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March 2010
ISSN 0891-2017
EISSN 1530-9312
In this Issue
The Noisy Channel Model for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation
Computational Linguistics (2010) 36 (1): 111–127.
Book Reviews
Representation and Management of Narrative Information: Theoretical Principles and Implementation Gian Piero Zarri (Politecnico di Milano) Springer Verlag (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing series, edited by Lakhmi Jain and Xindong Wu), 2009, x+301 pp; hardbound, ISBN 978-1-84800-077-3, $99.00; e-book, ISBN 978-1-84800-078-0; DOI 10.1007/978-1-84800-078-0
Computational Linguistics (2010) 36 (1): 151–156.
Dependency Parsing Sandra Kübler, Ryan McDonald, and Joakim Nivre (Indiana University, Google Research, and Uppsala and Växjö Universities) Morgan & Claypool (Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies, edited by Graeme Hirst, volume 2), 2009, xii+115 pp; paperbound, ISBN 978-1-59829-596-2, $40.00; e-book, ISBN 978-1-59829-597-9, $30.00 or by subscription
Computational Linguistics (2010) 36 (1): 151–156.
Last Words
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