[Editor's note: Selected reviews are posted on the Web at http://www.computermusicjournal.org (click on the Reviews tab). In some cases, they are either unpublished in the Journal itself or published in an abbreviated form in the Journal.]

According to the liner notes, the seven fixed-media, electroacoustic works on Void are to be considered as an ordered collection of compositions that may also be heard or performed separately. All the compositions were generated by the composer using a variety of synthesis methods produced by his own software written in C++. The results, as the composer outlines in the liner notes, contain sound and pitch-based material, with the latter generally adhering to microtonal principles.

The first piece, “Void I,” presents video game type sounds within a variable-speed context. We hear crackling sounds and wind, or water flowing. Here, and in several of the other pieces on this collection, nature is used as...

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