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Synthesis, Spatialization, Transcription, Transformation


Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 1–2.
Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 5.
Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 6–10.


Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 11–24.

Composition and Performance

Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 25–41.

Sound Synthesis and New Performance Interfaces

Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 42–54.


Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 55–71.

Music Information Retrieval

Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 72–86.

Audio Signal Processing

Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 87–102.

Reviews Publications

Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 103–105.
Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 105–108.

Reviews Recordings

Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 108–110.
Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 110–113.

Reviews Products

Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 113–115.

Products of Interest

Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 116–128.

Instructions to Contributors

Computer Music Journal (2008) 32 (3): 129.

Product(s) added to cart

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