The Sound and Music Computing (SMC) 2022 conference will take place 4–12 June 2022 in Saint-Étienne, France. Organized by the Group de Recherche en Acoustique et en Musique Electronique (GRAME), the Université Jean Monnet of Saint-Étienne, and the Association Ressource pour la Création Artistique Numérique, the conference will examine acoustics, music, and audio technology through a variety of scientific and musical events. The SMC 2022 conference will be held in conjunction with the International Faust Conference, focusing on the Faust programming language for audio signal processing, and the Journées d'Informatique Musicale conference, comprising oral presentations by French music technology researchers. Other companion events to SMC 2022 include the SMC Summer School workshop series, industry panels, a music festival, and a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics Fair aimed at the local community. The theme of SMC 2022 is “Music Technology and Design,” and the conference aims to broaden the scope...

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