2023 Impact Factor: 2.1
2023 Google Scholar h5-index: 33
ISSN: 0011-5266
E-ISSN: 1548-6192
Editor in Chief: Phyllis S. Bendell
Drawing on the nation’s most prominent thinkers in the arts, sciences, humanities, and social sciences, as well as the professions and public life, Dædalus, the open access Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, explores the frontiers of knowledge and issues of public importance. Recent issues have examined Access to Justice; Inequality as a Multidimensional Process; Science and the Legal System; Why Jazz Still Matters; Political Leadership; Ethics, Technology, and War; Russia Beyond Putin; and The Prospects and Limits of Deliberative Democracy.
Current Issue
Social Justice in the United States
EDITORS Walt Wolfram, Anne H. Charity Hudley, and Guadalupe Valdés
Linguistic justice is central to social justice. Yet it has largely been left out of the swell of academic research and programs intended to address social and racial inequalities on campus and in American society. In fact, while higher education institutions have vocally supported antiracist and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, they have at the same time been active agents in the reproduction of linguistic inequality.
Language variation is highly politicized behavior, from the construct of “standardized languages,” which many consider essential for writing and speaking in academic settings, to narratives about language loss and “endangered” languages.
The Summer 2023 issue of Dædalus on “Language and Social Justice in the United States” examines the consequences of linguistic biases and suggests how we can integrate linguistic justice into our core values. The authors call for expansive approaches to countering linguistic bias—in the witness and jury box, at work, in art, in our everyday conversations, and beyond.