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Katrin Erk
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2016) 42 (4): 763–808.
Published: 01 December 2016
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NLP tasks differ in the semantic information they require, and at this time no single semantic representation fulfills all requirements. Logic-based representations characterize sentence structure, but do not capture the graded aspect of meaning. Distributional models give graded similarity ratings for words and phrases, but do not capture sentence structure in the same detail as logic-based approaches. It has therefore been argued that the two are complementary. We adopt a hybrid approach that combines logical and distributional semantics using probabilistic logic, specifically Markov Logic Networks. In this article, we focus on the three components of a practical system: 1 1) Logical representation focuses on representing the input problems in probabilistic logic; 2) knowledge base construction creates weighted inference rules by integrating distributional information with other sources; and 3) probabilistic inference involves solving the resulting MLN inference problems efficiently. To evaluate our approach, we use the task of textual entailment, which can utilize the strengths of both logic-based and distributional representations. In particular we focus on the SICK data set, where we achieve state-of-the-art results. We also release a lexical entailment data set of 10,213 rules extracted from the SICK data set, which is a valuable resource for evaluating lexical entailment systems. 2
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2016) 42 (2): 245–275.
Published: 01 June 2016
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Word sense disambiguation and the related field of automated word sense induction traditionally assume that the occurrences of a lemma can be partitioned into senses. But this seems to be a much easier task for some lemmas than others. Our work builds on recent work that proposes describing word meaning in a graded fashion rather than through a strict partition into senses; in this article we argue that not all lemmas may need the more complex graded analysis, depending on their partitionability. Although there is plenty of evidence from previous studies and from the linguistics literature that there is a spectrum of partitionability of word meanings, this is the first attempt to measure the phenomenon and to couple the machine learning literature on clusterability with word usage data used in computational linguistics. We propose to operationalize partitionability as clusterability, a measure of how easy the occurrences of a lemma are to cluster. We test two ways of measuring clusterability: (1) existing measures from the machine learning literature that aim to measure the goodness of optimal k-means clusterings, and (2) the idea that if a lemma is more clusterable, two clusterings based on two different “views” of the same data points will be more congruent. The two views that we use are two different sets of manually constructed lexical substitutes for the target lemma, on the one hand monolingual paraphrases, and on the other hand translations. We apply automatic clustering to the manual annotations. We use manual annotations because we want the representations of the instances that we cluster to be as informative and “clean” as possible. We show that when we control for polysemy, our measures of clusterability tend to correlate with partitionability, in particular some of the type-(1) clusterability measures, and that these measures outperform a baseline that relies on the amount of overlap in a soft clustering.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2013) 39 (3): 511–554.
Published: 01 September 2013
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Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is an old and important task in computational linguistics that still remains challenging, to machines as well as to human annotators. Recently there have been several proposals for representing word meaning in context that diverge from the traditional use of a single best sense for each occurrence. They represent word meaning in context through multiple paraphrases, as points in vector space, or as distributions over latent senses. New methods of evaluating and comparing these different representations are needed. In this paper we propose two novel annotation schemes that characterize word meaning in context in a graded fashion. In WS sim annotation, the applicability of each dictionary sense is rated on an ordinal scale. U sim annotation directly rates the similarity of pairs of usages of the same lemma, again on a scale. We find that the novel annotation schemes show good inter-annotator agreement, as well as a strong correlation with traditional single-sense annotation and with annotation of multiple lexical paraphrases. Annotators make use of the whole ordinal scale, and give very fine-grained judgments that “mix and match” senses for each individual usage. We also find that the U sim ratings obey the triangle inequality, justifying models that treat usage similarity as metric. There has recently been much work on grouping senses into coarse-grained groups. We demonstrate that graded WS sim and U sim ratings can be used to analyze existing coarse-grained sense groupings to identify sense groups that may not match intuitions of untrained native speakers. In the course of the comparison, we also show that the WS sim ratings are not subsumed by any static sense grouping.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2010) 36 (4): 723–763.
Published: 01 December 2010
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We present a vector space–based model for selectional preferences that predicts plausibility scores for argument headwords. It does not require any lexical resources (such as WordNet). It can be trained either on one corpus with syntactic annotation, or on a combination of a small semantically annotated primary corpus and a large, syntactically analyzed generalization corpus. Our model is able to predict inverse selectional preferences, that is, plausibility scores for predicates given argument heads. We evaluate our model on one NLP task (pseudo-disambiguation) and one cognitive task (prediction of human plausibility judgments), gauging the influence of different parameters and comparing our model against other model classes. We obtain consistent benefits from using the disambiguation and semantic role information provided by a semantically tagged primary corpus. As for parameters, we identify settings that yield good performance across a range of experimental conditions. However, frequency remains a major influence of prediction quality, and we also identify more robust parameter settings suitable for applications with many infrequent items.