Expressive E, creator of the Touche MIDI/CV controller and the Osmose keyboard synthesizer/controller, has teamed up with Applied Acoustics Systems (AAS), renowned for their physical modeling software instruments, to create a new software plug-in instrument called Imagine (see Figure 1).

Imagine allows the user to create and play sounds based on the resonant bodies of physical real-life instruments and to modify them to create fantastical instruments and new acoustic landscapes. Expressive E has created hundreds of presets for Imagine based on feedback from musicians, composers, sound designers, and producers. Each preset is made up
Figure 1.
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Expressive E's Imagine physical-modeling based instrument.

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Expressive E's Imagine physical-modeling based instrument.

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of two instrument layers. The layers combine two resonant bodies (tubes, strings, bars, or skins) and excites these using a mallet, a noise signal, or a sequence. Layers can...
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