The 2021 Electroacoustic Music Studies (EMS) Conference was held 10–13 November 2021 at De Montfort University in Leicester, UK. The conference sought to better understand the various manifestations of electroacoustic music by means of research presentations, keynote talks, and musical programming. The 2021 edition of the conference also encompassed accepted proposals from EMS 2020, which had been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The theme of EMS 2021 was “Future Directions of Electroacoustic Music Studies,” with the aim of examining the challenges of studying the rapidly developing field of electroacoustic music and understanding how these studies will continue to evolve. Keynote talks were given by Georgina Born of the University of Oxford and Simon Emmerson of De Montfort University. Research presented at the conference included the use of machine learning for analysis of electroacoustic music, the hybridization of autoethnography and computational analysis in sound art, and the pedagogy of sound-based...

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