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Suzanne Stevenson
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2010) 36 (1): 129–149.
Published: 01 March 2010
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Newly coined words pose problems for natural language processing systems because they are not in a system's lexicon, and therefore no lexical information is available for such words. A common way to form new words is lexical blending, as in cosmeceutical, a blend of cosmetic and pharmaceutical . We propose a statistical model for inferring a blend's source words drawing on observed linguistic properties of blends; these properties are largely based on the recognizability of the source words in a blend. We annotate a set of 1,186 recently coined expressions which includes 515 blends, and evaluate our methods on a 324-item subset. In this first study of novel blends we achieve an accuracy of 40% on the task of inferring a blend's source words, which corresponds to a reduction in error rate of 39% over an informed baseline. We also give preliminary results showing that our features for source word identification can be used to distinguish blends from other kinds of novel words.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2010) 36 (1): 31–69.
Published: 01 March 2010
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Many NLP applications entail that texts are classified based on their semantic distance (how similar or different the texts are). For example, comparing the text of a new document to that of documents of known topics can help identify the topic of the new text. Typically, a distributional distance is used to capture the implicit semantic distance between two pieces of text. However, such approaches do not take into account the semantic relations between words. In this article, we introduce an alternative method of measuring the semantic distance between texts that integrates distributional information and ontological knowledge within a network flow formalism. We first represent each text as a collection of frequency-weighted concepts within an ontology. We then make use of a network flow method which provides an efficient way of explicitly measuring the frequency-weighted ontological distance between the concepts across two texts. We evaluate our method in a variety of NLP tasks, and find that it performs well on two of three tasks. We develop a new measure of semantic coherence that enables us to account for the performance difference across the three data sets, shedding light on the properties of a data set that lends itself well to our method.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2009) 35 (1): 61–103.
Published: 01 March 2009
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Idiomatic expressions are plentiful in everyday language, yet they remain mysterious, as it is not clear exactly how people learn and understand them. They are of special interest to linguists, psycholinguists, and lexicographers, mainly because of their syntactic and semantic idiosyncrasies as well as their unclear lexical status. Despite a great deal of research on the properties of idioms in the linguistics literature, there is not much agreement on which properties are characteristic of these expressions. Because of their peculiarities, idiomatic expressions have mostly been overlooked by researchers in computational linguistics. In this article, we look into the usefulness of some of the identified linguistic properties of idioms for their automatic recognition. Specifically, we develop statistical measures that each model a specific property of idiomatic expressions by looking at their actual usage patterns in text. We use these statistical measures in a type-based classification task where we automatically separate idiomatic expressions (expressions with a possible idiomatic interpretation) from similar-on-the-surface literal phrases (for which no idiomatic interpretation is possible). In addition, we use some of the measures in a token identification task where we distinguish idiomatic and literal usages of potentially idiomatic expressions in context.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2008) 34 (2): 145–159.
Published: 01 June 2008
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Semantic role labeling, the computational identification and labeling of arguments in text, has become a leading task in computational linguistics today. Although the issues for this task have been studied for decades, the availability of large resources and the development of statistical machine learning methods have heightened the amount of effort in this field. This special issue presents selected and representative work in the field. This overview describes linguistic background of the problem, the movement from linguistic theories to computational practice, the major resources that are being used, an overview of steps taken in computational systems, and a description of the key issues and results in semantic role labeling (as revealed in several international evaluations). We assess weaknesses in semantic role labeling and identify important challenges facing the field. Overall, the opportunities and the potential for useful further research in semantic role labeling are considerable.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2004) 30 (4): 525–527.
Published: 01 December 2004
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2001) 27 (3): 373–408.
Published: 01 September 2001
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Automatic acquisition of lexical knowledge is critical to a wide range of natural language processing tasks. Especially important is knowledge about verbs, which are the primary source of relational information in a sentence-the predicate-argument structure that relates an action or state to its participants (i.e., who did what to whom). In this work, we report on supervised learning experiments to automatically classify three major types of English verbs, based on their argument structure-specifically, the thematic roles they assign to participants. We use linguistically-motivated statistical indicators extracted from large annotated corpora to train the classifier, achieving 69.8% accuracy for a task whose baseline is 34%, and whose expert-based upper bound we calculate at 86.5%. A detailed analysis of the performance of the algorithm and of its errors confirms that the proposed features capture properties related to the argument structure of the verbs. Our results validate our hypotheses that knowledge about thematic relations is crucial for verb classification, and that it can be gleaned from a corpus by automatic means. We thus demonstrate an effective combination of deeper linguistic knowledge with the robustness and scalability of statistical techniques.