In this case, in order to cope with missing vectors in cnn, we adopt the max-similarity as similarity measure in place of the ranked-similarity.
4 Evaluation
In order to assess the flexibility and quality of our embeddings we carried out a set of experiments involving both intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation. Namely, we considered three different tasks:
The Semantic Similarity task, where two terms or—less frequently—senses are compared and systems are asked to provide a numerical score expressing how close they are; the systems’ output is compared to human ratings (Section 4.1);
The more recent Contextual Word Similarity task, asking systems to either assess the semantic similarity of terms taken in context (rather than as pairs of terms taken in isolation), or to decide whether a term has the same meaning in different contexts of usage (Section 4.2); and
The Semantic Text Similarity task, where pairs of text excerpts are compared to assess their overall similarity, or to judge whether they convey equal meaning or not (Section 4.3).
4.1 Word Similarity Task
In the first experiment we tested LessLex vectors on the word similarity task: Linguistic items are processed in order to compute their similarity, which is then compared against human similarity judgment. Word similarity is mostly thought of as closeness over some metric space, and usually computed through cosine similarity, although different approaches exist, for example, based on cognitively plausible models (Tversky, 1977; Jimenez et al., 2013; Lieto, Mensa, and Radicioni, 2016a; Mensa, Radicioni, and Lieto, 2017). We chose to evaluate our word embeddings on this task because it is a relevant one, for which many applications can be drawn such as Machine Translation (Lavie and Denkowski, 2009), Text Summarization (Mohammad and Hirst, 2012), and Information Retrieval (Hliaoutakis et al., 2006). Although this is a popular and relevant task, until recently it has been substantially limited to monolingual data, often in English. Conversely, we collected and experimented on all major crosslingual data sets.
4.1.1 Experimental Setting
In this Section we briefly introduce and discuss the selection of data sets adopted for the evaluation.
A pioneering data set is WordSim-353 (Finkelstein et al., 2002); it was built by starting from two older sets of word pairs, the RG-65 and MC-30 data sets (Rubenstein and Goodenough, 1965; Miller and Charles, 1991). These data sets were originally conceived for the English language and compiled by human experts. They were then translated to multilingual and to crosslingual data sets: The RG-65 has been translated into Farsi and Spanish by Camacho-Collados, Pilehvar, and Navigli (2015a), and the WordSim-353 was translated by Leviant and Reichart (2015b) into Italian, German, and Russian through crowdworkers fluent in such languages. Additionally, WordSim-353 was partitioned by individuating the subset of word pairs appropriate for experimenting on similarity judgments rather than on relatedness judgments (Agirre et al., 2009). The SimLex-999 data set was compiled through crowdsourcing, and includes English word pairs covering different parts of speech, namely, nouns (666 pairs), verbs (222 pairs), and adjectives (111 pairs) (Hill, Reichart, and Korhonen, 2015). It has been then translated into German, Italian, and Russian by Leviant and Reichart (2015a). A data set was proposed entirely concerned with English verbs, the SimVerbs-3500 data set (Gerz et al., 2016); similar to SimLex-999, items herein were obtained from the USF free-association database (Nelson, McEvoy, and Schreiber, 2004). The SemEval-17 data set was developed by Camacho-Collados et al. (2017); it contains many uncommon entities, like Si-o-seh pol or Mathematical Bridge encompassing both multilingual and crosslingual data. Finally, another data set was recently released by Goikoetxea, Soroa, and Agirre (2018), in the following referred to as the Goikoetxea data set, built by adding further crosslingual versions for the RG-65, WS-WordSim-353, and SimLex-999 data sets.
In our evaluation both multilingual and crosslingual translations have been used. A multilingual data set is one (like RG) where term pairs 〈x, y〉 from language i have been translated as 〈x′, y′〉 into a different language, such that both x′ and y′ belong to the same language. An example is 〈casa, chiesa〉, 〈house, church〉, or 〈maison, église〉. Conversely, in a crosslingual setting (like SemEval 2017, Task 2 - crosslingual subtask), x′ is a term from a language different from that of y′, like in the pair 〈casa, church〉.
Many issues can afflict any data set, as is largely acknowledged in the literature (Huang et al., 2012; Camacho-Collados, Pilehvar, and Navigli, 2015a; Hill, Reichart, and Korhonen, 2015; Camacho-Collados et al., 2017). The oldest data sets are too small (on the order of few tens of word pairs) to attain full statistical significance; until recently, typically similarity and relatedness (association) judgments have been conflated, thereby penalizing models concerned with similarity. Additionally, for such data sets the correlation between systems’ results and human ratings is higher than human inter-rater agreement. Because human ratings are largely acknowledged as the upper bound to artificial performance in this kind of task, the point has been raised that such data sets are not fully reliable benchmarks to investigate the correlation between human judgment and systems’ output. Furthermore, a tradeoff exists between the size of the data set and the quality of the annotation: Resources acquired through human experts annotation typically are more limited in size, but featured by higher inter-rater agreement (in the order of .80), whereas larger data sets suffer from a lower (often with <.7) agreement among annotators, thus implying overall reduced reliability. We thus decided to test on all main data sets adopted in the literature, to provide the most comprehensive evaluation, widening the experimental base as much as possible. The most recent data sets are in principle more controlled and reliable—SimLex-999, SimVerbs, SemEval-2017, Goikoetxea—but still we decided to experiment on all of them, because even RG-65 and WS-Sim 353 have been widely used until recently. All benchmarks used in the experiments are illustrated in Table 3.
Data set . | Part of Speech . | Monolingual . | Crosslingual . |
RG-651 | nouns | eng, fas, spa | eng, spa, fas, por, fra, deu |
WS-Sim-3532 | nouns | eng, ita, deu, rus | – |
SimLex-9993 | nouns, verbs, adjectives | eng, ita, deu, rus | – |
SimVerbs-35004 | verbs | eng | – |
SemEval 175 | nouns | eng, deu, ita, spa, fas | eng, deu, ita, spa, fas |
Goikoetxea6 | nouns, verbs, adjectives | eus | eng, eus, spa, ita |
Data set . | Part of Speech . | Monolingual . | Crosslingual . |
RG-651 | nouns | eng, fas, spa | eng, spa, fas, por, fra, deu |
WS-Sim-3532 | nouns | eng, ita, deu, rus | – |
SimLex-9993 | nouns, verbs, adjectives | eng, ita, deu, rus | – |
SimVerbs-35004 | verbs | eng | – |
SemEval 175 | nouns | eng, deu, ita, spa, fas | eng, deu, ita, spa, fas |
Goikoetxea6 | nouns, verbs, adjectives | eus | eng, eus, spa, ita |
The results obtained by using LessLex and LessLex-OOV are compared with those obtained by utilizing NASARI and CNN, to elaborate on similarities and differences with such resources. Additionally, we report the correlation indices obtained by experimenting with other word and sense embeddings that either are trained to perform on specific data sets (JOINTChycb by Goikoetxea, Soroa, and Agirre (2018)), or that directly compare to our resource, as containing both term-level and sense-level vector descriptions (SenseEmbed and NASARI2Vec). Table 4 summarizes the considered resources and the algorithm used to compute the semantic similarity. In these respects, we adopted the following rationale. When testing with resources that allow for a combined use of word and sense embeddings we use ranked-similarity13 (as described in Equation (2)); when testing with sense embeddings we adopt the max similarity/closest senses strategy (Resnik, 1995; Budanitsky and Hirst, 2006; Pilehvar and Navigli, 2015) to select senses; when handling word embeddings we make use of the cosine similarity, by borrowing the same approach as illustrated in Camacho-Collados et al. (2017).14 In order to provide some insights on the quality of the ranked-similarity, we also experiment on an algorithmic baseline referred to as LL-M (LessLex Most Frequent Sense), where we selected the most frequent sense of the input terms based on the connectivity of the considered sense in BabelNet. The underlying rationale is, in this case, to study how this strategy to pick up senses compares with LessLex vectors, which are built from word embeddings that usually tend to encode the most frequent sense of each word. Finally, in the case of the RG-65 data set concerned with sense labeled pairs (Schwartz and Gomez, 2011),15 we only experimented on sense embeddings, and the similarity scores have been computed through the cosine similarity metrics.
. | Description . | Algorithm . |
LL-M | LessLex | mf-sense similarity |
LL-O | LessLex (strategy for handling OOV terms) | ranked-similarity |
LLX | LessLex | ranked-similarity |
CNN1 | ConceptNet Numberbatch word embeddings | cosine similarity |
CNN2 | NASARI sense embeddings | max similarity |
JCH3 | JOINTChyb bilingual word embeddings | cosine similarity |
SSE4 | SenseEmbed sense embeddings | max similarity |
N2V5 | NASARI sense embeddings + Word2Vec word embeddings | ranked-similarity |
. | Description . | Algorithm . |
LL-M | LessLex | mf-sense similarity |
LL-O | LessLex (strategy for handling OOV terms) | ranked-similarity |
LLX | LessLex | ranked-similarity |
CNN1 | ConceptNet Numberbatch word embeddings | cosine similarity |
CNN2 | NASARI sense embeddings | max similarity |
JCH3 | JOINTChyb bilingual word embeddings | cosine similarity |
SSE4 | SenseEmbed sense embeddings | max similarity |
N2V5 | NASARI sense embeddings + Word2Vec word embeddings | ranked-similarity |
Speer, Chin, and Havasi (2017) (http://github.com/commonsense/conceptnet-numberbatch v. 16.09).
Camacho-Collados, Pilehvar, and Navigli (2016) (http://lcl.uniroma1.it/nasari/ v. 3.0).
Goikoetxea, Soroa, and Agirre (2018) (http://ixa2.si.ehu.es/ukb/bilingual_embeddings.html).
Iacobacci, Pilehvar, and Navigli (2015) (http://lcl.uniroma1.it/sensembed/).
Word2Vec embeddings trained on UMBC (http://lcl.uniroma1.it/nasari/).
4.1.2 Results
All tables report Pearson and Spearman correlations (denoted by r and ρ, respectively); dashes indicate that a given resource does not deal with the considered input, either because of lacking of sense representation, or because of lacking crosslingual vectors. Similarity values for uncovered pairs were set to the middle point of the similarity scale. Additionally, in Appendix A.1 we report the results obtained by considering only the word pairs covered by all the resources: Such figures are of interest, because they allow examining the results obtained from each resource “in purity,” by focusing only on their representational precision. All top scores are marked in bold.
Multilingual/Crosslingual RG-65 Data Set
The results obtained over the multilingual and crosslingual RG-65 data set are illustrated in Table 5. RG-65 includes a multilingual data set and a crosslingual one. With regard to the former, both LessLex and LessLex-OOV obtain analogous correlation with respect to CNN when considering term pairs; LessLex and LessLex-OOV substantially outperform NASARI, SenseEmbed, and NASARI2Vec when considering sense pairs (Schwartz and Gomez, 2011). Of course CNN is not evaluated in this setting, because it only includes representations for terms. With regard to the latter subset, containing crosslingual files, figures show that both CNN and LessLex obtained high correlations, higher than the competing resources providing meaning representations for the considered language pairs.
RG-65 . | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | ||||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
Word eng | .64 | .59 | .91 | .86 | .91 | .86 | .91 | .90 | .67 | .67 | .84 | .86 | .75 | .81 | .80 | .75 |
Sense eng | – | – | .94 | .91 | .94 | .91 | – | – | .81 | .76 | – | – | .72 | .76 | .78 | .73 |
fas (N) | .75 | .72 | .75 | .75 | .73 | .70 | .76 | .76 | .58 | .50 | – | – | .66 | .66 – | – | |
spa (N) | .82 | .82 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .92 | .93 | .88 | .87 | .80 | .84 | .82 | .85 | – | – |
por-fas (N) | .71 | .69 | .85 | .85 | .81 | .79 | .87 | .86 | .52 | .62 | – | – | .70 | .66 | – | – |
fra-por (N) | .82 | .83 | .92 | .89 | .92 | .89 | .93 | .88 | .69 | .67 | – | – | .81 | .74 | – | – |
fra-fas (N) | .73 | .72 | .84 | .84 | .86 | .84 | .86 | .85 | .47 | .58 | – | – | .72 | .71 | – | – |
fra-spa (N) | .81 | .80 | .93 | .91 | .93 | .91 | .93 | .89 | .79 | .82 | – | – | .88 | .86 | – | – |
fra-deu (N) | .81 | .84 | .90 | .89 | .90 | .89 | .88 | .87 | .77 | .77 | – | – | .77 | .75 | – | – |
spa-por (N) | .83 | .83 | .93 | .91 | .93 | .91 | .93 | .91 | .75 | .79 | – | – | .79 | .79 | – | – |
spa-fas (N) | .71 | .70 | .86 | .87 | .82 | .80 | .86 | .86 | .50 | .64 | – | – | .72 | .79 | – | – |
eng-por (N) | .74 | .71 | .94 | .90 | .94 | .90 | .92 | .90 | .78 | .77 | – | – | .80 | .76 | – | – |
eng-fas (N) | .67 | .62 | .86 | .85 | .84 | .81 | .86 | .87 | .47 | .56 | – | – | .73 | .71 | – | – |
eng-fra (N) | .71 | .70 | .94 | .92 | .94 | .92 | .92 | .91 | .76 | .73 | – | – | .81 | .75 | – | – |
eng-spa (N) | .72 | .71 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .92 | .85 | .85 | .83 | .86 | .80 | .85 | – | – |
eng-deu (N) | .74 | .72 | .91 | .89 | .91 | .89 | .89 | .89 | .70 | .74 | – | – | .76 | .80 | – | – |
deu-por (N) | .87 | .84 | .91 | .87 | .91 | .87 | .91 | .87 | .73 | .76 | – | – | .76 | .72 | – | – |
deu-fas (N) | .77 | .74 | .85 | .85 | .87 | .84 | .85 | .84 | .58 | .65 | – | – | .78 | .80 | – | – |
deu-spa (N) | .84 | .85 | .91 | .90 | .91 | .90 | .90 | .89 | .71 | .79 | – | – | .79 | .80 | – | – |
RG-65 . | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | ||||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
Word eng | .64 | .59 | .91 | .86 | .91 | .86 | .91 | .90 | .67 | .67 | .84 | .86 | .75 | .81 | .80 | .75 |
Sense eng | – | – | .94 | .91 | .94 | .91 | – | – | .81 | .76 | – | – | .72 | .76 | .78 | .73 |
fas (N) | .75 | .72 | .75 | .75 | .73 | .70 | .76 | .76 | .58 | .50 | – | – | .66 | .66 – | – | |
spa (N) | .82 | .82 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .92 | .93 | .88 | .87 | .80 | .84 | .82 | .85 | – | – |
por-fas (N) | .71 | .69 | .85 | .85 | .81 | .79 | .87 | .86 | .52 | .62 | – | – | .70 | .66 | – | – |
fra-por (N) | .82 | .83 | .92 | .89 | .92 | .89 | .93 | .88 | .69 | .67 | – | – | .81 | .74 | – | – |
fra-fas (N) | .73 | .72 | .84 | .84 | .86 | .84 | .86 | .85 | .47 | .58 | – | – | .72 | .71 | – | – |
fra-spa (N) | .81 | .80 | .93 | .91 | .93 | .91 | .93 | .89 | .79 | .82 | – | – | .88 | .86 | – | – |
fra-deu (N) | .81 | .84 | .90 | .89 | .90 | .89 | .88 | .87 | .77 | .77 | – | – | .77 | .75 | – | – |
spa-por (N) | .83 | .83 | .93 | .91 | .93 | .91 | .93 | .91 | .75 | .79 | – | – | .79 | .79 | – | – |
spa-fas (N) | .71 | .70 | .86 | .87 | .82 | .80 | .86 | .86 | .50 | .64 | – | – | .72 | .79 | – | – |
eng-por (N) | .74 | .71 | .94 | .90 | .94 | .90 | .92 | .90 | .78 | .77 | – | – | .80 | .76 | – | – |
eng-fas (N) | .67 | .62 | .86 | .85 | .84 | .81 | .86 | .87 | .47 | .56 | – | – | .73 | .71 | – | – |
eng-fra (N) | .71 | .70 | .94 | .92 | .94 | .92 | .92 | .91 | .76 | .73 | – | – | .81 | .75 | – | – |
eng-spa (N) | .72 | .71 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .92 | .85 | .85 | .83 | .86 | .80 | .85 | – | – |
eng-deu (N) | .74 | .72 | .91 | .89 | .91 | .89 | .89 | .89 | .70 | .74 | – | – | .76 | .80 | – | – |
deu-por (N) | .87 | .84 | .91 | .87 | .91 | .87 | .91 | .87 | .73 | .76 | – | – | .76 | .72 | – | – |
deu-fas (N) | .77 | .74 | .85 | .85 | .87 | .84 | .85 | .84 | .58 | .65 | – | – | .78 | .80 | – | – |
deu-spa (N) | .84 | .85 | .91 | .90 | .91 | .90 | .90 | .89 | .71 | .79 | – | – | .79 | .80 | – | – |
Multilingual WS-Sim-353 Data Set
The results on the multilingual WS-Sim-353 data set are presented in Table 6. Results on these data differ according to the considered language: Interestingly enough, for the English language, the results computed via LessLex are substantially on par with those obtained by using CNN vectors. With regard to the remaining translations of the data set, CNN and LessLex achieve the highest correlations also on the Italian, German, and Russian languages. Different from other experimental settings (see, e.g., the RG-65 data set), the differences in correlation are more consistent, with LessLex obtaining top correlation scores for Italian and Russian, and CNN for German.
WS-Sim-353 . | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | ||||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (N) | .67 | .65 | .78 | .78 | .78 | .78 | .78 | .79 | .60 | .61 | .72 | .72 | .69 | .73 | .71 | .70 |
ita (N) | .67 | .68 | .70 | .73 | .74 | .78 | .69 | .73 | .66 | .65 | .60 | .62 | .66 | .73 | – | – |
deu (N) | .73 | .71 | .63 | .68 | .76 | .77 | .82 | .81 | .64 | .63 | – | – | .62 | .60 | – | – |
rus (N) | .72 | .70 | .64 | .62 | .73 | .75 | .65 | .63 | .63 | .61 | – | – | .60 | .60 | – | – |
WS-Sim-353 . | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | ||||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (N) | .67 | .65 | .78 | .78 | .78 | .78 | .78 | .79 | .60 | .61 | .72 | .72 | .69 | .73 | .71 | .70 |
ita (N) | .67 | .68 | .70 | .73 | .74 | .78 | .69 | .73 | .66 | .65 | .60 | .62 | .66 | .73 | – | – |
deu (N) | .73 | .71 | .63 | .68 | .76 | .77 | .82 | .81 | .64 | .63 | – | – | .62 | .60 | – | – |
rus (N) | .72 | .70 | .64 | .62 | .73 | .75 | .65 | .63 | .63 | .61 | – | – | .60 | .60 | – | – |
Multilingual SimLex-999 Data Set
The results obtained on the SimLex-999 data set are reported in Table 7. We face here twofold results: With regard to the English and the Italian translation, we recorded better results when using the LessLex vectors, with consistent advantage over competitors on English verbs. With regard to English adjectives, the highest correlation was recorded when utilizing the LessLex Most Frequent Sense vectors (LL-M column). With regard to Italian, as in the WordSim-353 data set, the LessLex-OOV strategy obtains correlations with human ratings that are higher or on par with respect to those obtained by using LessLex vectors. In the second half of the data set CNN performed better on German and Russian.
SimLex-999 . | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | ||||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (N) | .51 | .50 | .69 | .67 | .69 | .67 | .66 | .63 | .40 | .38 | .55 | .53 | .52 | .49 | .46 | .43 |
eng (V) | .62 | .56 | .67 | .65 | .67 | .65 | .61 | .58 | – | – | .51 | .50 | .54 | .49 | – | – |
eng (A) | .84 | .83 | .82 | .79 | .82 | .79 | .80 | .78 | – | – | .63 | .62 | .55 | .51 | – | – |
eng (*) | .57 | .55 | .70 | .69 | .70 | .69 | .67 | .65 | – | – | .55 | .54 | .53 | .49 | – | – |
ita (N) | .50 | .49 | .66 | .63 | .64 | .63 | .64 | .61 | .45 | .46 | .47 | .47 | .56 | .49 | – | – |
ita (V) | .58 | .52 | .69 | .63 | .69 | .63 | .67 | .58 | – | – | .54 | .47 | .54 | .44 | – | – |
ita (A) | .65 | .58 | .74 | .69 | .74 | .69 | .74 | .66 | – | – | .39 | .30 | .57 | .47 | – | – |
ita (*) | .51 | .47 | .66 | .62 | .65 | .62 | .65 | .61 | – | – | .46 | .44 | .54 | .47 | – | – |
deu (N) | .58 | .56 | .65 | .63 | .65 | .64 | .66 | .65 | .41 | .42 | – | – | .47 | .43 | – | – |
deu (V) | .48 | .42 | .54 | .45 | .54 | .46 | .63 | .57 | – | – | – | – | .43 | .37 | – | – |
deu (A) | .66 | .63 | .66 | .65 | .69 | .68 | .77 | .75 | – | – | – | – | .43 | .26 | – | – |
deu (*) | .55 | .52 | .62 | .59 | .63 | .61 | .67 | .65 | – | – | – | – | .45 | .38 | – | – |
rus (N) | .43 | .42 | .52 | .48 | .51 | .50 | .53 | .48 | .20 | .22 | – | – | .26 | .21 | – | – |
rus (V) | .31 | .19 | .25 | .18 | .27 | .20 | .60 | .55 | – | – | – | – | .23 | .20 | – | – |
rus (A) | .25 | .26 | .25 | .25 | .27 | .28 | .69 | .69 | – | – | – | – | .04 | .04 | – | – |
rus (*) | .36 | .32 | .43 | .37 | .42 | .39 | .56 | .51 | – | – | – | – | .23 | .13 | – | – |
SimLex-999 . | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | ||||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (N) | .51 | .50 | .69 | .67 | .69 | .67 | .66 | .63 | .40 | .38 | .55 | .53 | .52 | .49 | .46 | .43 |
eng (V) | .62 | .56 | .67 | .65 | .67 | .65 | .61 | .58 | – | – | .51 | .50 | .54 | .49 | – | – |
eng (A) | .84 | .83 | .82 | .79 | .82 | .79 | .80 | .78 | – | – | .63 | .62 | .55 | .51 | – | – |
eng (*) | .57 | .55 | .70 | .69 | .70 | .69 | .67 | .65 | – | – | .55 | .54 | .53 | .49 | – | – |
ita (N) | .50 | .49 | .66 | .63 | .64 | .63 | .64 | .61 | .45 | .46 | .47 | .47 | .56 | .49 | – | – |
ita (V) | .58 | .52 | .69 | .63 | .69 | .63 | .67 | .58 | – | – | .54 | .47 | .54 | .44 | – | – |
ita (A) | .65 | .58 | .74 | .69 | .74 | .69 | .74 | .66 | – | – | .39 | .30 | .57 | .47 | – | – |
ita (*) | .51 | .47 | .66 | .62 | .65 | .62 | .65 | .61 | – | – | .46 | .44 | .54 | .47 | – | – |
deu (N) | .58 | .56 | .65 | .63 | .65 | .64 | .66 | .65 | .41 | .42 | – | – | .47 | .43 | – | – |
deu (V) | .48 | .42 | .54 | .45 | .54 | .46 | .63 | .57 | – | – | – | – | .43 | .37 | – | – |
deu (A) | .66 | .63 | .66 | .65 | .69 | .68 | .77 | .75 | – | – | – | – | .43 | .26 | – | – |
deu (*) | .55 | .52 | .62 | .59 | .63 | .61 | .67 | .65 | – | – | – | – | .45 | .38 | – | – |
rus (N) | .43 | .42 | .52 | .48 | .51 | .50 | .53 | .48 | .20 | .22 | – | – | .26 | .21 | – | – |
rus (V) | .31 | .19 | .25 | .18 | .27 | .20 | .60 | .55 | – | – | – | – | .23 | .20 | – | – |
rus (A) | .25 | .26 | .25 | .25 | .27 | .28 | .69 | .69 | – | – | – | – | .04 | .04 | – | – |
rus (*) | .36 | .32 | .43 | .37 | .42 | .39 | .56 | .51 | – | – | – | – | .23 | .13 | – | – |
SimVerbs-3500 Data Set
Results obtained while testing on the SimVerbs-3500 data set are reported in Table 8. In this case it is straightforward to notice that the results obtained by LessLex outperform those by all competitors, with a gain of .05 in Pearson r, and .06 in Spearman correlation over CNN, on this large set of 3,500 verb pairs. It was not possible to use NASARI vectors, which only exist for noun senses; also notably, the results obtained by using the baseline (LL-M) strategy outperformed those obtained through SenseEmbed and NASARI2vec.
SimVerbs . | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | ||||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (V) | .58 | .56 | .67 | .66 | .67 | .66 | .62 | .60 | – | – | .56 | .56 | .45 | .42 | .31 | .30 |
SimVerbs . | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | ||||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (V) | .58 | .56 | .67 | .66 | .67 | .66 | .62 | .60 | – | – | .56 | .56 | .45 | .42 | .31 | .30 |
Sem Eval 17 Task 2 Data Set
The figures obtained by experimenting on the “SemEval 17 Task 2: Multilingual and Crosslingual Semantic Word Similarity” data set are provided in Table 9. This benchmark is a multilingual data set including 500 word pairs (nouns only) for monolingual versions, and 888 to 978 word pairs for the crosslingual ones.
SemEval 17 . | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | ||||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (N) | .71 | .72 | .79 | .80 | .77 | .81 | .79 | .79 | .64 | .65 | .50 | .45 | .69 | .73 | .64 | .64 |
deu (N) | .73 | .72 | .69 | .68 | .71 | .75 | .70 | .68 | .62 | .62 | – | – | .60 | .61 | – | – |
ita (N) | .74 | .75 | .66 | .65 | .76 | .79 | .63 | .61 | .72 | .73 | .54 | .50 | .70 | .73 | – | – |
spa (N) | .77 | .79 | .67 | .66 | .74 | .80 | .63 | .62 | .72 | .73 | .50 | .48 | .68 | .71 | – | – |
fas (N) | .67 | .67 | .43 | .47 | .72 | .75 | .39 | .35 | .54 | .53 | – | – | .60 | .63 | – | – |
deu-spa (N) | .76 | .77 | .69 | .68 | .74 | .79 | .66 | .64 | .54 | .55 | – | – | .65 | .68 | – | – |
deu-ita (N) | .75 | .76 | .68 | .67 | .75 | .79 | .65 | .63 | .53 | .65 | – | – | .62 | .62 | – | – |
eng-deu (N) | .75 | .75 | .75 | .75 | .75 | .79 | .74 | .73 | .51 | .62 | – | – | .63 | .63 | - | – |
eng-spa (N) | .75 | .76 | .73 | .73 | .76 | .82 | .70 | .70 | .66 | .70 | .46 | .44 | .59 | .61 | – | – |
eng-ita (N) | .74 | .76 | .72 | .72 | .76 | .82 | .69 | .69 | .63 | .71 | .38 | .36 | .69 | .73 | – | – |
spa-ita (N) | .76 | .77 | .67 | .66 | .76 | .81 | .63 | .61 | .65 | .72 | .41 | .39 | .59 | .61 | – | – |
deu-fas (N) | .72 | .73 | .55 | .52 | .73 | .76 | .51 | .47 | .39 | .52 | – | – | .63 | .65 | – | – |
spa-fas (N) | .72 | .73 | .55 | .52 | .75 | .79 | .50 | .47 | .47 | .61 | – | – | .66 | .70 | – | – |
fas-ita (N) | .72 | .73 | .53 | .50 | .75 | .78 | .49 | .45 | .43 | .58 | – | – | .66 | .69 | – | – |
eng-fas (N) | .71 | .72 | .58 | .55 | .74 | .79 | .54 | .51 | .42 | .59 | – | – | .67 | .70 | – | – |
SemEval 17 . | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | ||||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (N) | .71 | .72 | .79 | .80 | .77 | .81 | .79 | .79 | .64 | .65 | .50 | .45 | .69 | .73 | .64 | .64 |
deu (N) | .73 | .72 | .69 | .68 | .71 | .75 | .70 | .68 | .62 | .62 | – | – | .60 | .61 | – | – |
ita (N) | .74 | .75 | .66 | .65 | .76 | .79 | .63 | .61 | .72 | .73 | .54 | .50 | .70 | .73 | – | – |
spa (N) | .77 | .79 | .67 | .66 | .74 | .80 | .63 | .62 | .72 | .73 | .50 | .48 | .68 | .71 | – | – |
fas (N) | .67 | .67 | .43 | .47 | .72 | .75 | .39 | .35 | .54 | .53 | – | – | .60 | .63 | – | – |
deu-spa (N) | .76 | .77 | .69 | .68 | .74 | .79 | .66 | .64 | .54 | .55 | – | – | .65 | .68 | – | – |
deu-ita (N) | .75 | .76 | .68 | .67 | .75 | .79 | .65 | .63 | .53 | .65 | – | – | .62 | .62 | – | – |
eng-deu (N) | .75 | .75 | .75 | .75 | .75 | .79 | .74 | .73 | .51 | .62 | – | – | .63 | .63 | - | – |
eng-spa (N) | .75 | .76 | .73 | .73 | .76 | .82 | .70 | .70 | .66 | .70 | .46 | .44 | .59 | .61 | – | – |
eng-ita (N) | .74 | .76 | .72 | .72 | .76 | .82 | .69 | .69 | .63 | .71 | .38 | .36 | .69 | .73 | – | – |
spa-ita (N) | .76 | .77 | .67 | .66 | .76 | .81 | .63 | .61 | .65 | .72 | .41 | .39 | .59 | .61 | – | – |
deu-fas (N) | .72 | .73 | .55 | .52 | .73 | .76 | .51 | .47 | .39 | .52 | – | – | .63 | .65 | – | – |
spa-fas (N) | .72 | .73 | .55 | .52 | .75 | .79 | .50 | .47 | .47 | .61 | – | – | .66 | .70 | – | – |
fas-ita (N) | .72 | .73 | .53 | .50 | .75 | .78 | .49 | .45 | .43 | .58 | – | – | .66 | .69 | – | – |
eng-fas (N) | .71 | .72 | .58 | .55 | .74 | .79 | .54 | .51 | .42 | .59 | – | – | .67 | .70 | – | – |
These results are overall favorable to LessLex in the comparison with CNN and with all other competing resources. Interestingly enough, while running the experiments with CNN vectors we observed even higher correlation scores than those obtained in the SemEval 2017 evaluation campaign (Speer, Chin, and Havasi, 2017; Camacho-Collados et al., 2017). At that time, such figures scored highest on all multilingual tasks (with the exception of the Farsi language) and on all crosslingual settings (with no exception). To date, with regard to the crosslingual setting, LessLex correlations indices are constantly higher than those by competitors, including CNN. We observe that the scores obtained by using the baseline with most frequent senses (LL-M) are always ameliorative with respect to all results obtained by experimenting with NASARI, JOINTChycb, SenseEmbed, and NASARI2Vec (with the only exception of the ρ score obtained by SSE on the English monolingual data set).
Multilingual/Crosslingual Goikoetxea Data Set
The results obtained by testing on the Goikoetxea data set are reported in Table 10. The data set includes new variants for three popular data sets: three crosslingual versions for the RG-65 data set (including the Basque language, marked as “eus” in the table); the six crosslingual combinations of the Basque, Italian, and Spanish translations of the WS-Sim-353 data set; and three crosslingual translations of the SimLex-999 data set, including its English, Italian, and Spanish translations.
Goikoetxea . | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | ||||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
spa-eus (N) | .74 | .72 | .42 | .67 | .76 | .77 | .66 | .61 | .71 | .74 | .73 | .72 | .61 | .71 | – | – |
eng-eus (N) | .74 | .74 | .41 | .77 | .89 | .91 | .77 | .73 | .89 | .88 | .88 | .87 | .81 | .83 | – | – |
eng-spa (N) | .72 | .71 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .77 | .82 | .83 | .86 | .64 | .85 | – | – |
eus-ita (N) | .27 | .68 | .42 | .74 | .24 | .71 | .51 | .53 | .49 | .56 | .52 | .58 | .20 | .58 | – | – |
spa-ita (N) | .29 | .66 | .29 | .76 | .29 | .74 | .63 | .70 | .53 | .57 | .54 | .60 | .21 | .59 | – | – |
spa-eus (N) | .31 | .74 | .40 | .78 | .29 | .78 | .55 | .56 | .59 | .66 | .69 | .73 | .23 | .64 | – | – |
eng-ita (N) | .30 | .64 | .27 | .77 | .32 | .76 | .67 | .74 | .47 | .52 | .59 | .64 | .21 | .59 | – | – |
eng-eus (N) | .30 | .70 | .39 | .79 | .29 | .78 | .56 | .57 | .52 | .60 | .71 | .75 | .23 | .64 | – | – |
eng-spa (N) | .34 | .66 | .27 | .79 | .40 | .77 | .70 | .76 | .52 | .56 | .68 | .73 | .29 | .64 | – | – |
eng-spa (N) | .49 | .48 | .66 | .64 | .65 | .64 | .64 | .62 | .36 | .46 | .54 | .51 | .53 | .50 | – | – |
eng-spa (V) | .54 | .50 | .61 | .59 | .62 | .60 | .58 | .56 | – | – | .43 | .43 | .52 | .49 | – | – |
eng-spa (A) | .72 | .73 | .73 | .74 | .72 | .75 | .74 | .74 | – | – | .56 | .55 | .53 | .47 | – | – |
eng-spa (*) | .53 | .51 | .66 | .64 | .65 | .65 | .64 | .63 | – | – | .50 | .52 | .53 | .49 | – | – |
eng-ita (N) | .52 | .52 | .70 | .68 | .70 | .68 | .68 | .66 | .36 | .45 | .51 | .50 | .54 | .51 | – | – |
eng-ita (V) | .49 | .40 | .57 | .51 | .57 | .51 | .67 | .62 | – | – | .47 | .51 | .44 | .33 | – | – |
eng-ita (A) | .75 | .74 | .79 | .78 | .79 | .78 | .77 | .72 | – | – | .42 | .43 | .57 | .45 | – | – |
eng-ita (*) | .50 | .46 | .65 | .62 | .65 | .63 | .68 | .66 | – | – | .48 | .50 | .51 | .43 | – | – |
spa-ita (N) | .53 | .53 | .67 | .65 | .67 | .66 | .66 | .64 | .34 | .45 | .45 | .45 | .54 | .52 | – | – |
spa-ita (V) | .44 | .39 | .51 | .46 | .51 | .46 | .63 | .60 | – | – | .42 | .44 | .43 | .34 | – | – |
spa-ita (A) | .68 | .66 | .73 | .71 | .72 | .73 | .73 | .69 | – | – | .41 | .45 | .57 | .48 | – | – |
spa-ita (*) | .49 | .46 | .61 | .58 | .61 | .59 | .66 | .64 | – | – | .44 | .45 | .50 | .45 | – | – |
Goikoetxea . | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | ||||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
spa-eus (N) | .74 | .72 | .42 | .67 | .76 | .77 | .66 | .61 | .71 | .74 | .73 | .72 | .61 | .71 | – | – |
eng-eus (N) | .74 | .74 | .41 | .77 | .89 | .91 | .77 | .73 | .89 | .88 | .88 | .87 | .81 | .83 | – | – |
eng-spa (N) | .72 | .71 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .77 | .82 | .83 | .86 | .64 | .85 | – | – |
eus-ita (N) | .27 | .68 | .42 | .74 | .24 | .71 | .51 | .53 | .49 | .56 | .52 | .58 | .20 | .58 | – | – |
spa-ita (N) | .29 | .66 | .29 | .76 | .29 | .74 | .63 | .70 | .53 | .57 | .54 | .60 | .21 | .59 | – | – |
spa-eus (N) | .31 | .74 | .40 | .78 | .29 | .78 | .55 | .56 | .59 | .66 | .69 | .73 | .23 | .64 | – | – |
eng-ita (N) | .30 | .64 | .27 | .77 | .32 | .76 | .67 | .74 | .47 | .52 | .59 | .64 | .21 | .59 | – | – |
eng-eus (N) | .30 | .70 | .39 | .79 | .29 | .78 | .56 | .57 | .52 | .60 | .71 | .75 | .23 | .64 | – | – |
eng-spa (N) | .34 | .66 | .27 | .79 | .40 | .77 | .70 | .76 | .52 | .56 | .68 | .73 | .29 | .64 | – | – |
eng-spa (N) | .49 | .48 | .66 | .64 | .65 | .64 | .64 | .62 | .36 | .46 | .54 | .51 | .53 | .50 | – | – |
eng-spa (V) | .54 | .50 | .61 | .59 | .62 | .60 | .58 | .56 | – | – | .43 | .43 | .52 | .49 | – | – |
eng-spa (A) | .72 | .73 | .73 | .74 | .72 | .75 | .74 | .74 | – | – | .56 | .55 | .53 | .47 | – | – |
eng-spa (*) | .53 | .51 | .66 | .64 | .65 | .65 | .64 | .63 | – | – | .50 | .52 | .53 | .49 | – | – |
eng-ita (N) | .52 | .52 | .70 | .68 | .70 | .68 | .68 | .66 | .36 | .45 | .51 | .50 | .54 | .51 | – | – |
eng-ita (V) | .49 | .40 | .57 | .51 | .57 | .51 | .67 | .62 | – | – | .47 | .51 | .44 | .33 | – | – |
eng-ita (A) | .75 | .74 | .79 | .78 | .79 | .78 | .77 | .72 | – | – | .42 | .43 | .57 | .45 | – | – |
eng-ita (*) | .50 | .46 | .65 | .62 | .65 | .63 | .68 | .66 | – | – | .48 | .50 | .51 | .43 | – | – |
spa-ita (N) | .53 | .53 | .67 | .65 | .67 | .66 | .66 | .64 | .34 | .45 | .45 | .45 | .54 | .52 | – | – |
spa-ita (V) | .44 | .39 | .51 | .46 | .51 | .46 | .63 | .60 | – | – | .42 | .44 | .43 | .34 | – | – |
spa-ita (A) | .68 | .66 | .73 | .71 | .72 | .73 | .73 | .69 | – | – | .41 | .45 | .57 | .48 | – | – |
spa-ita (*) | .49 | .46 | .61 | .58 | .61 | .59 | .66 | .64 | – | – | .44 | .45 | .50 | .45 | – | – |
Results are thus threefold. With regard to the first block on the RG-65 data set, LessLex results outperform all competitors (to a smaller extent on versions involving the Basque language), including JOINTChycb, the best model by Goikoetxea, Soroa, and Agirre (2018). In the comparison with CNN, LessLex vectors achieve better results, with higher correlation for cases involving Basque, on par on the English–Spanish data set. With regard to the second block (composed of crosslingual translations of the WS-Sim-353 data set), we record that the LessLex-OOV strategy obtained the top Spearman correlation scores, coupled with poor Pearson correlation scores; whereas CNN and JCH obtain the best results with regard to the latter coefficients. In the last block of results in Table 10 (containing translations for the SimLex-999 data set), we first observe that comparing the obtained figures is not simple: We report the figures obtained by Goikoetxea, Soroa, and Agirre (2018) with no distinction in POS. However, if we focus on results on nouns (two thirds of the SimLex-999 data set), LessLex vectors obtain the best results, although it is not easy to determine whether LessLex or CNN vectors provided the overall best results on the other parts of speech.
4.1.3 Discussion
We overall experimented on nine different languages (deu, eng, eus, fas, fra, ita, por, rus, spa) and various crosslingual combinations. Collectively, such tests constitute a widely varied experimental setting, to the best of our knowledge the largest on the semantic similarity task. The obtained results allow us to state that LessLex is at least on par with competing state-of-the-art resources, although we also noticed that some room still exists for further improvements, such as the coverage on individual languages (e.g., Russian and German).
Let us start by considering the results on the multilingual WS-Sim-353 and on the SimLex data sets (Tables 6 and 7, respectively). The results obtained through LessLex always improve on those obtained by using the sense embeddings by SenseEmbed and NASARI2Vec, which provide term and sense descriptions embedded in the same semantic space, and are thus closer to our resource. Also, the comparison with NASARI is favorable to LessLex. In the comparison with CNN, we note that whereas in the English language LessLex and LessLex-OOV scores either outperform or closely approach those obtained through CNN, in other languages our vectors suffer from the reduced and less rich sense inventory of BabelNet, which in turn determines a lower quality for our vectors. This can be easily identified if one considers that a less rich synset contains fewer terms to be plugged into our vectors, thereby determining an overall poorer semantic coverage. The poor results obtained by utilizing LessLex on the German and Russian subsets of the WS-Sim-353 and SimLex-999 data sets probably stem from this sort of limitation.
A consistent difference between LessLex ranked-similarity and the LessLex-OOV strategy can be observed when a sense is available in BabelNet, but not the corresponding vector in CNN: The LessLex-OOV strategy basically consists of resorting to the maximization approach when—due to the lack of a terminological description associated with the sense at hand—it is not possible to compute the ranked-similarity. This strategy was executed in around 9% of cases (σ = 12%) over all data sets, ranging from 0% on verbs in the SimVerbs-3500 data set, up to around 50% for the Farsi nouns in the SemEval-2017 monolingual data set. Although not used often, this strategy contributed in many cases to obtain top scoring results, improving on those computed with plain ranked-similarity with LessLex, and also in some cases on CNN and NASARI, as illustrated in both the monolingual and crosslingual portions of the SemEval-2017 data set (Table 9).
Cases where results obtained through LessLex improve over those obtained with CNN are important to assess LessLex, in that they confirm that the control strategy for building our vectors is effective, and that our vectors contain precise and high-quality semantic descriptions. In this sense, obtaining higher or comparable results by using sense embeddings with respect to using word embeddings (with sense embeddings featuring an increased problem space with respect to the latter ones) is per se an achievement. Additionally, our vectors are grounded on BabelNet synset identifiers, which allows us to address each sense as part of a large semantic network, providing further information on senses with respect to the meaning descriptions conveyed through the 300-dimensional vectors. While the LessLex-OOV is a run-time strategy concerned with the usage of LessLex to compare sense pairs, the quality of our vectors is determined by the enrichment step. More specifically, the coverage of our vectors depends on the strategy devised to build because the coverage is determined both by the number of term-level vectors, and by the number of sense vectors associated with each term, so that in a sense the coverage of LessLex is determined by the size of . Additionally, we register that the elements added to the extended set are often of high quality, as proven, for example, by the sense-oriented task of the RG-65 data set, where senses were assessed (Table 5, line 2): In this setting, the correlation indices for LessLex and LessLex-OOV vectors score highest over all semantic resources, including NASARI, SenseEmbed, and NASARI2Vec.
Additionaly results achieved while testing on the Goikoetxea data set seem to confirm that our LL-O strategy allows us to deal with languages with reduced (with respect to English) coverage and/or sense inventory in either BabelNet or ConceptNet: In 12 out of the overall 18 tests on this data set, the LessLex-OOV strategy earned at least one top scoring correlation index (either r or ρ, as shown in Table 10). The comparison with the recent JOINTChycb embeddings shows that the adoption of a shared conceptual—multilingual—level can be beneficial and advantageous with respect to building specialized pairs of embeddings.
Less relevant under a crosslingual perspective, but perhaps relevant in order to fully assess the strengths of our resource, LessLex vectors achieved by far the highest correlation scores on English verbs (refer to Table 7, line 2, and Table 8). The comparison with previous literature seems to corroborate this fact (Gerz et al., 2016): In fact, to the best of our knowledge previous state-of-the-art systems achieved around .624 Spearman correlation (Mrkšić et al., 2016; Faruqui and Dyer, 2015).
In order to further deepen the analysis of the results, it is instructive to compare the results reported in Tables 5–10 with those obtained on the fraction of data set covered by all considered resources, and provided in Appendix A (Tables 17–22). That is, for each data set we re-run the experiments for all considered resources by restricting to compare only term pairs actually covered by all resources. We call this evaluation metric CbA condition hereafter (from “Covered by All”); as opposed to the case in which a mid-scale similarity value was assigned to uncovered terms, referred to as the MSV condition in the following (from “Mid Scale Value”). As mentioned, the CbA condition allows evaluating the representational precision of the resources at stake independent of their coverage, whereas a mixture of both aspects is grasped in the the MSV condition. In the leftmost column of the tables in Appendix A we report the coverage for each test. As we can see, coverage is diverse across data sets, ranging from .61 (averaged on all variants, with a minimum on the Farsi language, in the order of .34 and all translations involving the Farsi) in the SemEval-2017 data set (Table 21) to 1.0 in the SimVerbs-3500 data set (Table 19). Other notable cases in which relevant variations in coverage were observed are Russian verbs and adjectives in the SimLex-999 data set, with .20 and .06 coverage, respectively (Table 20). In general, as expected, the recorded correlations are improved with respect to results registered for the corresponding (same data set and resource) test in the MSV set-up, although spot pejorative cases were observed, as well (see, e.g., CNN results for Italian adjectives, in the SimLex-999 data set, reported in Table 20). For example, if we consider the poorly covered SemEval-2017 data set, we observe the following rough improvements (average over all translations, and both r and ρ metrics) in the correlation indices: .20 for LessLex, .22 for CNN, .09 for NASARI, .30 for JOINTChycb (that does not cover all translations, anyway), .07 for SenseEmbed, and .09 for NASARI2Vec (only dealing with nouns).
In order to synthetically examine how the CbA experimental condition affected results with respect to the MSV condition, we adopt a rough index, simply counting the number of test results (we consider as a separate test result each Pearson and each Spearman score in Tables E1–E6) where each resource obtained highest scores.16 We thus count overall 152 tests (15 in the SemEval-2017 data set, 4 in the WS-Sim-353, 1 in the SimVerbs-3500, 16 in the SimLex-999, 19 in the RG-65, and 21 in the Goikoetxea; for each one we consider as separated r and ρ scores). Provided that in several cases we recorded more than one single resource attaining top scores, the impact of the reduced coverage (CbA condition) vs. MSV condition is presented in Table 11. In the MSV condition we have LessLex-OOV achieving 91 top scoring results, followed by LessLex with 64 and CNN with 57. In the CbA experimental condition, the LessLex-OOV strategy was never executed (because only the actual coverage of all resources was considered, and no strategy for handling out-of-vocabulary terms was thus necessary), and LessLex obtained 124 top scoring results, against 52 for CNN. In the latter condition there were fewer cases with a tie. All in all, we interpret the different correlation scores obtained in the two experimental conditions as an evidence that LessLex embeddings are featured by good coverage (as suggested by the results obtained in the MSV condition) and lexical precision (as suggested by the results obtained in the CbA condition), improving on those provided by all other resources at stake.
Mid-Scale similarity Value (MSV) Experimental Condition . | ||||||||
. | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . |
Spearman ρ | 7 | 32 | 41 | 33 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Pearson r | 1 | 32 | 50 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 8 | 64 | 91 | 57 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Covered by All (CbA) Experimental Condition | ||||||||
LL-M | LLX | LL-O | CNN | NAS | JCH | SSE | N2V | |
Spearman ρ | 1 | 61 | – | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Pearson r | 2 | 63 | – | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 3 | 124 | – | 52 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Mid-Scale similarity Value (MSV) Experimental Condition . | ||||||||
. | LL-M . | LLX . | LL-O . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . |
Spearman ρ | 7 | 32 | 41 | 33 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Pearson r | 1 | 32 | 50 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 8 | 64 | 91 | 57 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Covered by All (CbA) Experimental Condition | ||||||||
LL-M | LLX | LL-O | CNN | NAS | JCH | SSE | N2V | |
Spearman ρ | 1 | 61 | – | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Pearson r | 2 | 63 | – | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 3 | 124 | – | 52 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Our approach showed to scale well to all considered languages, under the mild assumption that these are covered by BabelNet, and available in the adopted vectorial resource; when such conditions are met, LessLex vectors can be in principle built on a streamlined, on-demand, basis, for any language and any POS.
4.2 Contextual Word Similarity Task
As the second test bed we experimented on the contextual word similarity task, which is a variant of the word similarity. In this scenario the target words are taken in context, meaning that the input word is given as input together with the piece of text in which they occur. In this setting, systems are required to account for meaning variations in the considered context, so that typical static word embeddings such as Word2Vec, ConceptNet Numberbatch, and so forth, are not able to grasp their mutable, dynamic semantics. We tested on both Stanford’s Contextual Word Similarities (SCWS) data set (Huang et al., 2012), and on the more recent Word-in-Context (WiC) data set (Pilehvar and Camacho-Collados, 2019). The SCWS data set defines the problem as a similarity task, where each input record contains two sentences in which two distinct target words t1 and t2 are used. The task requires providing the pair 〈t1, t2〉 with a similarity score by taking into account the context where the given terms occur. The data set consists of 2, 003 instances, divided into 1, 328 instances whose targets are a noun pair, 399 a verb pair, 97 an adjectival pair, 140 contain a verb-noun pair, 30 contain a noun-adjective pair, and 9 a verb-adjective pair. On the other hand, in the WiC data set the contextual word similarity problem is cast to a binary classification task: Each instance is composed of two sentences in which a specific target word t is used. The utilized algorithm has to make a decision on whether t assumes the same meaning or not in the two given sentences. The distribution of nouns and verbs across training, development, and test-set is reported in Table 12, together with figures on number of instances and unique words.
Split . | Instances . | Nouns . | Verbs . | Unique Words . |
Training | 5,428 | 49% | 51% | 1,256 |
Dev | 638 | 62% | 38% | 599 |
Test | 1,400 | 59% | 41% | 1,184 |
Split . | Instances . | Nouns . | Verbs . | Unique Words . |
Training | 5,428 | 49% | 51% | 1,256 |
Dev | 638 | 62% | 38% | 599 |
Test | 1,400 | 59% | 41% | 1,184 |
In the following we report the results obtained on the two data sets by experimenting with LessLex and the ranked-similarity metrics. Our results are compared with those reported in literature, and with those obtained by experimenting with NASARI2Vec, which is the only competing resource suitable to implement the ranked similarity along with its contextual variant.
4.2.1 Testing on the SCWS Data Set
System . | ALL . | N-N . | N-V . | N-A . | V-V . | V-A . | A-A . |
LessLex (rnk-sim) | 0.695 | 0.692 | 0.696 | 0.820 | 0.641 | 0.736 | 0.638 |
LessLex (c-rnk-sim) | 0.667 | 0.665 | 0.684 | 0.744 | 0.643 | 0.725 | 0.524 |
NASARI2Vec (rnk-sim) | – | 0.384 | – | – | – | – | – |
NASARI2Vec (c-rnk-sim) | – | 0.471 | – | – | – | – | – |
SenseEmbed1 | 0.624 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Huang et al. 50d2 | 0.657 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Arora at al.3 | 0.652 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
MSSG.300D.6K4 | 0.679 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
MSSG.300D.30K4 | 0.678 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
System . | ALL . | N-N . | N-V . | N-A . | V-V . | V-A . | A-A . |
LessLex (rnk-sim) | 0.695 | 0.692 | 0.696 | 0.820 | 0.641 | 0.736 | 0.638 |
LessLex (c-rnk-sim) | 0.667 | 0.665 | 0.684 | 0.744 | 0.643 | 0.725 | 0.524 |
NASARI2Vec (rnk-sim) | – | 0.384 | – | – | – | – | – |
NASARI2Vec (c-rnk-sim) | – | 0.471 | – | – | – | – | – |
SenseEmbed1 | 0.624 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Huang et al. 50d2 | 0.657 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Arora at al.3 | 0.652 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
MSSG.300D.6K4 | 0.679 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
MSSG.300D.30K4 | 0.678 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
However, such scores are higher than the agreement among human raters, which can be thought of as an upper bound to systems’ performance. The Spearman correlation among human ratings (computed on leave-one-out basis, that is, by averaging the correlations between each rater and the average of all others) is reportedly 0.52 for the SCWS data set (Chi and Chen, 2018; Chi, Shih, and Chen, 2018), which can be considered as a poor inter-rater agreement. Also to some extent surprising is the fact that the simple ranked-similarity (rnk-sim), which was intended as a plain baseline, surpassed the contextual ranked-similarity (c-rnk-sim), more suited for this task.
To further elaborate on our results we then re-ran the experiment by investigating how the obtained correlations are affected by different degrees of consistency in the annotation. We partitioned the data set items based on the standard deviation recorded in human ratings, obtaining 9 bins, and re-ran our system on these, utilizing both metrics, with the same parameter settings as in the previous run. In this case the Pearson correlation indices were recorded, in order to investigate the linear relationship between our output and human ratings. As expected, we obtained higher correlations on the most reliable portions of the data set, those with smallest standard deviation (Table 14).
σ . | c-rank-sim (r) . | rank-sim (r) . | nof-items . |
≤ 0.5 | 0.83 | 0.82 | 39 |
≤ 1.0 | 0.85 | 0.86 | 82 |
≤ 1.5 | 0.85 | 0.85 | 165 |
≤ 2.0 | 0.82 | 0.84 | 285 |
≤ 2.5 | 0.68 | 0.83 | 518 |
≤ 3.0 | 0.68 | 0.79 | 903 |
≤ 3.5 | 0.67 | 0.75 | 1, 429 |
≤ 4.0 | 0.64 | 0.71 | 1, 822 |
<5.0 | 0.63 | 0.69 | 2, 003 |
σ . | c-rank-sim (r) . | rank-sim (r) . | nof-items . |
≤ 0.5 | 0.83 | 0.82 | 39 |
≤ 1.0 | 0.85 | 0.86 | 82 |
≤ 1.5 | 0.85 | 0.85 | 165 |
≤ 2.0 | 0.82 | 0.84 | 285 |
≤ 2.5 | 0.68 | 0.83 | 518 |
≤ 3.0 | 0.68 | 0.79 | 903 |
≤ 3.5 | 0.67 | 0.75 | 1, 429 |
≤ 4.0 | 0.64 | 0.71 | 1, 822 |
<5.0 | 0.63 | 0.69 | 2, 003 |
However, we still found surprising the obtained results, since the rnk-sim metric seems to be more robust than its contextual counterpart. This is in contrast with literature, where the top scoring metrics, originally defined by Reisinger and Mooney (2010), also leverage contextual information (Huang et al., 2012; Chen, Liu, and Sun, 2014; Chen et al., 2015). In particular, the AvgSim metrics (which is computed as a function of the average similarity of all prototype pairs, without taking into account the context) is reportedly outperformed by the AvgSimC metrics, in which terms are weighted by the likelihood of the word contexts appearing in the respective clusters). The AvgSim and the AvgSimC directly compare to our rnk-sim and c-rnk-sim metrics, respectively. In our results, for the lowest levels of standard deviation (that is, for σ ≤ 2), the two metrics perform in a similar way; for growing values of σ we observe a substantial drop of the c-rank-sim, while the correlation of the rnk-sim decreases more smoothly. In these cases (for σ ≥ 2.5) contextual information seems to be less relevant than pair-wise similarity of term pairs taken in isolation.
4.2.2 Testing on the WiC Data Set
Different from the SCWS data set, in experimenting on WiC we are required to decide whether a given term conveys the same or different meaning in their context, as in a binary classification task. Context-insensitive word embedding models are expected here to approach a random baseline, while the upper bound, provided by human-level performance, is 80% accuracy.
The results obtained experimenting on the WiC data set are reported in Table 15. Previous results show that this data set is very challenging for embeddings that do not directly grasp contextual information. The results of systems participating in this task can then be arranged into three main classes: those adopting embeddings featured by contextualized word embeddings, those experimenting with embeddings endowed with sense representations, and those implementing sentence-level baselines (Pilehvar and Camacho-Collados, 2019). Given that the data set is balanced (that is, it comprises an equal number of cases where the meaning of the polysemous term is preserved/different across sentences), and the fact that the task is a binary classification one, the random baseline is 50% accuracy. Systems utilizing sense representations (directly comparing to ours) obtained up to 58.7% accuracy score (Pilehvar and Collier 2016. On the other side, those using contextualized word embeddings achieved accuracy ranging from 57.7% accuracy (ELMo 1024-d, from the first LSTM hidden state) to 68.4% accuracy (BERT 1024-d, 24 layers, 340M parameters) (Pilehvar and Camacho-Collados, 2019).
System . | Test . | Training . | Development . | ||||
All . | Nouns . | Verbs . | All . | Nouns . | Verbs . | ||
Contextualized word embeddings | |||||||
BERT-large1 | 68.4 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
WSD2 | 67.7 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Ensemble3 | 66.7 | – | – | – | – | – | |
BERT-large4 | 65.5 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
ELMo-weighted5 | 61.2 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Context2vec4 | 59.3 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Elmo4 | 57.7 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Sense representations | |||||||
DeConf4 | 58.7 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
SW2V4 | 58.1 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
JBT4 | 53.6 | – | – | – | – | – | |
LessLex (c-rnk-sim) | 58.9 | 59.4 | 58.8 | 60.1 | 60.5 | 58.0 | 64.6 |
LessLex (RBO) | 59.2 | 61.1 | 59.4 | 62.9 | 63.0 | 62.0 | 64.6 |
N2V (c-rnk-sim) | – | – | 54.1 | – | – | 53.2 | – |
N2V (RBO) | – | – | 60.7 | – | – | 63.4 | – |
System . | Test . | Training . | Development . | ||||
All . | Nouns . | Verbs . | All . | Nouns . | Verbs . | ||
Contextualized word embeddings | |||||||
BERT-large1 | 68.4 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
WSD2 | 67.7 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Ensemble3 | 66.7 | – | – | – | – | – | |
BERT-large4 | 65.5 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
ELMo-weighted5 | 61.2 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Context2vec4 | 59.3 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Elmo4 | 57.7 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Sense representations | |||||||
DeConf4 | 58.7 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
SW2V4 | 58.1 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
JBT4 | 53.6 | – | – | – | – | – | |
LessLex (c-rnk-sim) | 58.9 | 59.4 | 58.8 | 60.1 | 60.5 | 58.0 | 64.6 |
LessLex (RBO) | 59.2 | 61.1 | 59.4 | 62.9 | 63.0 | 62.0 | 64.6 |
N2V (c-rnk-sim) | – | – | 54.1 | – | – | 53.2 | – |
N2V (RBO) | – | – | 60.7 | – | – | 63.4 | – |
Our resource directly compares with multi-prototype, sense-oriented, embeddings, namely, JBT (Pelevina et al., 2016), DeConf (Pilehvar and Collier, 2016), and SW2V (Mancini et al., 2017). In spite of the simplicity of both adopted approaches (c-rnk-sim and RBO), by using LessLex vectors we obtained higher accuracy values than those reported for such comparable resources (listed as “Sense representations” in Table 15).
We also experimented with N2V (with both c-rank-sim and RBO metrics), whose results are reported for nouns on the training and development subsets.19 For such partial results we found slightly higher accuracy than obtained with LessLex with the RBO metrics. Unfortunately, however, N2V results can hardly be compared to ours, because the experiments on the test set were executed through the CodaLab Competitions framework.20 In fact, the design of the competition does not permit us to separate the results for nouns and verbs, as the gold standard for the test set is not publicly available,21 so we were not able to directly experiment on the test set to deepen comparisons.
4.3 Semantic Text Similarity Task
As our third and final evaluation we consider the Semantic Text Similarity (STS) task, an extrinsic task that consists in computing a similarity score between two given portions of text. STS plays an important role in a plethora of applications such as information retrieval, text classification, question answering, topic detection, and as such it is helpful to evaluate to what extent LessLex vectors are suited to a downstream application.
Experimental Set-Up
We provide our results on two data sets popular for this task: the STS benchmark, and the SemEval-2017 Task 1 data set, both by Cer et al. (2017). The former data set has been built by starting from the corpus of English SemEval STS shared task data (2012–2017). Sentence pairs in the SemEval-2017 data set feature a varied crosslingual and multilingual setting, deriving from the Stanford Natural Language for Inference (Bowman et al., 2015) except for one track (one of two Spanish–English crosslingual tasks, referred to as Track 4b. spa-spa), whose linguistic material has been taken from the WMT 2014 quality estimation task by Bojar et al. (2014). The translations in this data set are the following: Arabic (ara-ara), Arabic-English (ara-eng), Spanish (spa-spa), Spanish-English (spa-eng), Spanish-English (spa-eng), English (eng-eng), Turkish-English (tur-eng).
To assess our embeddings in this task, we used the implementation of the HCTI system, participating in the SemEval-2017 Task 1 (Shao, 2017), kindly made available by the author.22 HCTI obtained the overall third place in that SemEval competition. The HCTI system—implemented by using Keras (Chollet, 2015) and Tensorflow (Abadi et al., 2016)—generates sentence embeddings with twin convolutional neural networks; these are then compared through the cosine similarity metrics, and element-wise difference with the resulting values is fed to additional layers to predict similarity labels. Namely, a Fully Connected Neural Network is used to transfer the semantic difference vector to a probability distribution over similarity scores. Two layers are used herein, the first one using 300 units with tanh activation function; the second layer is charged to compute the (similarity label) probability distribution with 6 units combined with softmax activation function. Whereas the original HCTI system uses GloVe vectors (Pennington, Socher, and Manning, 2014), we used LessLex vectors in our experimentation.
In order to actually compare only the utilized vectors by leaving unaltered the rest of the HCTI system, we adopted the same parameter setting as is available in the software bundle implementing the approach proposed in Shao (2017). We were basically able to reproduce the results of the paper, except for the hand-crafted features; however, based on experimental evidence, these did not seem to produce significant improvements in the system’s accuracy.
We devised two simple strategies to choose the word-senses to be actually fed to the HCTI system. In the first case we built the context vector (as illustrated in Equation (3)), and selected for each input term the sense closest to such vector. The same procedure has been run on both texts being compared for similarity. In the following we refer to this strategy as c-rank. In the second case we selected for each input term the sense closest to the terminological vector, in the same spirit as in the first component of the ranked similarity (rnk-sim, Equation (2)). In the following this strategy is referred to as t-rank.
As mentioned, in the original experimentation two runs of the HCTI system were performed: one exploiting MT to translate all sentences into English, and another one with no MT, but performing a specific training on each track, depending on the involved languages (Shao, 2017, page 132). Because we are primarily interested in comparing LessLex and GloVe vectors, rather than the quality of services for MT, we experimented in the condition with no MT. However, in this setting the GloVe vectors could not be directly used to deal with the crosslingual tracks of the SemEval-2017 data set. Specific retraining (although with no handcrafted features) was performed by the HCTI system using the GloVe vectors on the multilingual tracks. In experimenting with LessLex vectors, the HCTI system was trained only on the English STS benchmark data set also to deal with the SemEval-2017 data set: that is, no MT step nor any specific re-training was performed in experiments with LessLex vectors to deal with crosslingual tracks.
Results are reported in Table 16, where the correlation scores obtained by experimenting with LessLex and GloVe vectors are compared.
. | STS Benchmark (English) . | . | |||
Track . | HCTI + LessLex . | HCTI + GloVe . | |||
. | (t-rank) . | (c-rank) . | (no HF) . | ||
dev | .819 | .823 | .824 | ||
test | .772 | .786 | .783 | ||
. | |||||
SemEval 2017 | |||||
Track | HCTI + LessLex | HCTI + GloVe | |||
(t-rank) | (c-rank) | (no MT) | |||
1. ara-ara | .534 | .618 | .437 | ||
2. ara-eng | .310 | .476 | – | ||
3. spa-spa | .800 | .730 | .671 | ||
4a. spa-eng | .576 | .558 | – | ||
4b. spa-eng | .143 | .009 | – | ||
5. eng-eng | .811 | .708 | .816 | ||
6. tur-eng | .400 | .433 | – |
. | STS Benchmark (English) . | . | |||
Track . | HCTI + LessLex . | HCTI + GloVe . | |||
. | (t-rank) . | (c-rank) . | (no HF) . | ||
dev | .819 | .823 | .824 | ||
test | .772 | .786 | .783 | ||
. | |||||
SemEval 2017 | |||||
Track | HCTI + LessLex | HCTI + GloVe | |||
(t-rank) | (c-rank) | (no MT) | |||
1. ara-ara | .534 | .618 | .437 | ||
2. ara-eng | .310 | .476 | – | ||
3. spa-spa | .800 | .730 | .671 | ||
4a. spa-eng | .576 | .558 | – | ||
4b. spa-eng | .143 | .009 | – | ||
5. eng-eng | .811 | .708 | .816 | ||
6. tur-eng | .400 | .433 | – |
Let us start by considering the results obtained by experimenting on the STS benchmark. Here, when using LessLex embeddings we obtained figures similar to those obtained by the HCTI system using GloVe vectors; namely, we observe that the choice of senses based on the overall context (c-rank) provides little improvement with respect to both GloVe vectors and to the t-rank strategy.
With regard to the seven tracks in the SemEval-2017 data set, we can distinguish between results on multilingual and crosslingual subsets of data. With regard to the former ones (that is, the ara-ara, spa-spa, and eng-eng tracks), HCTI with LessLex obtained higher correlation scores than when using GloVe embeddings in two cases: +0.181 on the Arabic task, +0.129 on the Spanish task, and comparable results (−0.005) on the English track. We stress that no re-training was performed on LessLex vectors on languages different from English, so that the improvement obtained in tracks 1 and 3 (ara-ara and spa-spa, respectively) is even more relevant. We interpret this achievement as stemming from the fact that LessLex vectors contain both conceptual and terminological descriptions: This seems also to explain the fact that the advantage obtained by using LessLex vectors with respect to GloVe is more sensible for languages where the translation and/or re-training are less effective, such as pairs involving either the Arabic or Turkish language. Also, we note that using contextual information (c-rank strategy) to govern the selection of senses ensures comparable results with the t-rank strategy across settings (with the exception of track 4b, where the drop in the correlation is very prominent—one order of magnitude). Finally, it is interesting to observe that in dealing with crosslingual texts that involve arguably less-covered languages (i.e., in tracks 2 and 6, ara-eng and tur-eng), the c-rank strategy produced better results than the t-rank strategy.
To summarize the results on the STS task, by plugging LessLex embeddings into a state-of-the-art system such as HCTI we obtained results that either improve or are comparable to more computationally intensive approaches involving either MT or re-training, necessary to use GloVe vectors in a multilingual and crosslingual setting. One distinguishing feature of our approach is that of hosting terminological and conceptual information in the same semantic space: Experimental evidence seems to confirm it as helpful in reducing the need for further processing, and beneficial to map different languages onto such unified semantic space.
4.4 General Discussion
Our experimentation has taken into account overall 11 languages, from different linguistic lineages, such as Arabic, coming from the Semitic phylum; Basque, a language isolate (reminiscent of the languages spoken in southwestern Europe before Latin); English and German, two West Germanic languages; Farsi, which as an Indo-Iranian language can be ascribed to the set of Indo-European languages; Spanish and Portuguese, which are Western Romance languages in the Iberian-Romance branch; French, from the Gallo-Romance branch of Western Romance languages; Italian, also from the Romance lineage; Russian, from the eastern branch of the Slavic family of languages; Turkish, in the group of Altaic languages, featured by phenomena such as vowel harmony and agglutination.
We utilized LessLex embeddings in order to cope with three tasks: (i) the traditional semantic similarity task, where we experimented on six different data sets (RG-65, WS-Sim-353, SimLex-999, SimVerbs-3500, SemEval-2017 (Task 2) and Goikoetxea-2018); (ii) the contextual semantic similarity task, where we experimented on two data sets, SCWS and WiC; (iii) the STS task, where the STS Benchmark and the SemEval-2017 (Task 1) data set were used for the experimentation.
In the first mentioned task (Section 4.1) our experiments show that in most cases LessLex results improve on those by all other competitors. As competitors all the principal embeddings were selected that allow to cope with multilingual tasks: ConceptNet Numberbatch, nasari, JOINTChycb, SenseEmbed, and nasari2vec.
Two different experimental conditions were considered (MSV and CbA, Table 11). Both views on results indicate that our approach outperforms the existing ones. To the best of our knowledge this is the most extensive experimentation ever performed on as many benchmarks, and including results for as many resources.
In dealing with the Contextual Similarity task (Section 4.2) we compared our results with those obtained by using nasari2vec, which also contains descriptions for both terms and nominal concepts in the same semantic space, and with results available in literature. The obtained figures show that despite not being tuned for this task, our approach improves on previous results on the SCWS data set. On the WiC data set, results obtained by experimenting with LessLex vectors overcome all those provided by directly comparable resources. Results obtained by state-of-the-art approaches (using contextualized sense embeddings) in this task are about 9% above those currently achieved through sense embeddings.
With regard to the third task on Semantic Text Similarity (Section 4.3), we used our embeddings by feeding them to a Convolutional Neural Network in place of GloVe embeddings. The main outcome of this experiment is that although our results are comparable to those obtained by using GloVe for English tracks, they improve on the results obtained with GloVe in the crosslingual setting, even though these are specifically retrained on the considered tracks.
In general, handling sense-embeddings involves some further processing to select senses for input terms, while with word-embeddings one can typically benefit from the direct mapping term-vector. Hence, the strategy used to select senses is relevant when using LessLex embeddings. Also—though indirectly—subject to evaluation was the proposed similarity metrics of ranked-similarity; it basically relies on ranking sense vectors based on their distance from the terminological one. Ranked-similarity clearly outperforms the maximization of cosine similarity on LessLex embeddings. Besides, the contextual ranked-similarity (which was devised to deal with the contextual similarity task) was shown to perform well, by taking into account information from the context vector rather than from the terminological one. We defer to further work an exhaustive exploration of their underlying assumptions and the analytical description of differences in computing conceptual similarity between such variants of ranked similarity and existing metrics such as, for example, the Rank-Biased Overlap.
5 Conclusions
As illustrated in the discussion of results, the experimentation provides solid evidence that LessLex obtains competitive results with state-of-the-art word embeddings. In addition, LessLex provides conceptual grounding on BabelNet, one of the largest existing multilingual semantic networks. This enables the usage of LessLex vectors in conjunction with a broad web of senses that provides lexicalizations for 284 different languages, dealing with verbs, nouns, and adjectives, along with a rich set of semantic relations. The linking with BabelNet’s sense inventory allows us to directly plug LessLex vectors into applications and to pair LessLex with resources that already adopt BabelNet synset identifiers as naming convention, such as DBPedia and Wikidata. The obtained results show that LessLex is a natural (vectorial) counterpart for BabelNet, favorably comparing to nasari in all considered tasks, and also including verbs and adjectives that were left out of nasari by construction.
LessLex adopts a unique semantic space for concepts and terms from different languages. The comparison with JOINTChyb shows that using a common conceptual level can be experimentally advantageous over handling specialized bilingual embeddings. Far from being an implementation feature, the adopted semantic space describes a cognitively plausible space, compatible with the cognitive mechanisms governing lexical access, which is in general featured by conceptual mediation (Marconi, 1997). Further investigations are possible, stemming from the fact that senses and terms share the same multilingual semantic space: For example, we are allowed to compare and unveil meaning connections between terms across different languages. Such capabilities can be useful in characterizing subtle and elusive meaning shift phenomena, such as diachronic sense modeling (Hu, Li, and Liang, 2019) and conceptual misalignment, which is a well-known issue, for example, in the context of automatic translation. This issue has been approached, for the translation of European laws, through the design of formal ontologies (Ajani et al., 2010).
Acquiring vector descriptions for concepts (as opposed to terms) may also be beneficial to investigate the conceptual abstractness/concreteness issue (Hill, Korhonen, and Bentz, 2014; Mensa, Porporato, and Radicioni, 2018; Colla et al., 2018), and its contribution to lexical competence (Paivio, 1969; Marconi, 1997). Characterizing concepts on abstractness accounts is relevant for both scientific and applicative purposes. The investigation on abstract concepts has recently emerged as central in the multidisciplinary debate between grounded views of cognition versus modal (or symbolic) views of cognition (Bolognesi and Steen, 2018). In the first hypothesis cognition might be embodied and grounded in perception and action (Gibbs Jr, 2005): That is, accessing concepts would amount to retrieving and instantiating perceptual and motoric experience. Conversely, modal approaches to concepts are mostly in the realm of distributional semantic models: in this view the meaning of rose> would result from “statistical computations from associations between rose and concepts like flower, red, thorny, and love” (Louwerse, 2011, page 2). Also, accounting for conceptual abstractness may be beneficial in diverse NLP tasks, like WSD (Kwong, 2008), the semantic processing of figurative uses of language (Turney et al., 2011; Neuman et al., 2013), automatic translation and simplification (Zhu, Bernhard, and Gurevych, 2010), the processing of social tagging information (Benz et al., 2011), and many others, as well.
Finally, we mention the proposed similarity measure, ranked-similarity. Preliminary tests, not reported in this work, showed that ranked similarity mostly outperforms the maximization of cosine similarity, to such an extent that the results of LessLex vectors reported in the Evaluation Section were computed with ranked-similarity. Such novel measure originates from a simple intuition: In computing conceptual similarity, scanning and comparing each and every sense available in some fine-grained sense inventory may be unnecessary and confusing. Instead, we rank senses using their distance from the term; top-ranked senses are more relevant, so that the formula to compute ranked-similarity refines cosine similarity by adding a mechanism for filtering and clustering senses based on their salience.
In this work we have proposed LessLex vectors. Such vectors are built by re-arranging distributional descriptions around senses, rather than terms. These have been tested on the word similarity task, on the contextual similarity task, and on the semantic text similarity task, providing good to outstanding results, on all data sets utilized. We have discussed the obtained results. Also importantly, we have outlined the relevance of LessLex vectors in the broader context of research in natural language with focus on senses and conceptual representation, mentioning that having co-located sense and term representations may be helpful to investigate some issues in an area at the intersection of general Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Cognitive Psychology, Knowledge Representation, and, of course, Computational Linguistics. In these settings distributed representation of senses may be used, either to enable further research or to solve specific tasks. In so doing, we feel that this work to some extent takes up a famous challenge, “to think about problems, architectures, cognitive science, and the details of human language, how it is learned, processed, and how it changes, rather than just chasing state-of-the-art numbers on a benchmark task” (Manning, 2015, page 706).
Appendix A
A.1 Results on the Word Similarity Task, CbA Condition
In this section we illustrate the results obtained by testing on the semantic similarity task. However, different from the results reported in Section 4.1.3, in this case only the fraction of each data set covered by all considered resources was used for testing.
RG-65 . | LL-M . | LLX . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | |||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
[Word] eng [1.0] | .64 | .59 | .91 | .86 | .91 | .90 | .67 | .67 | .84 | .86 | .75 | .81 | .80 | .75 |
[Sense] eng [1.0] | – | – | .94 | .91 | – | – | .81 | .76 | – | – | .72 | .76 | .78 | .73 |
fas (N) [.69] | .78 | .73 | .86 | .87 | .88 | .89 | .71 | .69 | – | – | .72 | .60 | – | – |
spa (N) [.98] | .82 | .82 | .92 | .93 | .92 | .93 | .91 | .91 | .80 | .83 | .82 | .84 | – | – |
por-fas (N) [.81] | .73 | .72 | .91 | .90 | .93 | .89 | .79 | .76 | – | – | .76 | .70 | – | – |
fra-por (N) [.97] | .83 | .84 | .93 | .89 | .93 | .89 | .76 | .69 | – | – | .81 | .73 | – | – |
fra-fas (N) [.87] | .72 | .72 | .90 | .88 | .93 | .89 | .73 | .69 | – | – | .74 | .68 | – | – |
fra-spa (N) [.99] | .81 | .80 | .93 | .91 | .93 | .89 | .85 | .83 | – | – | .88 | .86 | – | – |
fra-deu (N) [.99] | .82 | .86 | .91 | .90 | .89 | .88 | .81 | .78 | – | – | .78 | .76 | – | – |
spa-por (N) [.98] | .83 | .83 | .93 | .92 | .93 | .92 | .83 | .81 | – | – | .80 | .79 | – | – |
spa-fas (N) [.82] | .71 | .69 | .92 | .92 | .93 | .91 | .83 | .82 | – | – | .78 | .83 | – | – |
eng-por (N) [.99] | .74 | .72 | .94 | .90 | .92 | .90 | .79 | .76 | – | – | .80 | .77 | – | – |
eng-fas (N) [.83] | .68 | .61 | .92 | .89 | .93 | .92 | .79 | .74 | – | – | .78 | .74 | – | – |
eng-fra (N) [1.0] | .71 | .70 | .94 | .92 | .92 | .91 | .76 | .73 | – | – | .81 | .75 | – | – |
eng-spa (N) [.99] | .73 | .71 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .92 | .85 | .85 | .84 | .85 | .80 | .85 | – | – |
eng-deu (N) [.98] | .74 | .72 | .92 | .90 | .90 | .90 | .83 | .81 | – | – | .77 | .80 | – | – |
deu-por (N) [.96] | .89 | .86 | .93 | .89 | .92 | .88 | .82 | .78 | – | – | .77 | .74 | – | – |
deu-fas (N) [.81] | .76 | .74 | .92 | .91 | .92 | .90 | .88 | .81 | – | – | .82 | .82 | – | – |
deu-spa (N) [.97] | .85 | .86 | .92 | .91 | .91 | .90 | .89 | .86 | – | – | .80 | .81 | – | – |
RG-65 . | LL-M . | LLX . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | |||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
[Word] eng [1.0] | .64 | .59 | .91 | .86 | .91 | .90 | .67 | .67 | .84 | .86 | .75 | .81 | .80 | .75 |
[Sense] eng [1.0] | – | – | .94 | .91 | – | – | .81 | .76 | – | – | .72 | .76 | .78 | .73 |
fas (N) [.69] | .78 | .73 | .86 | .87 | .88 | .89 | .71 | .69 | – | – | .72 | .60 | – | – |
spa (N) [.98] | .82 | .82 | .92 | .93 | .92 | .93 | .91 | .91 | .80 | .83 | .82 | .84 | – | – |
por-fas (N) [.81] | .73 | .72 | .91 | .90 | .93 | .89 | .79 | .76 | – | – | .76 | .70 | – | – |
fra-por (N) [.97] | .83 | .84 | .93 | .89 | .93 | .89 | .76 | .69 | – | – | .81 | .73 | – | – |
fra-fas (N) [.87] | .72 | .72 | .90 | .88 | .93 | .89 | .73 | .69 | – | – | .74 | .68 | – | – |
fra-spa (N) [.99] | .81 | .80 | .93 | .91 | .93 | .89 | .85 | .83 | – | – | .88 | .86 | – | – |
fra-deu (N) [.99] | .82 | .86 | .91 | .90 | .89 | .88 | .81 | .78 | – | – | .78 | .76 | – | – |
spa-por (N) [.98] | .83 | .83 | .93 | .92 | .93 | .92 | .83 | .81 | – | – | .80 | .79 | – | – |
spa-fas (N) [.82] | .71 | .69 | .92 | .92 | .93 | .91 | .83 | .82 | – | – | .78 | .83 | – | – |
eng-por (N) [.99] | .74 | .72 | .94 | .90 | .92 | .90 | .79 | .76 | – | – | .80 | .77 | – | – |
eng-fas (N) [.83] | .68 | .61 | .92 | .89 | .93 | .92 | .79 | .74 | – | – | .78 | .74 | – | – |
eng-fra (N) [1.0] | .71 | .70 | .94 | .92 | .92 | .91 | .76 | .73 | – | – | .81 | .75 | – | – |
eng-spa (N) [.99] | .73 | .71 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .92 | .85 | .85 | .84 | .85 | .80 | .85 | – | – |
eng-deu (N) [.98] | .74 | .72 | .92 | .90 | .90 | .90 | .83 | .81 | – | – | .77 | .80 | – | – |
deu-por (N) [.96] | .89 | .86 | .93 | .89 | .92 | .88 | .82 | .78 | – | – | .77 | .74 | – | – |
deu-fas (N) [.81] | .76 | .74 | .92 | .91 | .92 | .90 | .88 | .81 | – | – | .82 | .82 | – | – |
deu-spa (N) [.97] | .85 | .86 | .92 | .91 | .91 | .90 | .89 | .86 | – | – | .80 | .81 | – | – |
WS-Sim-353 . | LL-M . | LLX . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | |||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (N) [.97] | .67 | .65 | .78 | .79 | .78 | .79 | .60 | .61 | .75 | .76 | .69 | .73 | .71 | .70 |
ita (N) [.92] | .68 | .69 | .74 | .77 | .75 | .77 | .66 | .65 | .69 | .70 | .65 | .71 | – | – |
deu (N) [.88] | .77 | .74 | .83 | .81 | .84 | .83 | .70 | .69 | – | – | .65 | .64 | – | – |
rus (N) [.83] | .75 | .76 | .77 | .78 | .79 | .79 | .66 | .66 | – | – | .63 | .64 | – | – |
WS-Sim-353 . | LL-M . | LLX . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | |||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (N) [.97] | .67 | .65 | .78 | .79 | .78 | .79 | .60 | .61 | .75 | .76 | .69 | .73 | .71 | .70 |
ita (N) [.92] | .68 | .69 | .74 | .77 | .75 | .77 | .66 | .65 | .69 | .70 | .65 | .71 | – | – |
deu (N) [.88] | .77 | .74 | .83 | .81 | .84 | .83 | .70 | .69 | – | – | .65 | .64 | – | – |
rus (N) [.83] | .75 | .76 | .77 | .78 | .79 | .79 | .66 | .66 | – | – | .63 | .64 | – | – |
SimVerbs-3500 . | LL-M . | LLX . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | |||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (V)[1.0] | .58 | .56 | .67 | .66 | .62 | .60 | – | – | .56 | .56 | .45 | .42 | .31 | .30 |
SimVerbs-3500 . | LL-M . | LLX . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | |||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (V)[1.0] | .58 | .56 | .67 | .66 | .62 | .60 | – | – | .56 | .56 | .45 | .42 | .31 | .30 |
SimLex-999 . | LL-M . | LLX . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | |||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (N)[1.0] | .51 | .52 | .69 | .67 | .66 | .63 | .41 | .39 | .55 | .53 | .52 | .49 | .46 | .44 |
eng (V) [1.0] | .62 | .56 | .67 | .65 | .61 | .58 | – | – | .51 | .50 | .54 | .49 | – | – |
eng (A) [1.0] | .84 | .83 | .82 | .79 | .80 | .78 | – | – | .63 | .62 | .55 | .51 | – | – |
eng (*) [1.0] | .57 | .53 | .70 | .69 | .67 | .65 | – | – | .55 | .54 | .53 | .49 | – | – |
ita (N) [.96] | .50 | .49 | .66 | .64 | .64 | .62 | .48 | .49 | .48 | .49 | .56 | .50 | – | – |
ita (V) [.96] | .58 | .53 | .70 | .63 | .69 | .59 | – | – | .57 | .50 | .56 | .45 | – | – |
ita (A) [.95] | .68 | .57 | .77 | .70 | .73 | .64 | – | – | .40 | .30 | .61 | .49 | – | – |
ita (*) [.96] | .49 | .43 | .67 | .63 | .65 | .62 | – | – | .48 | .46 | .55 | .48 | – | – |
deu (N) [.94] | .58 | .57 | .66 | .65 | .68 | .66 | .46 | .47 | – | – | .48 | .44 | – | – |
deu (V) [.73] | .56 | .53 | .63 | .60 | .64 | .58 | – | – | – | – | .51 | .46 | – | – |
deu (A) [.67] | .74 | .70 | .76 | .73 | .80 | .75 | – | – | – | – | .50 | .39 | – | – |
deu (*) [.86] | .59 | .57 | .66 | .65 | .69 | .67 | – | – | – | – | .47 | .42 | – | – |
rus (N) [.86] | .45 | .43 | .54 | .51 | .54 | .49 | .23 | .23 | – | – | .26 | .21 | – | – |
rus (V) [.20] | .60 | .54 | .58 | .59 | .66 | .60 | – | – | – | – | .42 | .28 | – | – |
rus (A) [.06] | .92 | .87 | .94 | .91 | .94 | .87 | – | – | – | – | .62 | .24 | – | – |
rus (*) [.63] | .46 | .44 | .55 | .51 | .55 | .50 | – | – | – | – | .27 | .21 | – | – |
SimLex-999 . | LL-M . | LLX . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | |||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (N)[1.0] | .51 | .52 | .69 | .67 | .66 | .63 | .41 | .39 | .55 | .53 | .52 | .49 | .46 | .44 |
eng (V) [1.0] | .62 | .56 | .67 | .65 | .61 | .58 | – | – | .51 | .50 | .54 | .49 | – | – |
eng (A) [1.0] | .84 | .83 | .82 | .79 | .80 | .78 | – | – | .63 | .62 | .55 | .51 | – | – |
eng (*) [1.0] | .57 | .53 | .70 | .69 | .67 | .65 | – | – | .55 | .54 | .53 | .49 | – | – |
ita (N) [.96] | .50 | .49 | .66 | .64 | .64 | .62 | .48 | .49 | .48 | .49 | .56 | .50 | – | – |
ita (V) [.96] | .58 | .53 | .70 | .63 | .69 | .59 | – | – | .57 | .50 | .56 | .45 | – | – |
ita (A) [.95] | .68 | .57 | .77 | .70 | .73 | .64 | – | – | .40 | .30 | .61 | .49 | – | – |
ita (*) [.96] | .49 | .43 | .67 | .63 | .65 | .62 | – | – | .48 | .46 | .55 | .48 | – | – |
deu (N) [.94] | .58 | .57 | .66 | .65 | .68 | .66 | .46 | .47 | – | – | .48 | .44 | – | – |
deu (V) [.73] | .56 | .53 | .63 | .60 | .64 | .58 | – | – | – | – | .51 | .46 | – | – |
deu (A) [.67] | .74 | .70 | .76 | .73 | .80 | .75 | – | – | – | – | .50 | .39 | – | – |
deu (*) [.86] | .59 | .57 | .66 | .65 | .69 | .67 | – | – | – | – | .47 | .42 | – | – |
rus (N) [.86] | .45 | .43 | .54 | .51 | .54 | .49 | .23 | .23 | – | – | .26 | .21 | – | – |
rus (V) [.20] | .60 | .54 | .58 | .59 | .66 | .60 | – | – | – | – | .42 | .28 | – | – |
rus (A) [.06] | .92 | .87 | .94 | .91 | .94 | .87 | – | – | – | – | .62 | .24 | – | – |
rus (*) [.63] | .46 | .44 | .55 | .51 | .55 | .50 | – | – | – | – | .27 | .21 | – | – |
SemEval-2017 . | LL-M . | LLX . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | |||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (N)[.66] | .70 | .70 | .84 | .86 | .83 | .85 | .57 | .59 | .75 | .77 | .71 | .75 | .73 | .73 |
deu (N) [.73] | .78 | .79 | .84 | .85 | .84 | .86 | .68 | .68 | – | – | .67 | .69 | – | – |
ita (N) [.61] | .73 | .73 | .82 | .84 | .80 | .82 | .75 | .76 | .76 | .78 | .71 | .77 | – | – |
spa (N) [.62] | .77 | .79 | .84 | .86 | .81 | .84 | .70 | .71 | .78 | .80 | .73 | .78 | – | – |
fas (N) [.34] | .69 | .72 | .79 | .82 | .75 | .80 | .58 | .59 | – | – | .65 | .70 | – | – |
deu-spa (N) [.73] | .78 | .80 | .84 | .86 | .82 | .84 | .71 | .72 | – | – | .70 | .74 | – | – |
deu-ita (N) [.74] | .77 | .78 | .83 | .85 | .82 | .84 | .72 | .73 | – | – | .69 | .73 | – | – |
eng-deu (N) [.82] | .78 | .79 | .85 | .86 | .83 | .85 | .67 | .68 | – | – | .70 | .72 | – | – |
eng-spa (N) [.63] | .74 | .75 | .85 | .87 | .83 | .85 | .65 | .66 | .75 | .78 | .72 | .77 | – | – |
eng-ita (N) [.62] | .73 | .74 | .85 | .87 | .83 | .85 | .69 | .70 | .73 | .75 | .72 | .77 | – | – |
spa-ita (N) [.61] | .75 | .76 | .84 | .86 | .81 | .84 | .74 | .74 | .70 | .71 | .72 | .78 | – | – |
deu-fas (N) [.49] | .75 | .78 | .84 | .86 | .81 | .85 | .71 | .72 | – | – | .69 | .74 | – | – |
spa-fas (N) [.49] | .72 | .74 | .84 | .86 | .80 | .84 | .70 | .72 | – | – | .70 | .77 | – | – |
fas-ita (N) [.49] | .71 | .72 | .81 | .84 | .72 | .82 | .70 | .72 | – | – | .69 | .75 | – | – |
eng-fas (N) [.54] | .70 | .71 | .82 | .85 | .79 | .82 | .65 | .68 | – | – | .70 | .75 | – | – |
SemEval-2017 . | LL-M . | LLX . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | |||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
eng (N)[.66] | .70 | .70 | .84 | .86 | .83 | .85 | .57 | .59 | .75 | .77 | .71 | .75 | .73 | .73 |
deu (N) [.73] | .78 | .79 | .84 | .85 | .84 | .86 | .68 | .68 | – | – | .67 | .69 | – | – |
ita (N) [.61] | .73 | .73 | .82 | .84 | .80 | .82 | .75 | .76 | .76 | .78 | .71 | .77 | – | – |
spa (N) [.62] | .77 | .79 | .84 | .86 | .81 | .84 | .70 | .71 | .78 | .80 | .73 | .78 | – | – |
fas (N) [.34] | .69 | .72 | .79 | .82 | .75 | .80 | .58 | .59 | – | – | .65 | .70 | – | – |
deu-spa (N) [.73] | .78 | .80 | .84 | .86 | .82 | .84 | .71 | .72 | – | – | .70 | .74 | – | – |
deu-ita (N) [.74] | .77 | .78 | .83 | .85 | .82 | .84 | .72 | .73 | – | – | .69 | .73 | – | – |
eng-deu (N) [.82] | .78 | .79 | .85 | .86 | .83 | .85 | .67 | .68 | – | – | .70 | .72 | – | – |
eng-spa (N) [.63] | .74 | .75 | .85 | .87 | .83 | .85 | .65 | .66 | .75 | .78 | .72 | .77 | – | – |
eng-ita (N) [.62] | .73 | .74 | .85 | .87 | .83 | .85 | .69 | .70 | .73 | .75 | .72 | .77 | – | – |
spa-ita (N) [.61] | .75 | .76 | .84 | .86 | .81 | .84 | .74 | .74 | .70 | .71 | .72 | .78 | – | – |
deu-fas (N) [.49] | .75 | .78 | .84 | .86 | .81 | .85 | .71 | .72 | – | – | .69 | .74 | – | – |
spa-fas (N) [.49] | .72 | .74 | .84 | .86 | .80 | .84 | .70 | .72 | – | – | .70 | .77 | – | – |
fas-ita (N) [.49] | .71 | .72 | .81 | .84 | .72 | .82 | .70 | .72 | – | – | .69 | .75 | – | – |
eng-fas (N) [.54] | .70 | .71 | .82 | .85 | .79 | .82 | .65 | .68 | – | – | .70 | .75 | – | – |
Goikoetxea . | LL-M . | LLX . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | |||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
spa-eus (N)[.75] | .75 | .71 | .80 | .74 | .81 | .73 | .74 | .73 | .69 | .66 | .74 | .70 | – | – |
eng-eus (N)[.77] | .75 | .72 | .93 | .91 | .93 | .90 | .91 | .90 | .87 | .84 | .84 | .86 | – | – |
eng-spa (N)[.99] | .73 | .71 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .92 | .85 | .85 | .84 | .85 | .80 | .85 | – | – |
eus-ita (N)[.72] | .62 | .66 | .69 | .73 | .67 | .63 | .57 | .59 | .58 | .63 | .53 | .56 | – | – |
spa-ita (N)[.93] | .60 | .65 | .67 | .75 | .66 | .74 | .58 | .59 | .56 | .61 | .53 | .59 | – | – |
spa-eus (N)[.73] | .67 | .70 | .74 | .79 | .71 | .78 | .66 | .67 | .70 | .74 | .60 | .64 | – | – |
eng-ita (N)[.96] | .59 | .64 | .70 | .76 | .70 | .77 | .51 | .52 | .61 | .66 | .51 | .58 | – | – |
eng-eus (N)[.75] | .64 | .67 | .75 | .80 | .74 | .80 | .58 | .60 | .72 | .76 | .58 | .63 | – | – |
eng-spa (N)[.97] | .62 | .66 | .72 | .78 | .71 | .78 | .55 | .56 | .68 | .74 | .57 | .64 | – | – |
eng-spa (N)[.97] | .50 | .49 | .67 | .65 | .64 | .62 | .52 | .51 | .56 | .52 | .55 | .52 | – | – |
eng-spa (V)[.96] | .53 | .49 | .62 | .60 | .59 | .57 | – | – | .48 | .46 | .53 | .49 | – | – |
eng-spa (A)[.80] | .76 | .77 | .77 | .77 | .77 | .77 | – | – | .59 | .60 | .56 | .50 | – | – |
eng-spa (*)[.95] | .54 | .52 | .67 | .66 | .65 | .64 | – | – | .54 | .52 | .55 | .51 | – | – |
eng-ita (N)[.97] | .53 | .53 | .71 | .69 | .68 | .66 | .46 | .47 | .53 | .51 | .55 | .52 | – | – |
eng-ita (V)[.58[ | .62 | .55 | .71 | .67 | .67 | .60 | – | – | .51 | .45 | .56 | .46 | – | – |
eng-ita (A)[.80] | .79 | .73 | .84 | .78 | .78 | .70 | – | – | .41 | .36 | .61 | .48 | – | – |
eng-ita (*)[.82] | .56 | .53 | .72 | .70 | .69 | .67 | – | – | .50 | .48 | .56 | .50 | – | – |
spa-ita (N)[.96] | .53 | .53 | .68 | .67 | .66 | .65 | .47 | .49 | .48 | .47 | .56 | .54 | – | – |
spa-ita (V)[.56] | .56 | .52 | .65 | .60 | .64 | .58 | – | – | .47 | .42 | .56 | .49 | – | – |
spa-ita (A)[.78] | .73 | .66 | .79 | .73 | .76 | .69 | – | – | .43 | .38 | .63 | .51 | – | – |
spa-ita (*)[.80] | .55 | .53 | .68 | .66 | .67 | .65 | – | – | .47 | .45 | .56 | .51 | – | – |
Goikoetxea . | LL-M . | LLX . | CNN . | NAS . | JCH . | SSE . | N2V . | |||||||
r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | r . | ρ . | |
spa-eus (N)[.75] | .75 | .71 | .80 | .74 | .81 | .73 | .74 | .73 | .69 | .66 | .74 | .70 | – | – |
eng-eus (N)[.77] | .75 | .72 | .93 | .91 | .93 | .90 | .91 | .90 | .87 | .84 | .84 | .86 | – | – |
eng-spa (N)[.99] | .73 | .71 | .93 | .93 | .93 | .92 | .85 | .85 | .84 | .85 | .80 | .85 | – | – |
eus-ita (N)[.72] | .62 | .66 | .69 | .73 | .67 | .63 | .57 | .59 | .58 | .63 | .53 | .56 | – | – |
spa-ita (N)[.93] | .60 | .65 | .67 | .75 | .66 | .74 | .58 | .59 | .56 | .61 | .53 | .59 | – | – |
spa-eus (N)[.73] | .67 | .70 | .74 | .79 | .71 | .78 | .66 | .67 | .70 | .74 | .60 | .64 | – | – |
eng-ita (N)[.96] | .59 | .64 | .70 | .76 | .70 | .77 | .51 | .52 | .61 | .66 | .51 | .58 | – | – |
eng-eus (N)[.75] | .64 | .67 | .75 | .80 | .74 | .80 | .58 | .60 | .72 | .76 | .58 | .63 | – | – |
eng-spa (N)[.97] | .62 | .66 | .72 | .78 | .71 | .78 | .55 | .56 | .68 | .74 | .57 | .64 | – | – |
eng-spa (N)[.97] | .50 | .49 | .67 | .65 | .64 | .62 | .52 | .51 | .56 | .52 | .55 | .52 | – | – |
eng-spa (V)[.96] | .53 | .49 | .62 | .60 | .59 | .57 | – | – | .48 | .46 | .53 | .49 | – | – |
eng-spa (A)[.80] | .76 | .77 | .77 | .77 | .77 | .77 | – | – | .59 | .60 | .56 | .50 | – | – |
eng-spa (*)[.95] | .54 | .52 | .67 | .66 | .65 | .64 | – | – | .54 | .52 | .55 | .51 | – | – |
eng-ita (N)[.97] | .53 | .53 | .71 | .69 | .68 | .66 | .46 | .47 | .53 | .51 | .55 | .52 | – | – |
eng-ita (V)[.58[ | .62 | .55 | .71 | .67 | .67 | .60 | – | – | .51 | .45 | .56 | .46 | – | – |
eng-ita (A)[.80] | .79 | .73 | .84 | .78 | .78 | .70 | – | – | .41 | .36 | .61 | .48 | – | – |
eng-ita (*)[.82] | .56 | .53 | .72 | .70 | .69 | .67 | – | – | .50 | .48 | .56 | .50 | – | – |
spa-ita (N)[.96] | .53 | .53 | .68 | .67 | .66 | .65 | .47 | .49 | .48 | .47 | .56 | .54 | – | – |
spa-ita (V)[.56] | .56 | .52 | .65 | .60 | .64 | .58 | – | – | .47 | .42 | .56 | .49 | – | – |
spa-ita (A)[.78] | .73 | .66 | .79 | .73 | .76 | .69 | – | – | .43 | .38 | .63 | .51 | – | – |
spa-ita (*)[.80] | .55 | .53 | .68 | .66 | .67 | .65 | – | – | .47 | .45 | .56 | .51 | – | – |
We thank the anonymous reviewers for many useful comments and suggestions: their work helped to substantially improve this article. We are also grateful to Sergio Rabellino, Simone Donetti, and Claudio Mattutino from the Technical Staff of the Computer Science Department of the University of Turin for their precious support with the computing infrastructures. Finally, thanks are due to the Competence Centre for Scientific Computing (C3S) of the University of Turin (Aldinucci et al., 2017).
Adapting to WordNet the definition by Fillmore and Baker about FrameNet, we observe that WordNet is at the “splitting” end of the “splitting” versus “lumping” continuum when it comes to the monosemy/polysemy (Baker and Fellbaum, 2009). We presently do not consider the issue of the density of the senses in the sense inventory, which is a relevant issue, with deep consequences on NLP tasks. In fact, whereas fine-grained sense distinctions are necessary for some precise tasks such as machine translation, for other sorts of applications (such as text categorization and information extraction) coarse-grained sense inventories are preferable (Palmer, Babko-Malaya, and Dang, 2004). However, the degree of precision needed for any task cannot be algorithmically determined. The issue of filtering the sense inventory received little though significant attention by Navigli (2006); Flekova and Gurevych (2016); Lieto, Mensa, and Radicioni (2016b).
The updated list is provided at https://github.com/commonsense/conceptnet5/wiki/Relations.
We presently consider all the languages that are adopted during the evaluation: English (eng), French (fra), German (deu), Italian (ita), Farsi (fas), Spanish (spa), Portuguese (por), Basque (eus), and Russian (rus).
We adopted the Penn Treebank POS set: https://www.ling.upenn.edu/courses/Fall_2003/ling001/penn_treebank_pos.html.
LessLex can be downloaded at the URL https://ls.di.unito.it/resources/lesslex/.
COCA is a corpus covering different genres, such as spoken, fiction, magazines, newspaper, and academic (http://corpus.byu.edu/full-text/).
Presently α = 0.5.
We borrow this word pair from the SemEval 17 Task 2 data set (Camacho-Collados et al., 2017).
In the experimentation α was set to 0.5.
A clarification must be made about SenseEmbed. Because in this resource both terminological and sense vectors coexist in the same space, the application of the ranked-similarity would be fitting. However, in SenseEmbed every sense representation is actually indexed on a pair 〈term, sense〉, so that different vectors may correspond to a given sense. In the ranked-similarity, when computing the distance between a term t and its senses, we retrieve the sense identifiers from BabelNet, so to obtain from SenseEmbed the corresponding vector representations. Unfortunately, however, most senses si returned by BabelNet have no corresponding vector in SenseEmbed associated with the term t (i.e., indexed as 〈t,si〉). This fact directly implies a reduced coverage, undermining the performances of SenseEmbed. We then realized that the ranked-similarity is an unfair and inconvenient strategy to test on SenseEmbed (in that it forces using it to some extent improperly), so we resorted to using the max similarity instead.
This version of the RG-65 data set has been sense-annotated by two humans with WordNet 3.0 senses.
Of course we are aware that this is only a rough index, which, for example does not account for the data sets size (varying from 65 to 3,500 word pairs) or the involved POS, and mixing Pearson and Spearman correlation scores.
Parameters setting: in rnk-sim and in the c-rnk-sim α was set to 0.5 for both LessLex and nasari2vec.
The RBO parameter p has been optimized and set to .9, which is a setting also in accord with the literature (Webber, Moffat, and Zobel, 2010).
Parameters setting for nasari2vec: in the c-rnk-sim, α was set to 0.7, and the threshold to 0.8; in the RBO run, p was set to 0.9 and the threshold to 0.9.
As of mid August 2019.