The 2022 edition of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) will take place 28 June–1 July 2022. Organized by the University of Auckland, New Zealand, NIME 2022 aims to gather researchers and musicians to share their knowledge and late-breaking work on new musical interface design. The theme of NIME 2022 is “Decolonizing Musical Interfaces,” chosen by the organizers to encourage further theoretical and artistic submissions based on epistemologies and methodologies other than traditional Western empiricism. Owing to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the possibility of continuing international travel restrictions to New Zealand, the conference organizers intend to announce in early 2022 whether the conference will be a hybrid virtual and in-person event or solely a virtual event.

Topics of the conference include approaches on decolonizing music and musical interfaces; studies or reviews of non-Western musical epistemologies and pedagogies; novel controllers or instruments for musical expression; augmented...

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