Reproducibility is a cornerstone of scientific research. Data science is not an exception. In recent years scientists were concerned about a large number of irreproducible studies. Such reproducibility crisis in science could severely undermine public trust in science and science-based public policy. Recent efforts to promote reproducible research mainly focused on matured scientists and much less on student training. In this study, we conducted action research on students in data science to evaluate to what extent students are ready for communicating reproducible data analysis. The results show that although two-thirds of the students claimed they were able to reproduce results in peer reports, only one-third of reports provided all necessary information for replication. The actual replication results also include conflicting claims; some lacked comparisons of original and replication results, indicating that some students did not share a consistent understanding of what reproducibility means and how to report replication results. The findings suggest that more training is needed to help data science students communicating reproducible data analysis.

Reproducibility, the ability to replicate an experiment and obtain the same result, is a cornerstone of scientific research [1]. Science relies on reproducibility to weed out unreliable claims and self-correct when scientific misconduct occurs. The process of providing access to experiment materials with sufficient precision necessary to replicate has been considered as “a deeply established part of the scientific process” [2].

However, in recent years, scientists and the public are increasingly concerned about reproducible research. Nature [3] surveyed more than 1,500 scientists on whether there was a reproducibility crisis in science. 52% respondents answered “yes, a significant crisis” and 38% said “yes, a slight crisis”. The survey also found that more than 70% of researchers had tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half had failed to reproduce their own experiments.

Such crisis might have been more reported in natural science disciplines such as biomedicine (e.g., Kaiser [4]). However, with the increasing use of big data and data analytics in virtually all disciplines, this crisis becomes closely related to data science as an emergent discipline of its own. In fact, many previous replication studies focused on reproducing data analysis processes and results in various disciplines, such as empirical economics [5], epidemics [6] and psychology [7].

Discussions dedicated to reproducibility in data science have also emerged in recent years, from various perspectives [8]. Unlike many other domains where reproducibility has been mainly discussed as a science policy problem, particularly in the contexts of tenure and promotion review and publication review process [9, 2, 10], discussions in data science have paid special attention to reproducibility as an infrastructure problem [11, 12], which involves how to share code and data, as well as control the computing environment to support replication studies. Some other discussions look at reproducibility as a communication problem, arguing that although the infrastructure problem is largely solved now, the reproducibility problem still persists due to failed communication [13].

To date the discussion on improving reproducibility mainly targets matured researchers. In contrast, students in data science are rarely mentioned in such discussion, not to mention dedicated training to teach them the concept of reproducibility and how to practice it in their own data analyses. In spite of some pioneering effort such as (Howe [12]), reproducibility training and assessment in data science education is largely neglected, especially among undergraduates and Master's students in professional schools such as the iSchools, probably because the students are usually considered to be non-research oriented.

However, data science is science, and data analysis is research. A typical data science curriculum often includes a significant amount of coursework in data analytics, which exemplifies research skills in data science. Data analytics requires students to dive into data, find patterns, and provide evidence to prove that the patterns are reliable and useful. Therefore, training on Reproducible Data Analysis (RDA) should be an indispensable component in data science education. Students should understand the concept of reproducibility, and use it to guide their data analysis design and result reporting.

As the first step toward training RDA, this study focuses on the communication aspect and investigates students’ current understanding of reproducibility, whether they are able to communicate RDA, and if not, what skills are missing and what types of training can be helpful.

In this study, we designed a data analysis task with controlled computing infrastructure, and asked each student in a data mining class to carry out this task, write a report of the data analysis process and result, and then replicate another student's analysis based on that student's report only. We then designed a content analysis schema to code the completeness of description and replication outcomes. Specifically, this study aims to answer two research questions:

  1. How reproducible are students’ data analysis reports, as perceived by peers?

  2. Do students share consistent understanding of the concept reproducibility?

For the purpose of this study, we identified two perspectives in the literature on reproducible data analysis (RDA): the first considers RDA an infrastructure problem, while the second considers RDA a communication problem. Below we review literature from both perspectives.

2.1 RDA as an Infrastructure Problem

Prior studies have identified the access to data and code as the major barrier to reproducibility in data science [8]. Therefore, open access efforts have been made toward developing repositories, protocols and platforms that would allow researchers to deposit and share data and code, such as the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and GitHub.

As computer code execution is dependent on the computing environment factors such as operating systems and software versions, Howe [12] argued that cloud computing is an ideal solution for reproducibility in that virtualization provides controlled computing environments for replicating data analysis. Stodden and Miguez [11] also reviewed the best practices for reproducible research regarding software infrastructure and environments and concluded that current technologies are sufficient in providing infrastructure support for RDA.

2.2 RDA as a Communication Problem

As Peng [13] argued, although the infrastructure problem is largely solved for disseminating reproducible research, the language and communication problem still exists, and it is actually a bigger and deeper problem. He made an analogy that sharing code and data for communicating data analysis is like sharing an audio recording to communicate music, which is not as effective as the original scores in order to understand how the musician wrote the piece. This is because the recording provides too much information – although a trained ear can reconstruct the score, it would be a difficult and time-consuming task.

This point of view is supported by some studies such as (Dewald [5]), in which inadvertent errors were found to be common in published papers and computer programs, and thus even sharing data and code could not guarantee reproducibility. The further need for communicating data analysis is also demonstrated in various efforts for developing new documentation tools that can generate dynamic documents consisting of text, code and data for the convenience of reproducing experiments [14].

The idea itself is not new. Knuth [15] proposed WEB, a programming language that would allow programmers to consider a computer program a document to explain to human beings what we want a computer to do, rather than a script to instruct a computer what to do. Fast forward to today, some data analysis communities have developed new documentation tools to make replication easier. For example, R, one of the most popular data analysis tools [16], provides the “knit” function to allow users to write paragraphs of descriptions and explanations along with R source code into one R MarkDown (RMD) file [17]. After weaving/knitting, a Word or PDF file will be generated, which includes the source code, the accompanied explanations, and the output of each block of source code. The iPython Notebook tool also provides similar functions.

However, the availability of effective communication tools does not necessarily guarantee effective communication. We can identify two different situations depending on the purpose of information sharing. In the first situation, the information providers are demanded to share, while they do not necessarily have the need to share. This is the situation mainly discussed in the current reproducibility literature, in which the researchers were asked to share for the sake of reliable research.

In the second situation, the information providers really need to share information in order to seek help. For example, if a learner asks a data analysis question at and does not provide sufficient information for others to replicate the problem, or the information is unclear, or too much, he/she might not get an answer. Therefore, the ability to communicate reproducible data analysis is not only needed for research in data science, but also needed for learning in data science.

In fact, the problem of poor communication of reproducible data analysis can be best illustrated by the relevant discussions on community question answering sites among which Stackoverflow is one of the most popular. Stackoverflow maintains a help page [18] that defines three criteria for reproducible questions: (1) minimal – use as little code as possible to reproduce the same problem; (2) complete – provide all information needed to reproduce the same problem, and (3) verifiable – test the code you are going to provide to make sure it reproduces the problem.

Viewing reproducibility from the communication perspective, we designed the following experiment to evaluate a convenience sample of iSchool students’ understanding of reproducibility and their ability in communicating RDA. The experiment was carried out in a data mining course and thus was qualified as an action research [19].

3.1 Data Sample

A graduate-level text mining course in a reputable iSchool in the US was chosen as a convenience sample. All 22 registered students participated in this study, including 4 doctoral students and 18 Master's. The majority of students were from the information management program (16, 73%), with 6 (27%) others from accounting, finance, library science, linguistics and political science. As data science is highly interdisciplinary, students in data science courses are typically from a wide range of fields. It is noteworthy that this study is exploratory in nature, and due to the moderate sample size, the results is not intended for generalization.

3.2 Experiment Design

The students were first given an individual assignment to test the hypothesis that stemming can help sentiment classification (noted as “Stemming hypothesis” thereafter). This task required only basic understanding of data mining algorithms, which helps control possible biases introduced by students’ familiarity with the algorithms. Similarly, this experiment did not involve programming as students were required to use a graphic-based data analysis tool (Weka GUI). To control the computing infrastructure, students were required to use the same data analysis tool (Weka), the same algorithm (SMO), and the same movie review data set provided by the instructor. The assignment and the replication task (see below) were both conducted in lab sessions of the course where all students used computers in a lab in the iSchool. All software packages had been pre-installed to these computers, and thus the computational environment was consistent.

This assignment task involved two steps, vectorization and then classification. Students were given the freedom of changing parameters in each step, such as vocabulary size, schemes of word weighting, the kernel function in SMO, etc. Students were asked to report whether the Stemming hypothesis was consistently confirmed or disconfirmed with different parameter settings. Students were also reminded to provide necessary information for others to replicate their analyses. It is noteworthy that, as our goal was to test students’ current understanding of reproducibility, no additional training was provided to instruct what information should be reported and what should not.

After the students submitted their reports, the reports were printed out with author names redacted. The reports were then randomly ordered and assigned number IDs from 1 to 22. In the next class (one week after), the students were randomly given another student's report and asked to independently replicate the analyses in that report.

Upon finishing the replication, the students were asked to write a short report on their replication results and post it to a discussion forum on Blackboard. Specifically, the students were prompted to answer the following questions in their replication reports:

Q1: Were you able to replicate the results?

If yes, Q2a: did the replicated results support the Stemming hypothesis?

If no, Q2b: what information was missing for replicating the results? Were you able to recover the missing information through trials?

By analyzing answers to these questions, we expect to evaluate students’ ability in communicating reproducible data analyses, and the extent to which the students shared a consistent understanding of what reproducibility was in this particular data analysis task. If a shared understanding existed, we should see consistent answers to the above questions that students were prompted to answer; otherwise self-conflicting answers would occur. For example, a student who did not fully understand what reproducibility was might claim that the report was reproducible, but at the same time reported that some information was missing or drew an opposite conclusion on the Stemming hypothesis.

4.1 Coding Scheme on Reproducibility

The replication reports were downloaded from Blackboard. Student answers were independently annotated by both authors. The complete annotation schema with category definitions and examples is presented in Table 1 where the students are referred to as “evaluator”. Answers to Q1 were inductively categorized into three types: Yes, No, and Partial. For Q2a, five types of answers occurred: (1) both original and replication reports supported the hypothesis (co-support); (2) both refuted the hypothesis (co-refute); (3) replication supported the hypothesis but original report did not (own-support); (4) replication refuted the hypothesis but original report did not (own-refute); (5) replication report did not provide relevant information (unknown). This way of classification can help us tell not only reproducibility but also students’ ability in communicating replication results. Q2b received three types of answers: NM (No Missing information), M-R (Missing information but Recovered), and M-NR (Missing information, Not Recovered). Intercoder reliability between the two coders was measured by Cohen's kappa coefficient which achieved 1.00 for Q1, 0.74 for Q2a, and 0.80 for Q2b, indicating substantial to almost perfect agreement [20]. The disagreements were resolved through discussion.

Table 1.

Annotation schema and examples.

DimensionDefinitionValues and examples
Reproducibility Whether the results were reproduced or not. YES: evaluator explicitly confirmed the result was reproduced, e.g. “Yes, I can reproduce the result”. 
    NO: evaluator explicitly confirmed result was not reproduced, e.g. “failed to reproduce the same result”. 
    PARTIAL: evaluator confirmed reproducing a portion of the result, e.g. “Some of the results I get are the same as the results on the report but some are not”. 
Conclusion accordance Whether the evaluator reached the same conclusion as in the original report, and whether the results supported or refuted the Stemming hypothesis. CO-SUPPORT: evaluator reached the same conclusion and claimed stemming helped, e.g. “I did get the same results. The results support the hypothesis.” 
    CO-REFUTE: evaluator reached the same conclusion and claimed stemming did not help, e.g. “The result shows the hypothesis that stemming helps sentiment classification is wrong.” 
    OWN-SUPPORT: evaluator did not reach same conclusion but reported support through own experiments. 
    OWN-REFUTE: evaluator did not reach same conclusion but reported refutal through own experiments. 
    UNKNOWN: evaluator did not provide conclusion. 
Missing information Whether information was missing, either recovered or not. NM (No Missing): evaluator reported no missing information 
    M-R (Missing-Recovered): evaluator explicitly reported missing information, but managed to recover it, e.g. “the original author forgot to mention if he/she turned on lower case tokens, so I have to try twice to reproduce his/her result.” 
    M-NR (Missing-Not Recovered): evaluator explicitly confirmed missing information, but did not recover, no matter whether the evaluator tried to recover or not, e.g. “the information about the setting options is missing”. 
DimensionDefinitionValues and examples
Reproducibility Whether the results were reproduced or not. YES: evaluator explicitly confirmed the result was reproduced, e.g. “Yes, I can reproduce the result”. 
    NO: evaluator explicitly confirmed result was not reproduced, e.g. “failed to reproduce the same result”. 
    PARTIAL: evaluator confirmed reproducing a portion of the result, e.g. “Some of the results I get are the same as the results on the report but some are not”. 
Conclusion accordance Whether the evaluator reached the same conclusion as in the original report, and whether the results supported or refuted the Stemming hypothesis. CO-SUPPORT: evaluator reached the same conclusion and claimed stemming helped, e.g. “I did get the same results. The results support the hypothesis.” 
    CO-REFUTE: evaluator reached the same conclusion and claimed stemming did not help, e.g. “The result shows the hypothesis that stemming helps sentiment classification is wrong.” 
    OWN-SUPPORT: evaluator did not reach same conclusion but reported support through own experiments. 
    OWN-REFUTE: evaluator did not reach same conclusion but reported refutal through own experiments. 
    UNKNOWN: evaluator did not provide conclusion. 
Missing information Whether information was missing, either recovered or not. NM (No Missing): evaluator reported no missing information 
    M-R (Missing-Recovered): evaluator explicitly reported missing information, but managed to recover it, e.g. “the original author forgot to mention if he/she turned on lower case tokens, so I have to try twice to reproduce his/her result.” 
    M-NR (Missing-Not Recovered): evaluator explicitly confirmed missing information, but did not recover, no matter whether the evaluator tried to recover or not, e.g. “the information about the setting options is missing”. 

4.2 Reproducibility Result

The annotation result is reported in Table 2. Note that one student's answer to Q2a and Q2b was coded as “incomprehensible”.

Table 2.

Reproducibility coding result.

IDReproducibilityMissing info.Conclusion accordance
No M-NR Unknown 
Yes NM Co-refute 
No M-NR Own-support 
No M-NR Unknown 
Yes NM Co-support 
Yes Incomp. Incomp. 
No M-NR Unknown 
Yes M-R Co-refute 
No M-NR Unknown 
10 Yes NM Co-refute 
11 Yes NM Co-support 
12 Yes NM Co-support 
13 No M-NR Unknown 
14 Yes M-R. Co-support 
15 Yes M-R Co-support 
16 Yes NM Co-support 
17 Yes M-R Co-support 
18 Yes NM Co-refute 
19 Yes M-NR Unknown 
20 Yes M-NR Unknown 
21 Yes M-R Co-support 
22 Partial M-R Co-refute 
IDReproducibilityMissing info.Conclusion accordance
No M-NR Unknown 
Yes NM Co-refute 
No M-NR Own-support 
No M-NR Unknown 
Yes NM Co-support 
Yes Incomp. Incomp. 
No M-NR Unknown 
Yes M-R Co-refute 
No M-NR Unknown 
10 Yes NM Co-refute 
11 Yes NM Co-support 
12 Yes NM Co-support 
13 No M-NR Unknown 
14 Yes M-R. Co-support 
15 Yes M-R Co-support 
16 Yes NM Co-support 
17 Yes M-R Co-support 
18 Yes NM Co-refute 
19 Yes M-NR Unknown 
20 Yes M-NR Unknown 
21 Yes M-R Co-support 
22 Partial M-R Co-refute 

4.3 Peer-reported Level of Reproducibility

As a direct answer to RQ1, how reproducible students’ data analysis reports are, as perceived by peers, Table 2 shows that 15 out of 22 students reported they could reproduce results from original reports. Therefore peer-reported reproducibility level is 68% (15/22).

4.4 Shared Understanding of Reproducibility

RQ2 of this study asks whether students shared consistent understanding of reproducibility. We will answer this question by examining the results from two aspects: (1) consistency between reported reproducibility and reported missing information; (2) consistency between conclusions in the original and replication reports.

Consistency between reported reproducibility and reported missing information: Excluding one incomprehensible answer, 32% (7/22) replications reported no missing information, whereas 64% (14/22) reported that some critical information was missing, including 6 recovered (27%) and 8 not recovered (36%). Compared to the 68% peer-reported reproducibility in RQ1, only 32% original reports provided all necessary information for replication. Among the 15 reports that claimed reproducibility only 7 did not miss information, 5 claimed missing information but recovered, and 2 did not recover the information. The last 2 cases are self-conflicting as the evaluators could not recover missing information but still claimed to have reproduced the results in the original reports. Other self-conflicting answers explicitly claimed reproducibility but at the same time reported some results that did not match those in the original reports. Below are examples of self-conflicting answers:

“Able to reproduce the result: Yes; Are the results same: No”

“I am able to reproduce the ‘stemming for sentiment analysis’ experiment. Some of the results I get are the same as the result on report but some are not. For unigram term frequency, I could not see the number of term frequency in the report so I don't know what I need to put when I reproduce the result.”

“I am able to reproduce the 'stemming for sentiment analysis’ experiment. … However, I get different confusion matrix for all the four models.”

Overall, a total of 5 answers (24%) contain self-conflicting statements regarding reproducibility, indicating problems in shared understanding of reproducibility.

Consistency between conclusions in original and replicated results: We then examine whether the replication reports drew the same conclusions with the original reports. Table 3 shows the distribution of conclusion accordance, which shows 8 “co-support”, 4 “co-refute”, and 2 “unknown” among the evaluators who claimed results were replicated. For the 6 irreproducible cases, only 1 reported own result and the other 5 were “unknown”. Therefore, only 12 students (55%) were able to replicate and reported the replication result, including 8 “co-support” and 4 “co-refute”. One student was not able to replicate, but was able to communicate the replication result clearly. The other 9 students (41%) did not provide clear conclusions on their replication results, suggesting that they may lack the knowledge on how to communicate replication results.

Table 3.

Reproducibility vs. conclusion accordance

Conclusion accordance typeYesNo
Total 15 
Conclusion accordance typeYesNo
Total 15 


after excluding 1 partial reproducible case.

In this section, we summarize the results, with regard to common issues in communicating data analysis in a reproducible manner, and offer actionable suggestions. First, although 68% of the original data analysis reports written by students were claimed to be reproducible by peers, only 32% replications reported no missing information. One important skill for communicating reproducible data analysis is to assess what information is necessary and what is not, in order to provide just sufficient information for replication. This finding warrants the necessity of enhancing the training on RDA in data science programs and courses. A possible way of training would be to let students try to replicate others’ work, as an opportunity to experience the information needs involved in data analysis replication.

Second, 24% replication reports contained self-conflicting claims, indicating a lack of consistent understanding of what reproducibility means. Furthermore, 41% replication reports did not draw appropriate conclusion based on comparing original results and replication results, indicating a lack of skills to communicate replication results. The concept of reproducibility may seem intuitive, but the matter of fact is not. Therefore, data science curriculum needs to explicitly cover the definitions and principles of RDA as one of the core topics and learning outcomes.

Third, from the results, all irreproducible results reported missing information in the original reports and such information was not recoverable. In contrast, most (13 out of 15) reports that claimed reproducibility reported missing no information in the original reports or such information was recoverable. This once again evidences the importance of documenting all critical steps in data analysis procedures including parameter settings and pre-processing. In education settings, realizing such importance should thus be included as a learning outcome. In other words, data science educators need to train students to provide detailed information necessary for replication, rather than neglecting replicability or simply assuming other people would know.

Unlike specific knowledge or analytical skills, communication skills need training for a relatively long term. It is thus desirable for data science programs to set up a consistent teaching guideline on these skills across multiple courses and capstone projects. Seminars and workshops on reproducibility are also viable ways to train students, especially those in related programs with few data science courses.

We conducted an experiment in the classroom to evaluate data science students’ ability in communicating reproducible data analysis. The result shows that two thirds of original reports were perceived as reproducible by peer students; however, about a quarter of students loosely defined reproducibility and accepted irreproducible results as reproducible. Two thirds of the original reports lost necessary information for replication, and one third of replication reports did not compare original results and replication results, indicating that students need more training on understanding the rigorous definition of reproducibility, and practical skills in communicating reproducible data analysis. Based on the results, skills essential in communicating reproducible data analysis are discussed and suggestions are proposed toward facilitating students’ learning in this important aspect of research and practice in data science.

B. Yu ([email protected]) proposed the research problems, performed the research, collected and analyzed the data, and wrote and revised the manuscript. X. Hu ([email protected]) proposed the research problems, analyzed the data and wrote and revised the manuscript.

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Author notes

Dr. Bei Yu is an Associate Professor at the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University. She is also the Faculty Lead of the Certificate of Advanced Study in Data Science. Her research area is in applied natural language processing, especially sentiment and opinion analysis. Before joining Syracuse she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Dr. Yu earned her PhD from the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She holds both BS and MS degrees in computer science.

University of Hong Kong, Ringgold Standard Institution Room 209, Runme Shaw Building, Hong Kong 00000, China

Dr. Xiao Hu is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong. She is also the Program Director of Bachelor of Arts and Science in Social Data Science. Her main research interests are applications of data mining and machine learning in the domains of Information, Education and Culture, including learning analytics, music information retrieval, affective computing and data science. Dr. Hu holds a PhD degree in Library and Information Science, Master's degrees in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, and a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Information Systems.

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