Composer Francis Dhomont died on 28 December 2023 at age 97 in Avignon, southeastern France. Born in Paris in 1926, Dhomont was originally trained as an acoustic composer, taught by Ginette Waldmeier, Charles Koechlin, and Nadia Boulanger. In an interview in Computer Music Journal 30:3 (2006), Dhomont described an early eagerness to find new musical horizons, inspiring him to experiment with wire recorders after the Second World War, initially unaware of the work Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry were doing in musique concrète at the same time. Deciding to focus exclusively on acousmatic music in 1963, Dhomont composed several dozen works, largely inspired by external narratives—Dhomont described a slow, detailed, and cinematic working process, sometimes even using storyboards to plan compositions, over months or even years.

Dhomont's works like “Syntagmes” (1975), “Mais laisserons-nous mourir Arianna?” (1979), “Sous le regard d'un soleil noir” (1981), and “Points de fuite” (1982) won many...

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