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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2016) 42 (4): 661–701.
Published: 01 December 2016
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This article introduces RELPRON, a large data set of subject and object relative clauses, for the evaluation of methods in compositional distributional semantics. RELPRON targets an intermediate level of grammatical complexity between content-word pairs and full sentences. The task involves matching terms, such as “wisdom,” with representative properties, such as “quality that experience teaches.” A unique feature of RELPRON is that it is built from attested properties, but without the need for them to appear in relative clause format in the source corpus. The article also presents some initial experiments on RELPRON, using a variety of composition methods including simple baselines, arithmetic operators on vectors, and finally, more complex methods in which argument-taking words are represented as tensors. The latter methods are based on the Categorial framework, which is described in detail. The results show that vector addition is difficult to beat—in line with the existing literature—but that an implementation of the Categorial framework based on the Practical Lexical Function model is able to match the performance of vector addition. The article finishes with an in-depth analysis of RELPRON, showing how results vary across subject and object relative clauses, across different head nouns, and how the methods perform on the subtasks necessary for capturing relative clause semantics, as well as providing a qualitative analysis highlighting some of the more common errors. Our hope is that the competitive results presented here, in which the best systems are on average ranking one out of every two properties correctly for a given term, will inspire new approaches to the RELPRON ranking task and other tasks based on linguistically interesting constructions.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2015) 41 (3): 503–538.
Published: 01 September 2015
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Word ordering is a fundamental problem in text generation. In this article, we study word ordering using a syntax-based approach and a discriminative model. Two grammar formalisms are considered: Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) and dependency grammar. Given the search for a likely string and syntactic analysis, the search space is massive, making discriminative training challenging. We develop a learning-guided search framework, based on best-first search, and investigate several alternative training algorithms. The framework we present is flexible in that it allows constraints to be imposed on output word orders. To demonstrate this flexibility, a variety of input conditions are considered. First, we investigate a “pure” word-ordering task in which the input is a multi-set of words, and the task is to order them into a grammatical and fluent sentence. This task has been tackled previously, and we report improved performance over existing systems on a standard Wall Street Journal test set. Second, we tackle the same reordering problem, but with a variety of input conditions, from the bare case with no dependencies or POS tags specified, to the extreme case where all POS tags and unordered, unlabeled dependencies are provided as input (and various conditions in between). When applied to the NLG 2011 shared task, our system gives competitive results compared with the best-performing systems, which provide a further demonstration of the practical utility of our system.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2014) 40 (2): 403–448.
Published: 01 June 2014
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Linguistic steganography is concerned with hiding information in natural language text. One of the major transformations used in linguistic steganography is synonym substitution. However, few existing studies have studied the practical application of this approach. In this article we propose two improvements to the use of synonym substitution for encoding hidden bits of information. First, we use the Google n -gram corpus for checking the applicability of a synonym in context, and we evaluate this method using data from the SemEval lexical substitution task and human annotated data. Second, we address the problem that arises from words with more than one sense, which creates a potential ambiguity in terms of which bits are represented by a particular word. We develop a novel method in which words are the vertices in a graph, synonyms are linked by edges, and the bits assigned to a word are determined by a vertex coding algorithm. This method ensures that each word represents a unique sequence of bits, without cutting out large numbers of synonyms, and thus maintains a reasonable embedding capacity.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2011) 37 (1): 105–151.
Published: 01 March 2011
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We study a range of syntactic processing tasks using a general statistical framework that consists of a global linear model, trained by the generalized perceptron together with a generic beam-search decoder. We apply the framework to word segmentation, joint segmentation and POS-tagging, dependency parsing, and phrase-structure parsing. Both components of the framework are conceptually and computationally very simple. The beam-search decoder only requires the syntactic processing task to be broken into a sequence of decisions, such that, at each stage in the process, the decoder is able to consider the top-n candidates and generate all possibilities for the next stage. Once the decoder has been defined, it is applied to the training data, using trivial updates according to the generalized perceptron to induce a model. This simple framework performs surprisingly well, giving accuracy results competitive with the state-of-the-art on all the tasks we consider. The computational simplicity of the decoder and training algorithm leads to significantly higher test speeds and lower training times than their main alternatives, including log-linear and large-margin training algorithms and dynamic-programming for decoding. Moreover, the framework offers the freedom to define arbitrary features which can make alternative training and decoding algorithms prohibitively slow. We discuss how the general framework is applied to each of the problems studied in this article, making comparisons with alternative learning and decoding algorithms. We also show how the comparability of candidates considered by the beam is an important factor in the performance. We argue that the conceptual and computational simplicity of the framework, together with its language-independent nature, make it a competitive choice for a range of syntactic processing tasks and one that should be considered for comparison by developers of alternative approaches.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2007) 33 (4): 493–552.
Published: 01 December 2007
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This article describes a number of log-linear parsing models for an automatically extracted lexicalized grammar. The models are “full” parsing models in the sense that probabilities are defined for complete parses, rather than for independent events derived by decomposing the parse tree. Discriminative training is used to estimate the models, which requires incorrect parses for each sentence in the training data as well as the correct parse. The lexicalized grammar formalism used is Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG), and the grammar is automatically extracted from CCGbank, a CCG version of the Penn Treebank. The combination of discriminative training and an automatically extracted grammar leads to a significant memory requirement (up to 25 GB), which is satisfied using a parallel implementation of the BFGS optimization algorithm running on a Beowulf cluster. Dynamic programming over a packed chart, in combination with the parallel implementation, allows us to solve one of the largest-scale estimation problems in the statistical parsing literature in under three hours. A key component of the parsing system, for both training and testing, is a Maximum Entropy supertagger which assigns CCG lexical categories to words in a sentence. The supertagger makes the discriminative training feasible, and also leads to a highly efficient parser. Surprisingly, given CCG's “spurious ambiguity,” the parsing speeds are significantly higher than those reported for comparable parsers in the literature. We also extend the existing parsing techniques for CCG by developing a new model and efficient parsing algorithm which exploits all derivations, including CCG's nonstandard derivations. This model and parsing algorithm, when combined with normal-form constraints, give state-of-the-art accuracy for the recovery of predicate-argument dependencies from CCGbank. The parser is also evaluated on DepBank and compared against the RASP parser, outperforming RASP overall and on the majority of relation types. The evaluation on DepBank raises a number of issues regarding parser evaluation. This article provides a comprehensive blueprint for building a wide-coverage CCG parser. We demonstrate that both accurate and highly efficient parsing is possible with CCG.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2002) 28 (2): 187–206.
Published: 01 June 2002
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This article concerns the estimation of a particular kind of probability, namely, the probability of a noun sense appearing as a particular argument of a predicate. In order to overcome the accompanying sparse-data problem, the proposal here is to define the probabilities in terms of senses from a semantic hierarchy and exploit the fact that the senses can be grouped into classes consisting of semantically similar senses. There is a particular focus on the problem of how to determine a suitable class for a given sense, or, alternatively, how to determine a suitable level of generalization in the hierarchy. A procedure is developed that uses a chi-square test to determine a suitable level of generalization. In order to test the performance of the estimation method, a pseudo-disambiguation task is used, together with two alternative estimation methods. Each method uses a different generalization procedure; the first alternative uses the minimum description length principle, and the second uses Resnik's measure of selectional preference. In addition, the performance of our method is investigated using both the standard Pearson chi-square statistic and the log-likelihood chi-square statistic.