This article deals primarily with object design from a production-theoretical perspective. It is focused on the question of the rhetorical achievement of design, i.e., its persuasiveness, which was already discussed by Buchanan and Krippendorf in 1985. To this day, the relationship between aesthetic and rhetorical calculuses in the design process is controversial in theoretical discussion. The solution to the problem: Aesthetics and rhetoric combine in the appeal structure (1) at the moment of creation of design and (2) at the moment of the user's decision for an object. In these processes, the design argument results from the combination of aestheticized gestalt and rhetorical appeal of an object.
aesthetics, analysis, historical, appellative structure, appeal, argument, calculus, rhetorical, cognition confuse, concept, décor design, design argument, design of objects, designing, ethos, gestalt, influence, logos, notation, pathos, persuasion, pre-notation, production of design, rhetoric, object design, design of objects, zeug
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