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Daniel Gildea
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2020) 46 (4): 745–762.
Published: 01 February 2021
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Weighted deduction systems provide a framework for describing parsing algorithms that can be used with a variety of operations for combining the values of partial derivations. For some operations, inside values can be computed efficiently, but outside values cannot. We view out-side values as functions from inside values to the total value of all derivations, and we analyze outside computation in terms of function composition. This viewpoint helps explain why efficient outside computation is possible in many settings, despite the lack of a general outside algorithm for semiring operations.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2019) 45 (2): 339–379.
Published: 01 June 2019
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We present algorithms for extracting Hyperedge Replacement Grammar (HRG) rules from a graph along with a vertex order. Our algorithms are based on finding a tree decomposition of smallest width, relative to the vertex order, and then extracting one rule for each node in this structure. The assumption of a fixed order for the vertices of the input graph makes it possible to solve the problem in polynomial time, in contrast to the fact that the problem of finding optimal tree decompositions for a graph is NP-hard. We also present polynomial-time algorithms for parsing based on our HRGs, where the input is a vertex sequence and the output is a graph structure. The intended application of our algorithms is grammar extraction and parsing for semantic representation of natural language. We apply our algorithms to data annotated with Abstract Meaning Representations and report on the characteristics of the resulting grammars.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2018) 44 (3): 525–546.
Published: 01 September 2018
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Orthographic similarities across languages provide a strong signal for unsupervised probabilistic transduction (decipherment) for closely related language pairs. The existing decipherment models, however, are not well suited for exploiting these orthographic similarities. We propose a log-linear model with latent variables that incorporates orthographic similarity features. Maximum likelihood training is computationally expensive for the proposed log-linear model. To address this challenge, we perform approximate inference via Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling and contrastive divergence. Our results show that the proposed log-linear model with contrastive divergence outperforms the existing generative decipherment models by exploiting the orthographic features. The model both scales to large vocabularies and preserves accuracy in low- and no-resource contexts.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2018) 44 (1): 85–118.
Published: 01 March 2018
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Motivated by the task of semantic parsing, we describe a transition system that generalizes standard transition-based dependency parsing techniques to generate a graph rather than a tree. Our system includes a cache with fixed size m , and we characterize the relationship between the parameter m and the class of graphs that can be produced through the graph-theoretic concept of tree decomposition. We find empirically that small cache sizes cover a high percentage of sentences in existing semantic corpora.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2018) 44 (1): 119–186.
Published: 01 March 2018
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Graphs have a variety of uses in natural language processing, particularly as representations of linguistic meaning. A deficit in this area of research is a formal framework for creating, combining, and using models involving graphs that parallels the frameworks of finite automata for strings and finite tree automata for trees. A possible starting point for such a framework is the formalism of directed acyclic graph (DAG) automata, defined by Kamimura and Slutzki and extended by Quernheim and Knight. In this article, we study the latter in depth, demonstrating several new results, including a practical recognition algorithm that can be used for inference and learning with models defined on DAG automata. We also propose an extension to graphs with unbounded node degree and show that our results carry over to the extended formalism.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2018) 44 (1): 39–83.
Published: 01 March 2018
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The general problem of finding satisfying solutions to constraint-based underspecified representations of quantifier scope is NP-complete. Existing frameworks, including Dominance Graphs, Minimal Recursion Semantics, and Hole Semantics, have struggled to balance expressivity and tractability in order to cover real natural language sentences with efficient algorithms. We address this trade-off with a general principle of coherence, which requires that every variable introduced in the domain of discourse must contribute to the overall semantics of the sentence. We show that every underspecified representation meeting this criterion can be efficiently processed, and that our set of representations subsumes all previously identified tractable sets.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2016) 42 (3): 421–455.
Published: 01 September 2016
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We describe a recognition algorithm for a subset of binary linear context-free rewriting systems (LCFRS) with running time O ( n ωd ) where M ( m ) = O ( m ω ) is the running time for m × m matrix multiplication and d is the “contact rank” of the LCFRS—the maximal number of combination and non-combination points that appear in the grammar rules. We also show that this algorithm can be used as a subroutine to obtain a recognition algorithm for general binary LCFRS with running time O ( n ωd +1 ). The currently best known ω is smaller than 2.38. Our result provides another proof for the best known result for parsing mildly context-sensitive formalisms such as combinatory categorial grammars, head grammars, linear indexed grammars, and tree-adjoining grammars, which can be parsed in time O ( n 4.76 ). It also shows that inversion transduction grammars can be parsed in time O ( n 5.76 ). In addition, binary LCFRS subsumes many other formalisms and types of grammars, for some of which we also improve the asymptotic complexity of parsing.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2016) 42 (2): 207–243.
Published: 01 June 2016
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The complexity of parsing with synchronous context-free grammars is polynomial in the sentence length for a fixed grammar, but the degree of the polynomial depends on the grammar. Specifically, the degree depends on the length of rules, the permutations represented by the rules, and the parsing strategy adopted to decompose the recognition of a rule into smaller steps. We address the problem of finding the best parsing strategy for a rule, in terms of space and time complexity. We show that it is NP-hard to find the binary strategy with the lowest space complexity. We also show that any algorithm for finding the strategy with the lowest time complexity would imply improved approximation algorithms for finding the treewidth of general graphs.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2014) 40 (1): 203–229.
Published: 01 March 2014
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We study the problem of sampling trees from forests, in the setting where probabilities for each tree may be a function of arbitrarily large tree fragments. This setting extends recent work for sampling to learn Tree Substitution Grammars to the case where the tree structure (TSG derived tree) is not fixed. We develop a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm which corrects for the bias introduced by unbalanced forests, and we present experiments using the algorithm to learn Synchronous Context-Free Grammar rules for machine translation. In this application, the forests being sampled represent the set of Hiero-style rules that are consistent with fixed input word-level alignments. We demonstrate equivalent machine translation performance to standard techniques but with much smaller grammars.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2012) 38 (3): 673–693.
Published: 01 September 2012
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Tree transducers are defined as relations between trees, but in syntax-based machine translation, we are ultimately concerned with the relations between the strings at the yields of the input and output trees. We examine the formal power of Multi Bottom-Up Tree Transducers from this point of view.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2011) 37 (1): 231–248.
Published: 01 March 2011
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We describe the application of the graph-theoretic property known as treewidth to the problem of finding efficient parsing algorithms. This method, similar to the junction tree algorithm used in graphical models for machine learning, allows automatic discovery of efficient algorithms such as the O(n 4 ) algorithm for bilexical grammars of Eisner and Satta. We examine the complexity of applying this method to parsing algorithms for general Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems. We show that any polynomial-time algorithm for this problem would imply an improved approximation algorithm for the well-studied treewidth problem on general graphs.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2009) 35 (4): 559–595.
Published: 01 December 2009
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Systems based on synchronous grammars and tree transducers promise to improve the quality of statistical machine translation output, but are often very computationally intensive. The complexity is exponential in the size of individual grammar rules due to arbitrary re-orderings between the two languages. We develop a theory of binarization for synchronous context-free grammars and present a linear-time algorithm for binarizing synchronous rules when possible. In our large-scale experiments, we found that almost all rules are binarizable and the resulting binarized rule set significantly improves the speed and accuracy of a state-of-the-art syntax-based machine translation system. We also discuss the more general, and computationally more difficult, problem of finding good parsing strategies for non-binarizable rules, and present an approximate polynomial-time algorithm for this problem.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2005) 31 (1): 71–106.
Published: 01 March 2005
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The Proposition Bank project takes a practical approach to semantic representation, adding a layer of predicate-argument information, or semantic role labels, to the syntactic structures of the Penn Treebank. The resulting resource can be thought of as shallow, in that it does not represent coreference, quantification, and many other higher-order phenomena, but also broad, in that it covers every instance of every verb in the corpus and allows representative statistics to be calculated. We discuss the criteria used to define the sets of semantic roles used in the annotation process and to analyze the frequency of syntactic/semantic alternations in the corpus. We describe an automatic system for semantic role tagging trained on the corpus and discuss the effect on its performance of various types of information, including a comparison of full syntactic parsing with a flat representation and the contribution of the empty “trace” categories of the treebank.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2002) 28 (3): 245–288.
Published: 01 September 2002
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We present a system for identifying the semantic relationships, or semantic roles, filled by constituents of a sentence within a semantic frame. Given an input sentence and a target word and frame, the system labels constituents with either abstract semantic roles, such as Agent or Patient, or more domain-specific semantic roles, such as Speaker, Message, and Topic. The system is based on statistical classifiers trained on roughly 50,000 sentences that were hand-annotated with semantic roles by the FrameNet semantic labeling project. We then parsed each training sentence into a syntactic tree and extracted various lexical and syntactic features, including the phrase type of each constituent, its grammatical function, and its position in the sentence. These features were combined with knowledge of the predicate verb, noun, or adjective, as well as information such as the prior probabilities of various combinations of semantic roles. We used various lexical clustering algorithms to generalize across possible fillers of roles. Test sentences were parsed, were annotated with these features, and were then passed through the classifiers. Our system achieves 82% accuracy in identifying the semantic role of presegmented constituents. At the more difficult task of simultaneously segmenting constituents and identifying their semantic role, the system achieved 65% precision and 61% recall. Our study also allowed us to compare the usefulness of different features and feature combination methods in the semantic role labeling task. We also explore the integration of role labeling with statistical syntactic parsing and attempt to generalize to predicates unseen in the training data.