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Sound Synthesis
Physical Modeling, Algorithms, and Sound Synthesis: The NESS Project
Computer Music Journal (2019) 43 (2-3): 15–30.
Large-Scale Physical Modeling Synthesis, Parallel Computing, and Musical Experimentation: The NESS Project in Practice
Computer Music Journal (2019) 43 (2-3): 31–47.
Digital Musical Instruments
Tuning Playfully: Composed and Adaptive Tunings in bitKlavier
Computer Music Journal (2019) 43 (2-3): 67–88.
Internet of Things
Rapid Composition for Networked Devices: HappyBrackets
Computer Music Journal (2019) 43 (2-3): 89–108.
Machine Improvisation and Style Emulation
Learning of Hierarchical Temporal Structures for Guided Improvisation
Computer Music Journal (2019) 43 (2-3): 109–124.
Digitizing the Txalaparta: Computer-Based Study of a Traditional Practice
Computer Music Journal (2019) 43 (2-3): 125–141.
Automated Harmonization of Bass Lines from Bach Chorales: A Hybrid Approach
Computer Music Journal (2019) 43 (2-3): 142–157.
New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) Conference
Computer Music Journal (2019) 43 (2-3): 159–166.
The Digital Score: Musicianship, Creativity and Innovation
Computer Music Journal (2019) 43 (2-3): 166–168.
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