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March 2008
ISSN 0891-2017
EISSN 1530-9312
In this Issue
Feature Forest Models for Probabilistic HPSG Parsing
Computational Linguistics (2008) 34 (1): 35–80.
Wide-Coverage Deep Statistical Parsing Using Automatic Dependency Structure Annotation
Computational Linguistics (2008) 34 (1): 81–124.
Book Reviews
The Text Mining Handbook: Advanced Approaches to Analyzing Unstructured Data Ronen Feldman and James Sanger (Bar-Ilan University and ABS Ventures) Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2007, xii+410 pp; hardbound, ISBN 0-521-83657-3, $70.00
Computational Linguistics (2008) 34 (1): 125–127.
Errors and Intelligence in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Parsers and Pedagogues Trude Heift and Mathias Schulze (Simon Fraser University and University of Waterloo) New York: Routledge (Routledge series in computer-assisted language learning, edited by Carol Chappelle), 2007, xviii+283 pp; hardbound, ISBN 978-0-415-36191-0, $115.00
Computational Linguistics (2008) 34 (1): 133–134.
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