Submission Guidelines
Submissions must be made through CriticalProductive’s online submission system at:
CriticalProductive welcomes a.) text submissions consisting of a 2,000 to 6,000-word manuscript with accompanying figures or images (visuals are strongly encouraged) and b.) visual media submissions (project portfolios: art, design, architecture, urbanism, landscape) consisting of up to 10 separate visuals, with textual descriptions and captions, and an accompanying 1,000 to 3,000-word text. A text accompaniment, providing critical commentary around the visual work, is strongly encouraged for visual submissions to be considered for publication and should fortify the submission as a complete article.
Editorial Review and Submission Process
CriticalProductive is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal. As such, all editorial content is subjected to blind peer review by 2-4 reviewers, drawn internally from the Editorial Collective, or external specialists in fields or areas not represented by the Editorial Collective. Once a manuscript or work is submitted, the Editor in Chief will review the submission and ascertain its appropriateness to the theme of the issue. Editorial Collective and external reviewers will formally review submissions deemed suitable for publication. Following this review, a submission will be accepted, provisionally accepted provided that certain revisions are made, or rejected, and the contributor notified in a timely manner. If a submission is chosen for publication, the Editor in Chief / Editorial Assistant will summarize critical commentary and forward the summary to the contributor for revision of the work submitted. The acceptance of the contributor’s revisions shall constitute an acceptance to publish, and the contributor will be required to sign a contractual agreement as to the terms and conditions of publication.
General Guidelines
Manuscript Preparation
Contributors should send only proofread manuscripts, with correct punctuation, spelling, and citations, and images that are appropriately captioned and cited. All text documents must be submitted in 10-point (size) Times New Roman font, double-spaced, using the standards set forth by The Chicago Manual of Style. Do not use bold or italicized type nor different fonts or font sizes, but instead make separate communication where special emphasis or specific design requests are desired.
If you are sending a manuscript that includes figures or images, please send each as a separate file, NOT embedded within the text document. Each visual item should be numbered, titled, and have its placement indicated within the text. Please see below (text submissions, visual submissions) for specifics regarding format requirements for images.
Editorial Manager (EM)
Submissions must be made through CriticalProductive’s online peer-review / submission system, using an Author Login and the “Submit a Manuscript” function:
Manuscript Submission Guidelines: Writers
Submission Formats
All text documents should be submitted as Microsoft Office Document (.doc) files, via Editorial Manager. Figures or images should be uploaded to EM as individual, high-resolution JPG or TIFF files. When prompted, select “Manuscript” as the Article Type.
Citation of Sources
All sources should be properly cited within the text using the standards set forth by The Chicago Manual of Style. Please include a bibliography with your manuscript, unless you use endnotes or footnotes, in which case a separate list of works cited is not needed. Image captions should be included as a separate Microsoft Office Document (.doc) file.
Copyright Permissions
If your work contains citations, references, borrowed text, borrowed images, or other elements that are not of your own authorship, you must obtain the proper copyright permissions. All permissions must be obtained to use copyrighted photographs, illustrations, tables, drawings, or other images.
All letters of permissions should accompany your manuscript in the initial submission. The Journal is unable to subsidize the cost of attaining permissions for submitted work.
If more than one author has collaborated on a piece of work, each should have the opportunity to view the work before submission and throughout the editorial process. Please designate one person to handle correspondence with CriticalProductive, but include all contributors’ names and emails upon submission in EM, and ensure that all parties remain informed of editorial decisions.
AI/LLM Issues
- No LLM tool can be credited as an author on any submission;
- Any substantive use of LLM text-based or visual-based tools must be appropriately cited.
Writers' Fees
Writers of editorial content shall not be paid for their work, unless the work is especially commissioned for the Journal under special arrangement and under separate contract.
Visual Submission Guidelines: Architects/Designers/Artists
Image Submission Formats
Images should be submitted as individual, high-resolution TIFF files, via Editorial Manager. Images must be greyscale for B&W, and RGB for color (not CMYK). Ensure that files are 300 dpi @ 9”x12” or larger; this translates to an image that is 3,000 pixels x 2,400 pixels. All text documents should be uploaded as Microsoft Office Document (.doc) files. Please contact us regarding other visual formats (e.g., film). When prompted, select “Visual Media” as the Article Type.
Images should never be “resampled” in Photoshop (i.e., enlarged), and whenever possible, digital images should be “first generation” - for example, the native picture from a digital camera or scanner.
All images should be accompanied by a written caption including artist's name, title, date, and source credit. Captions should be included in the submission materials as a separate Microsoft Office Document (.doc) file.
Permissions for Images
If your work contains citations, references, borrowed text, borrowed images, or other elements that are not of your own authorship, you must obtain the proper copyright permissions. All permissions must be obtained to use copyrighted photographs, illustrations, tables, drawings, or other images.
All letters of permissions should accompany your manuscript in the initial submission. The Journal is unable to subsidize the cost of attaining permissions for submitted work.
If more than one contributor has collaborated on a piece of work, each should have the opportunity to view the work before submission and throughout the editorial process. Please designate one person to handle correspondence with CriticalProductive, but ensure that all parties remain informed of editorial decisions.
AI/LLM Issues
- No LLM tool can be credited as an author on any submission;
- Any substantive use of LLM text-based or visual-based tools must be appropriately cited.
Architects, Designers, Artists' Fees
Artists of creative work shall not be paid for their work, unless the work is especially commissioned for the Journal under special arrangement and under separate contract.
Direct any questions via email to:
Grace Cillo, Editorial Assistant