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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2016) 42 (4): 809–817.
Published: 01 December 2016
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In the last decade, various restricted classes of non-projective dependency trees have been proposed with the goal of achieving a good tradeoff between parsing efficiency and coverage of the syntactic structures found in natural languages. We perform an extensive study measuring the coverage of a wide range of such classes on corpora of 30 languages under two different syntactic annotation criteria. The results show that, among the currently known relaxations of projectivity, the best tradeoff between coverage and computational complexity of exact parsing is achieved by either 1-endpoint-crossing trees or MH k trees, depending on the level of coverage desired. We also present some properties of the relation of MH k trees to other relevant classes of trees.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2016) 42 (4): 819–827.
Published: 01 December 2016
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Graphs exceeding the formal complexity of rooted trees are of growing relevance to much NLP research. Although formally well understood in graph theory, there is substantial variation in the types of linguistic graphs, as well as in the interpretation of various structural properties. To provide a common terminology and transparent statistics across different collections of graphs in NLP, we propose to establish a shared community resource with an open-source reference implementation for common statistics.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2016) 42 (2): 345–350.
Published: 01 June 2016
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Distributional semantic models, deriving vector-based word representations from patterns of word usage in corpora, have many useful applications (Turney and Pantel 2010 ). Recently, there has been interest in compositional distributional models, which derive vectors for phrases from representations of their constituent words (Mitchell and Lapata 2010 ). Often, the values of distributional vectors are pointwise mutual information (PMI) scores obtained from raw co-occurrence counts. In this article we study the relation between the PMI dimensions of a phrase vector and its components in order to gain insights into which operations an adequate composition model should perform. We show mathematically that the difference between the PMI dimension of a phrase vector and the sum of PMIs in the corresponding dimensions of the phrase's parts is an independently interpretable value, namely, a quantification of the impact of the context associated with the relevant dimension on the phrase's internal cohesion, as also measured by PMI. We then explore this quantity empirically, through an analysis of adjective–noun composition.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2015) 41 (3): 539–548.
Published: 01 September 2015
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In recent years, many studies have been published on data collected from social media, especially microblogs such as Twitter. However, rather few of these studies have considered evaluation methodologies that take into account the statistically dependent nature of such data, which breaks the theoretical conditions for using cross-validation. Despite concerns raised in the past about using cross-validation for data of similar characteristics, such as time series, some of these studies evaluate their work using standard k-fold cross-validation. Through experiments on Twitter data collected during a two-year period that includes disastrous events, we show that by ignoring the statistical dependence of the text messages published in social media, standard cross-validation can result in misleading conclusions in a machine learning task. We explore alternative evaluation methods that explicitly deal with statistical dependence in text. Our work also raises concerns for any other data for which similar conditions might hold.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2015) 41 (2): 337–345.
Published: 01 June 2015
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Human evaluation plays an important role in NLP, often in the form of preference judgments. Although there has been some use of classical non-parametric and bespoke approaches to evaluating these sorts of judgments, there is an entire body of work on this in the context of sensory discrimination testing and the human judgments that are central to it, backed by rigorous statistical theory and freely available software, that NLP can draw on. We investigate one approach, Log-Linear Bradley-Terry models, and apply it to sample NLP data.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2015) 41 (1): 175–183.
Published: 01 March 2015
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Fifty years after Damerau set up his statistics for the distribution of errors in typed texts, his findings are still used in a range of different languages. Because these statistics were derived from texts in English, the question of whether they actually apply to other languages has been raised. We address this issue through the analysis of a set of typed texts in Brazilian Portuguese, deriving statistics tailored to this language. Results show that diacritical marks play a major role, as indicated by the frequency of mistakes involving them, thereby rendering Damerau's original findings mostly unfit for spelling correction systems, although still holding them useful, should one set aside such marks. Furthermore, a comparison between these results and those published for Spanish show no statistically significant differences between both languages—an indication that the distribution of spelling errors depends on the adopted character set rather than the language itself.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2015) 41 (1): 165–173.
Published: 01 March 2015
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Distributional semantics has been extended to phrases and sentences by means of composition operations. We look at how these operations affect similarity measurements, showing that similarity equations of an important class of composition methods can be decomposed into operations performed on the subparts of the input phrases. This establishes a strong link between these models and convolution kernels.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2014) 40 (3): 533–538.
Published: 01 September 2014
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The universal generation problem for unification grammars is the problem of determining whether a given grammar derives any terminal string with a given feature structure. It is known that the problem is decidable for LFG and PATR grammars if only acyclic feature structures are taken into consideration. In this brief note, we show that the problem is undecidable for cyclic structures. This holds even for grammars that are off-line parsable.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2014) 40 (3): 523–531.
Published: 01 September 2014
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This article presents an ensemble parse approach to detecting and selecting high-quality linguistic analyses output by a hand-crafted HPSG grammar of Spanish implemented in the LKB system. The approach uses full agreement (i.e., exact syntactic match) along with a MaxEnt parse selection model and a statistical dependency parser trained on the same data. The ultimate goal is to develop a hybrid corpus annotation methodology that combines fully automatic annotation and manual parse selection, in order to make the annotation task more efficient while maintaining high accuracy and the high degree of consistency necessary for any foreseen uses of a treebank.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2014) 40 (2): 259–267.
Published: 01 June 2014
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The arc-eager system for transition-based dependency parsing is widely used in natural language processing despite the fact that it does not guarantee that the output is a well-formed dependency tree. We propose a simple modification to the original system that enforces the tree constraint without requiring any modification to the parser training procedure. Experiments on multiple languages show that the method on average achieves 72% of the error reduction possible and consistently outperforms the standard heuristic in current use.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2014) 40 (2): 249–527.
Published: 01 June 2014
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Arc-eager dependency parsers process sentences in a single left-to-right pass over the input and have linear time complexity with greedy decoding or beam search. We show how such parsers can be constrained to respect two different types of conditions on the output dependency graph: span constraints, which require certain spans to correspond to subtrees of the graph, and arc constraints, which require certain arcs to be present in the graph. The constraints are incorporated into the arc-eager transition system as a set of preconditions for each transition and preserve the linear time complexity of the parser.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2013) 39 (3): 463–472.
Published: 01 September 2013
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Paraphrases are sentences or phrases that convey the same meaning using different wording. Although the logical definition of paraphrases requires strict semantic equivalence, linguistics accepts a broader, approximate, equivalence—thereby allowing far more examples of “quasi-paraphrase.” But approximate equivalence is hard to define. Thus, the phenomenon of paraphrases, as understood in linguistics, is difficult to characterize. In this article, we list a set of 25 operations that generate quasi-paraphrases. We then empirically validate the scope and accuracy of this list by manually analyzing random samples of two publicly available paraphrase corpora. We provide the distribution of naturally occurring quasi-paraphrases in English text.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2013) 39 (1): 5–13.
Published: 01 March 2013
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Dependency trees used in syntactic parsing often include a root node representing a dummy word prefixed or suffixed to the sentence, a device that is generally considered a mere technical convenience and is tacitly assumed to have no impact on empirical results. We demonstrate that this assumption is false and that the accuracy of data-driven dependency parsers can in fact be sensitive to the existence and placement of the dummy root node. In particular, we show that a greedy, left-to-right, arc-eager transition-based parser consistently performs worse when the dummy root node is placed at the beginning of the sentence (following the current convention in data-driven dependency parsing) than when it is placed at the end or omitted completely. Control experiments with an arc-standard transition-based parser and an arc-factored graphbased parser reveal no consistent preferences but nevertheless exhibit considerable variation in results depending on root placement. We conclude that the treatment of dummy root nodes in data-driven dependency parsing is an underestimated source of variation in experiments andmay also be a parameter worth tuning for some parsers.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2012) 38 (3): 469–478.
Published: 01 September 2012
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We describe a novel domain, Fruit Carts, aimed at eliciting human language production for the twin purposes of (a) dialogue system research and development and (b) psycholinguistic research. Fruit Carts contains five tasks: choosing a cart, placing it on a map, painting the cart, rotating the cart, and filling the cart with fruit. Fruit Carts has been used for research in psycholinguistics and in dialogue systems. Based on these experiences, we discuss how well the Fruit Carts domain meets four desired features: unscripted, context-constrained, controllable difficulty, and separability into semi-independent subdialogues. We describe the domain in sufficient detail to allow others to replicate it; researchers interested in using the corpora themselves are encouraged to contact the authors directly.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2011) 37 (2): 385–393.
Published: 01 June 2011
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Every text has at least one topic and at least one genre. Evidence for a text's topic and genre comes, in part, from its lexical and syntactic features—features used in both Automatic Topic Classification and Automatic Genre Classification (AGC). Because an ideal AGC system should be stable in the face of changes in topic distribution, we assess five previously published AGC methods with respect to both performance on the same topic–genre distribution on which they were trained and stability of that performance across changes in topic–genre distribution. Our experiments lead us to conclude that (1) stability in the face of changing topical distributions should be added to the evaluation critera for new approaches to AGC, and (2) Part-of-Speech features should be considered individually when developing a high-performing, stable AGC system for a particular, possibly changing corpus.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2011) 37 (1): 1–8.
Published: 01 March 2011
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An update summary should provide a fluent summarization of new information on a time-evolving topic, assuming that the reader has already reviewed older documents or summaries. In 2007 and 2008, an annual summarization evaluation included an update summarization task. Several participating systems produced update summaries indistinguishable from human-generated summaries when measured using ROUGE. However, no machine system performed near human-level performance in manual evaluations such as pyramid and overall responsiveness scoring. We present a metric called Nouveau-ROUGE that improves correlation with manual evaluation metrics and can be used to predict both the pyramid score and overall responsiveness for update summaries. Nouveau-ROUGE can serve as a less expensive surrogate for manual evaluations when comparing existing systems and when developing new ones.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2010) 36 (4): 631–637.
Published: 01 December 2010
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In the known literature, hapax legomena in an English text or a collection of texts roughly account for about 50% of the vocabulary. This sort of constancy is baffling. The 100-million-word British National Corpus was used to study this phenomenon. The result reveals that the hapax/vocabulary ratio follows a U-shaped pattern. Initially, as the size of text increases, the hapax/vocabulary ratio decreases; however, after the text size reaches about 3,000,000 words, the hapax/vocabulary ratio starts to increase steadily. A computer simulation shows that as the text size continues to increase, the hapax/vocabulary ratio would approach 1.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2010) 36 (4): 639–647.
Published: 01 December 2010
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By providing a better understanding of paraphrase and coreference in terms of similarities and differences in their linguistic nature, this article delimits what the focus of paraphrase extraction and coreference resolution tasks should be, and to what extent they can help each other. We argue for the relevance of this discussion to Natural Language Processing.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2010) 36 (3): 295–302.
Published: 01 September 2010
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Word alignment is a critical procedure within statistical machine translation (SMT). Brown et al. (1993) have provided the most popular word alignment algorithm to date, one that has been implemented in the GIZA (Al-Onaizan et al., 1999) and GIZA++ (Och and Ney 2003) software and adopted by nearly every SMT project. In this article, we investigate whether this algorithm makes search errors when it computes Viterbi alignments, that is, whether it returns alignments that are sub-optimal according to a trained model.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Computational Linguistics (2009) 35 (4): 495–503.
Published: 01 December 2009
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This article discusses the transition from annotated data to a gold standard, that is, a subset that is sufficiently noise-free with high confidence. Unless appropriately reinterpreted, agreement coefficients do not indicate the quality of the data set as a benchmarking resource: High overall agreement is neither sufficient nor necessary to distill some amount of highly reliable data from the annotated material. A mathematical framework is developed that allows estimation of the noise level of the agreed subset of annotated data, which helps promote cautious benchmarking.